Develop predictive model

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133216878

Part 1.

Suppose you are tasked to develop a predictive model and the dataset consists of both categorical and continuous variables. Is it possible to write a model that would combine both types of variables? If yes, write a small dataset and illustrate your ideas by presenting the model. If not, explain why with an example of variables, and identify where the problem is in designing the predictive model.

Part 2.

Consider the following statement: "ANCOVA is essentially a combination of linear regression and ANOVA." Explain what is meant by this statement? Use an example to illustrate your explanation.

The explanation should be based on a small dataset, synthetically generated, with four predictor variables x1, x2, x3, and x4, and one outcome variable, y. Defend your choice of variables and explain how you could control for covariates that might influence the outcome.

Reference no: EM133216878

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