Reference no: EM133172862
BSBMGT402 Implement operational plan
Assessment Task 1:
Assessment Requirements
1. Consider the scenario, task and supporting documents provided in the appendices.
2. Prepare to consult with your manager (assessor) and agree on time.
3. Consult with your manager. Discuss:
a. resource requirements
b. options for implementing operational plan
c. performance indicators
d. possible risks to implementation of operational plan and potential control measures and reporting - ensure you discuss possible impact on work teams and your proposals for providing information and consultation with workers to ensure they are included in the planning process.
4. Develop plan for implementing operational plan with respect to one resource (personnel, physical resource), include monitoring and reporting activities.
5. Develop a balanced scorecard for use in performance managing a team leader.
6. Develop a contingency plan for managing a risk to implementation. Include consultative activities.
7. Develop a one page draft business case to propose resourcing. Include:
a. approximate cost for each item
b. explanation of benefit for organisation
c. summary of delegation authority and organisational procurement process
Role: StorPlus operations general manager
You have met with technical experts and consultancies, team leaders and workers from various warehouses and OHS representatives to gather detail on resourcing requirements to meet the target of 20% increase in distribution capacity at the Caboolture warehouse. You are able to relay this information to the business manager of the Caboolture warehouse.
Encourage candidate to ask questions to actively consult and gather information. Embellish information to contextualise appropriately to meet needs of candidates.
• resource requirements
• options for implementing operational plan in accordance with organisational policy
• performance indicators for team leaders to adhere to operational plan and possible design of scorecards
• possible risks to implementation of operational plan, control measures and consultative process.
Assessment - Scenario: StorPlus Pty Ltd
It is the beginning of the 2016/2017financial year. You are the warehouse business manager for the Caboolture warehouse. Market research has indicated your warehouse has a great potential for growth this financial year. According to operational plans, the business plans to lift distribution capacity by 15% overall to meet projected demand. The target for your warehouse is 20%.
You will need to consult with the operations general manager to discuss:
• resource requirements
• options for implementing operational plan
• performance indicators for team leaders to adhere to operational plan
• possible risks to implementation of operational plan, control measures and consultative process
Your manager possesses the information you need; however, you will need to plan your meeting carefully and consider questions you will need to ask in order to gather necessary information to complete this task.
Your budget for HR resourcing is $300,000 per annum and your budget for new plant and equipment is $250,000.
In order to raise distribution capacity by 20%, all resourcing measures will need to be in place by the end of the first quarter and show 20% improvement in distribution capacity by the end of the second quarter.
You will need to:
• develop an implementation plan
• use performance measures to develop a balanced scorecard for use in performance management of a team leader in your team
• undertake a risk assessment and develop a contingency plan for identified risks
• develop a one page draft business case for resourcing that the operations general manager may use to make proposal to board of directors