Develop performance plans to establish expected outcomes

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM133148480

BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness - TAFE NSW

Learning outcome 1:
1.1 Consult team members to establish a common understanding of team purpose, roles, responsibilities and accountabilities in accordance with organisational goals, plans and objectives
1.2 Develop performance plans to establish expected outcomes, outputs, key performance indicators (KPIs) and goals for work team
1.3 Support team members in meeting expected performance outcomes

Learning outcome 2:
2.1 Develop strategies to ensure team members have input into planning, decision making and operational aspects of work team
2.2 Develop policies and procedures to ensure team members take responsibility for own work and assist others to undertake required roles and responsibilities
2.3 Provide feedback to team members to encourage, value and reward individual and team efforts and contributions
2.4 Develop processes to ensure that issues, concerns and problems identified by team members are recognised and addressed

Learning outcome 3:
3.1 Encourage team members and individuals to participate in and to take responsibility for team activities, including communication processes
3.2 Support the team in identifying and resolving work performance problems
3.3 Ensure own contribution to work team serves as a role model for others and enhances the organisation's image for all stakeholders

Learning outcome 4:
4.1 Establish and maintain open communication processes with all stakeholders
4.2 Communicate information from line manager/management to the team
4.3 Communicate unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by team members and follow-up with line manager/management and relevant stakeholders
4.4 Evaluate and take necessary corrective action regarding unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by internal or external stakeholders

Task 1 - Written responses

This activity has been designed to assess your knowledge and understanding of leading and managing team effectives within projects.

This task consists of questionnaires which associates with the knowledge of project management (PMBOK) in dealing, managing and leading a project team. The responses should include the following:
• Must be relevant to your project as stated in BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope, unless otherwise stated. Responses should link to the theoretical aspects of team effectiveness management followed by relevant experience / exposure of your nominated project you recently have or are currently working on to progress both your studies and your projects simultaneously. Your response to the questionnaires must relate to the same project topic chosen for BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope subject unit.
• However, if you have started with this subject topic as an initial attempt of this course, you must negotiate and discuss with your Assessor to consider a project that you recently or are currently working on or a project that you have worked in the past.
• If workplace project exposure does not apply to you, you must negotiate with your assessor to use a scenario/case study examples that you will find on e-learning. However, case study examples are a suitable substitute where workplace examples cannot be provided. Case studies are available on e-learning. Theory answers without reference to your experience will not be assessed as satisfactory
• Demonstrate that you can or have applied what you have learnt to your project, regardless of whether you have undertaken all the performance requirements in your workplace

Task 2 - Portfolio of Evidence

The portfolio of evidence comprises the assessment of the application of your project team effectiveness knowledge. You will need to demonstrate your management skills in leading and managing your project team applied to a project which is based on the project you have chosen for BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope subject unit. It should state relevant experience / exposure of your nominated project you recently have or are currently working on to progress both your studies and your projects simultaneously.

If you have started with this subject topic as an initial attempt of completing this course, you must negotiate and discuss with your Assessor to consider a project that you recently or are currently working on or a project that you have worked in the past.

If workplace project exposure does not apply to you, you must negotiate with your assessor to use a scenario/case study examples that you will find on e-learning. However, case study examples are a suitable substitute where workplace examples cannot be provided. Case studies are available on e-learning.

To such a degree you must negotiate with your assessor to use a scenario/case study examples that you will find on e-learning.

Your nominated project must be agreed between you and your Assessor so that its methodology, tools and techniques accommodate to the performance requirements of each Unit of Competency prior to start of work on the unit.

Some of the tasks have been developed as a reflection of gaining feedback and ideas on methods, plans, strategies, standards, team effort and inputs of individual project team members through verbal interactions that may occur in a real-life project environment situation whilst managing and dealing with a project team. Students are encouraged to conduct those tasks by interacting with classmates and stage a real-life work environment to brainstorm and generate an understanding of the work situation.
In addition, a role play task has been developed based on staged real-life workplace environment as will be generated by your Assessor, with the consideration of your nominated project environment. You are to follow the guidelines on how to demonstrate the role play with reference to the marking guide provided in the appendices. Partners from your class will be required to assist you to conduct the role play to demonstrate the skills and knowledge of the units. Instructions are provided to which students must comply to gain the competency level.
Your project must comprise:

• a comprehensive, detailed and integrated project management plan
• a formal communications plan
• a devoted and project-based budget
• formal and planned involvement with a wide range of stakeholders
• a documented risk, issues and change-management methodology
• a quality plan with assurance and control processes
• a project team-based environment.

Evidence of the following is important:

• demonstration of team effectiveness management for several complex projects
• knowledge of team effectiveness management plans, tools, issues and likely challenges
Performance Evidence
• use leadership techniques and strategies to facilitate team cohesion and work outcomes including:
• encouraging and fostering shared understanding of purpose, roles and responsibilities
• identifying and resolving problems
• providing feedback to encourage, value and reward others
• modelling desired behaviour and practices
• develop policies and procedures to ensure team members take responsibility for own work and assist others to undertake required roles and responsibilities
• establish processes to address issues and resolve performance issues
• support team to meet expected performance outcomes including providing formal and informal learning opportunities as needed
• develop performance plans with key performance indicators (KPIs), outputs and goals for individuals or the team which incorporate input from stakeholders
• communicate effectively with a range of stakeholders about team performance plans and team performance
• facilitate two-way flow of information between team and management relevant to team performance
• evaluate and take necessary corrective action regarding unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by internal or external stakeholders.

Knowledge Evidence
• explain how group dynamics can support or hinder team performance
• outline strategies that can support team cohesion, participation and performance
• explain strategies for gaining consensus
• explain issue resolution strategies.

Question 1: Describe how you consulted and maintained open communication with your project team to secure a mutual understanding of team purpose, roles and responsibilities in compliance with the organisational requirements?

Question 2: As a Project Manager you should work out objectives that meet the needs of the project and have the total support of the work team. Stages of development (Tuckman's original theory of group behaviour and evolution) is a consideration to ensure successful achievement of project objectives. Discuss what Stages of Development consists of and state what do you see your role during those stages?

Question 3: To what degreewas your team responsible for its own quality? Who does the checking and rectification?State if you had to encourage them in meeting expected project outcome.

Question 4: What skills do team members need to work in a team as stated in the performance plans,rather than in a traditional hierarchical structure? State the function competencies (technical skills), interpersonal skills and teamwork skills required to operate effectively inteam in your project.

Question 5: Classify the variety of communication strategies and proposespecific strategies to generate an appropriate communication environment.Also, state what you should do to make your project team an effective one

Question 6: How do you,as Project Manager, to ensure successful team operation, maintainanopen, honest and productive relationship with your team membersthat depends on effective communication? To respond to this question, answer directly to the following questions a) - f).

a) How easy is it to get information from other members?(0.5 mark)
b) Do team members consider one another's feelings? If so, how do they consider them? (0.5 mark)
c) Do team members consider one another's viewpoints? (0.5 mark)
d) Do you all give information willingly? Consider why or why not? (0.5 mark)
e) Do you know what your fellow team members think about your contribution? If so, what do they think? (0.5 mark)
f) Are you open with each other, or is your conversation strictly about the job

Question 7: Describe a situation where you communicated unresolved issues, concerns or a problem raised by team members to management and how you followed up on the resolution. Also outline the methods used to recognise the issue, concern or problem.(

Task 2 - Portfolio of Evidence

You must use the same project for all units in this course and must relate to the project you will nominate for this subject unit, unless your nominated project changes during the course or cannot adapt to the performance requirements of any of the units of competency. If either or both events occur during your course, you must contact your Assessor to find out what you need to do to continue to satisfy the course performance requirements and achieve competency.

The project must be in an organisation, business or you are operating as a consultant.

Your nominated project must have:

• a comprehensive, detailed and integrated project management plan
• a formal communicationplan
• a dedicated and project-based budget
• formal and planned engagement with a wide range of stakeholders
• a documented risk, issues and change-management methodology
• a quality plan with assurance and control processes
• a project team-based environment.

You will need to complete the relevant templates from each performance evidence area which are provided, you are required to use the given templates or from your workplace of similar context that provide evidence of your competency

A. Establishing Team Performance Plan Team Objective Statement
Responsibility Assignment matrix

Complete the following ResponsibilityAssignment matrix for a project you have managed/nominated project, and create the list for organising a project team, and a Roles and Responsibility Table for documenting all the members of a project team.

Provide at least 6 (six) tasks as per your nominated project.

A2. Skills Matrix
Complete the following matrix for a project you have managed/nominated project, listing the deliverables in the first column and label each of the remaining columns with your projects team members' names (Must refer your nominated project as stated in BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope). Use the codes to indicate each person's role.

A3. Team Purpose Identification
To assist youcomplete a team performance plan, you are required to contemplate team purpose from your team members by identifying responses of team purposes questionnaires as given below. To develop appropriate project team objectives, it is important to venture, during the initial meeting with the team and brainstorm possible solutions to a problem and acknowledge their certain expectation level of the project.
Complete the Team purpose questionnaires and write your findings in the given template below: (for the responses to the questions, you may work with two or three of your classmates and assumethem as your project team members to discuss and brainstorm ideas for the questions and record your findings)

A4.Team Objective Statement
Identify the team objectives within the context of the project for the purposes of securing a performance plan for the team that you are managing or have managed, by using the template provided or a workplace equivalent.

B. Team Consultation Plan

B1. DevelopingProject Team Consultation Plan
As the Project Manager, you need to consult with your team when developing performance plans. Complete the following consultationplan. You must ensure the information provided is relevant to your nominated project as stated in BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope and also for the methods to consult should be relevant to BSBPMG516 Project Information and Communication management.

You may conduct this task ((if needed or supportive to identify your findings) by interacting with two of your classmates and stage a real-life work environment to brainstorm and generate an understanding on team effort and their contribution with a project. Through such an interaction approach you can generate ideas on methods to communicate and what could be the input from those team members to support your findings. You may take the role of the Project Manager and assume your classmates to act as the team members.

B2. Contributing tosupport team members

Outline on how you, as their Project Manager can identifyways or contribute to support the project team to achieve expected outcomes.

C. Key Performance Indicators:

Project Management defines the Key performance indicators (KPIs) as quantifiable indicators that practicesspecific measurement tools on how soundthe project team isaccomplishingproject goals by tracking the project's performance.
Based on your project scope, it is vital as a Project Manager to benchmark measures which may include client satisfaction, meeting standards, return on investment (ROI), productivity, cost performance, cycle time, schedule performance, teamfulfilment and alignment with strategic business goals.Your aim is to complete the project on time through monitoring and understandingyour team's work progression and instigate the project towards long-term achievements.
As the Project Manager, you need to develop key performance indicators for your team that assures leadingthem to evidently recognise determination, roles, tasks and aims compatible with the developed project management plan and its integrity.
Using the template below, analyse objectives anddevelop at least 5 (five)key performance indicators and work plans for your team. Refer to the performance standards that you have stated in Task B1 and develop associated Key Performance Indicators, as these are generally decided early in the project. Ensure that your stated KPI's meet the SMART criteria.
You may conduct this task (if needed or supportive to identify your findings) by interacting with classmates and stage a real-life work environment to brainstorm and generate an understanding on identifying the appropriate KPI's and standards required for your project team members. Through such an interaction you can generate ideas work plans and methods to support their work. You may consider taking the role of the Project Manager and assume your classmates to act as the experts. You may brainstorm on ideas with them to support your findings.

D. Supporting the team

One of your vital roles is to offerprovisionto your project team in meeting the expectedperformance standard outcomes as stated in Task C.
You are required to use the following template to identify your effort as a Project Manager and record your strategies and plans to support your project team to meet the performance standards in order for the project to be successful. Your identified methods must be relevant to the Key Performance Indicators and work plans stated in Task C.You must includeat least 5 (five) key performance indicators and associated data. You may include the process by which you are going to communicate those expectations to your team. Your organisation will likely have policies and procedures around this activity.
You may conduct this task (if needed or supportive to identify your findings) by interacting with your classmates and stage a real-life work environment to brainstorm and generate an understanding on identifying the appropriate KPI's and methods to support your project team members. You may consider taking the role of the Project Manager and assume your classmates to act as the experts. You may brainstorm on ideas with them to support your findings.

Undertake an analysis for your team and write a report in form of a plan for using approaches to provide support for your project team. The plan should be compliant with identified performance standards and the organisation's policies and procedures and validate involvement of your human resources department/project in the development of this support plan.
You are required to use the template below or any other template from your workplace.You must includeat least 5 (five) key performance indicators and associated data to complete this task.

E. Team Input for planningdecision making and operational aspects

Being theProject Manager, it is indispensable that you have strategies at the ready to furnish your team opportunities for input into planning, decision making and the operational aspects of the work team.
Provide team member input report by answering the following questionnaires. Please provide your responses in the given spaces. Describe the process by which you sought active input from your project team members and the outcome. You may include the process by which you are going to communicate with your team as our organisation will likely have policies and procedures around this activity.
You will need to complete the written responses within the provided below templates from each knowledge area which are provided to demonstrate evidence of your competency.

Question 1.Clarify the benefits you have experiencedof involving your team in decision making, planning and operational aspects of their work

Question 2.Outline the shortcomings and difficulties that will/canariseand impact on the project outcome should you not actively involve the team for this situation? Provide an example when similar situation took place in your project.

Question 3. Provide a scenario during the project life-cycle when you sought the input from your team members to make a decision or plan to achieve a positive outcome. State the strategies you used and the achieved outcome

F. Self-managing Team
You require your team members to take responsibility for their own work and also assist others in the team to achieve the team goals.As a Project Manager, you must consider the developed policies and procedures to ensure team members take responsibility for own work and assist others to undertake required roles and responsibilities.

Question 1.State thestrategies that you used in order to facilitate your project team to be self-managing and encourage them to contribute and communicate effectively with one another to attainproject goals.(

Question 2.Describe the key aspects of self-managing team within the context of your project that required supervision, monitoring and direction on a regular basis. Provide an example to illustrate your discussion.

G. Feedback to the Team
As a Project Manager you require to give feedback to your project team to encourage, value and reward their efforts and engagements.
Provide detailed information the methods that you give feedback to your team and reward excellence for their achieved performances by answering the following questionnaires. Please provide your responses in the given spaces. Include in your responses, the compliance with organisational policies and procedures for recognising excellenceand process by which you are going to communicate ways with the Key Stakeholders to discuss options.
You may conduct this task (if supportive for your findings) by interacting with two of your classmates and stage a real-life work environment to brainstorm and generate an understanding on team effort and their contribution with a project. Through such an interaction technique you can generate ideas on how you will encourage and value team effort. You may take the role of the Project Manager and assume your classmates to act as the team members. You may brainstorm on ideas with them to support your findings.

Question 1. Describe a situation where you provided feedback to team member/s. Include the purpose of this feedback and how effective it was in achieving the purpose. If it was effective, why was it effective? If it was not effective, what would you do differently next time?

Question 2. Outline how you ensured that you were able to comply with organisational policies and procedures when recognising excellence in performance of your team members for a goal they achieved. Provide a scenario from your project implementation

H. Resolving Issues
H1. Established Processes to detect and resolve issues

State the established processes to address issues and resolve performance issues within your project life cycle. You may include any organisational policies and procedures (e.g. escalation process, reporting relationship etc.) around this activity.

H2. Identifiedissues by Team members and resolution

You are required to use the following template to confirm that issuesidentified by your project team members are recognised and addressed.Your project will likely have policies and procedures around this activity. Provide at least 4 (four) issues and associates awareness, options, resolutions and communication method.

I. Resolving poor performance
Being the Project manager, you need to maintain the performance standards of the team as a whole, as well as the individuals within the team. Work performance problems must be identified and resolved.

I1. Support to identifying poor performance and resolution

List atleast 4 (four) performance issuesof the team as a whole, and individuals you supported with your team during the project (in the table below) including a recommendation for improvements for each issue

I2. Conducting team meeting to identify and resolve performance issues
For the project, provide evidence of how you conducted a team meeting by creating a project meeting minutes by completing the template given below. Provide your findings and state them within the template. Meetings should be run with an agenda, minutes taken, and meeting minutes published. Meeting minutes provide a record or snapshot of project progress at a point of time.
To report to higher authority if the issues identified and strategies to resolve you must include the following purposes within the team meeting report:
• Conveyingissues to the acknowledgement of the team
• Assisting the team to recognise that an issue has been raised
• Supporting the team to identify the motives behind the issue
• Exemplifying the impacts on project outcomes if the issues endures
• Negotiating an agreement with the team communally on an action plan
• Confirming that the action plan is accepted and carried out as per decision made

J. Role Model for the team
J1. Setting example and coaching and mentoring

As a project manager, your ability to act and set an example as a role model for your team encourages them to model their own behaviour.

Question 1. Describe how you lead by example as a Project Manager. Outline your contribution to the team work provide a role model for others within your project team?

Question 2. Describe a situation where you used coaching or mentoring to informally coach/ guide your team membersduring the project life-cycle

J2. Affect due to negative role modelling

Assume the following scenario being occurred within your project. State as a Project Manager, your opinion, the impact that this behaviour is likely to have upon the team.
You have received a complaint from team member against his team leader under whom he is supervised. The team leader is responsible for managing a team for a particular task of the project. The team leader is aware about the situation and has already informed the team member that they had acted correctly. However, the leader does not defend or explain theteam member's actions to you.
State your response below covering the following consideration: In what way
• can the above behaviour disturb the relationship between the team leader and the team, and the team's perceptions of their Team leader?
• can the stated behaviour above influence the team's behaviour and relationships with other team members?
• can the above behaviour impact the overall performance of the team?

K. Conflict Resolution

Provide your project conflict resolution process for both positive and negative conflicts by using the template provided below. Provide at least two (2) examples for eachconflict where you identified and resolved the conflicts.
Consider the following to support your findings:
• significance of executing prompt action and the consequences of delaying action.
• techniques you used to outline the issues and identify the both parties
• importance of finding a Win-Win outcome
• significance of understanding both points of view
• support for both parties to discover innovative possibilities for resolving the conflict
• achievement of closure and agreement

L. Communication with Stakeholders

For this task, you are required to provide how you had or have communicated with all your internal and external Stakeholders within or outside the project to ensure that your team members have all relevant information about project decisions that may affect them.You need to identify the key stakeholders and their needs and develop an outline of a communications plan by utilising the template given below or you may use any other similar template that is related to your project used within your workplace or create one of your own.

M. Team Concerns
As a Project manager of the project, you need ensure that any issues, concerns or problems raised by your team are resolved. Where you are unable to resolve the issue yourself, you will need to escalate the problem by communicating and following up with higher authority of the project (e.g. Project Sponsors, Financial investors, Key stakeholders etc)
Assume ascenario being occurred within your project, where during the project delivery phase, it requires review of a strategic management decision due to recent pay rate changes announced by the State Government. This announcement forces the pay structure for your project team members to be reviewed concerning the team members that this will disadvantage them.
You may conduct this work (if needed or supportive to identify your findings) with discussing and interacting with your classmates considering a real-life project work environments and having project team members on discussing concerns that maybe raised by them. You may brainstorm on ideas to support your findings.

N. Client Complaint Resolution
For the project you are managing or have managed, provide evidence of how you contributed your responsibility for your project team in achieving its goals and promoting the goals as a whole, by addressing your Key Stakeholder's (Client) complaint about the project outcome/services from your team. You are required to consider a scenario or situation within your project and should be related to the whole team's actions and not one individual team member.
Team members must be aware of the problem raised and must be given directions on needed actions to resolve the problem ensuring client satisfaction. This awareness can be made by a team meeting. For the successful outcome of this task you are required to complete three (3) tasks as stated below:

a) Conduct a role play that a project meeting arranged by you, thatwill demonstrate how you willcommunicate effectively with a range of stakeholders, e.g. project team members, based on the Key Stakeholder's (Client) complaint about the project outcome/services team performance plans and team performance on any issues.

You are to include the following:

• consider an issue that has been raised by the Key Stakeholder(Client) during a phase of your nominated project life cycle regarding your project's team performance and plan in achieving project outcome
• identifying issues raised by client and discuss ways to resolve matters
• generate ideas or improvements on work plans, policies,methods and actions and/or continuous improvements that must be taken to achieve a positive project outcome to support their work
• you will conduct this role play with two other classmates (the classmates will not be assessed) in which you will take the role of the Project Manager and your classmates to act as the team members ( e.g. which may consist of expertise, team leader and/or project member) participating in the project meeting

b) Client Complaint meeting agenda
You are required completerecordingthe project meeting agenda by completing the template given below. The information must be related to the above task, Task 2 N (b), the meeting roleplay that you have conducted with your project team. Outlineyour discussed findings and state them within the template

To support you develop the agenda you may consider the following points:
• unresolved issue that was raised by the client
• actions that were taken, and how those actions caused the unresolved issue
• actions that need to be taken in order to ensure that the issue is resolved, either in the current instance or for future situations.

c) Develop a formal memo or an email to your team member to ensure that they are aware of the issue raised and that a meeting has been arranged to discuss techniques to resolve the issue.Provide detailed information to ensure the team members understand the significance of the meeting arranged.

Attachment:- Lead and Manage Team Effectiveness.rar

Reference no: EM133148480

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