Develop parenting plan and timesharing schedule for parties

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Reference no: EM133620804


Harry and Wanda are getting divorced after a 5 year marriage. The following facts apply to this divorce:

A. Harry is a neurosurgeon that makes $12,000 a month; Wanda is an RN that makes $8,000 a month; Both were in these jobs when they got married

B. There is one minor child, Sonny, who is a 5 year old boy. He lives with Wanda currently in the marital home on Bayshore Drive in Tampa (worth 1 million). Harry lives in the condo the couple owns in Channelside that is worth 1 million also.

C. Harry sees Sonny for a full week of overnights after Sonny is with his mom for 3 weeks of overnights (So Dad gets 1 week a month, Mom gets other 3 weeks).

D. Harry drives a 2014 Range Rover (worth $80,000) and Wanda drives a Lexus SUV (worth $75,000). The parties have two back accounts, BOA #1 has $200,000, BOA#2 has $205,000. Harry has a 401K worth $500,000 and Wanda has a 401K worth $450,000.

E. Harry has school loans of $150,000. Wanda has school loans of $100,000. The parties have no other debt.

You are the Judge. You must decide the following:

A. Develop a parenting plan and timesharing schedule for the parties.

B. Explain how equitable distribution should be done of the parties assets and debts in this matter.

Reference no: EM133620804

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