Develop out of values are referred to by sociologists

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Reference no: EM131098209

Question 1 
What conclusion can be drawn from Solomon Asch's experiment on group conformity?
Because of group pressure, most people are willing to say things they know are not true.
Americans are highly individualistic and reluctant to conform to group pressure.
Women are more susceptible to group pressure than men.
Younger people are more susceptible to group pressure than older adults.

Question 2 
The coexistence of such values as democracy and equality alongside the values of hard work, education, and efficiency illustrate the condition of ________.
value clusters
value strain
value coexistence
value contradiction

Question 3 
The research method referred to as "participant observation" is also called ________.
field work
survey research
secondary analysis

Question 4 
One of the primary differences between the study of society done by the people of ancient civilizations and that conducted by sociologists in the 19th century was that:
only 19th century sociologists addressed social problems.
ancient civilizations were egalitarian and did not address class differences.
only 19th century sociologists tested their theories with systematic research.
war and social conflict were a product of the industrial revolution and unknown to ancient peoples.

Question 5 
Based on the studies conducted by Max Weber, which of the following scenarios is the most accurate?
Nations embracing Roman Catholicism would be the leaders of the industrial world.
The religious affiliation of a nation is irrelevant to its economic success.
Capitalism was more likely to flourish in Protestant countries.
Capitalism was the only economic system that could thrive in Christian nations.

Question 6 
Which of the following phrases is least descriptive of or related to the concept of culture?
Jewelry, hairstyle, and makeup are characteristics indicative of culture.
There is one basic culture that acts as a standard to determine the appropriateness of values, norms, and behaviors.
There is nothing inherently "natural" about culture.
A group's way of thinking is called non-material culture.

Question 7 
A tendency to use our own group's ways of doing things as the yardstick for judging others is called ________.
culture shock
relativist fallacy

Question 8 
Gestures, language, values and social norms are examples of ________.
material culture
non-material culture
cultural relativism

Question 9 
The expectations, or rules of behavior, that develop out of values are referred to by sociologists as ________.

Question 10 
Mark and Sally went walking in the park. Both of them were wearing nothing on the upper half of their bodies. Mark would be violating a ________, Sally would be violating a ________.
more; folkway
more; taboo
folkway; more
folkway; taboo

Question 11 
In the "nature v. nurture" controversy, which of the following terms least applies to nurture?
social environment

Question 12 
Bob's football coach is a very important influence in his life. Many of Bob's actions are attempts to win the approval of his coach. Based on Mead's theory on development, which concept applies most to the relationship between Bob and his coach?
Bob's coach serves as a generalized other to him.
Bob's coach is one of his significant others.
Bob's coach is a member of Bob's secondary group.
Bob's coach is a member of a select out-group.

Question 13 
Piaget's stage in which children become "young philosophers" and are capable of abstract thinking is the ________ stage.
formal operational
looking glass self
symbolic self

Question 14 
What is the single best reason why children of more affluent neighborhoods are supervised more by neighbors and other community members than children from poor neighborhoods?
There is less police presence in affluent neighborhoods.
Parents in less affluent neighborhoods care less for their children.
More affluent neighborhoods have less transition and know the children better.
There is a greater racial and ethnic mix in poor neighborhoods creating prejudice.

Question 15 
The process of learning new norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors is called ________.
the "looking glass self"
anticipatory socialization

Question 16 
Jennie is studying how the President's new economic policies are affecting employment and unemployment rates, homelessness, and the amount of money people save. In view of this, Jennie is primarily utilizing which sociological approach?
qualitative analysis

Question 17 
Cordell Walker is a Texas Ranger, a husband, a father, a good friend to many, and a martial artist. Together, these titles comprise what sociologists would call Walker's ________.
social roles
social class
status set
ascribed statuses

Question 18 
What is the primary difference between an ascribed status and an achieved status?
Achieved statuses have roles attached to them but ascribed statuses do not.
Ascribed statuses never change while achieved statuses do.
Ascribed statuses are involuntary while achieved statuses are voluntary.
Ascribed statues can also be a master status but achieved statuses cannot.

Question 19 
The domestication of plants and animals was to the first social revolution as the ________ was to the fourth social revolution.
invention of the plow
invention of the steam engine
invention of the microchip
decoding of the human genome system

Question 20 
According to Durkheim, the shared consciousness that people experience as a result of performing the same or similar tasks is called ________.
mechanical solidarity
organic solidarity

Question 21 
Sarah works for the American Hair and Felt Corporation. This group is one of the ________ groups to which Sarah belongs.

Question 22 
Because of a sense of belonging and loyalty to our in-groups, we often tend to judge our own group's traits as virtues, but see the same traits in other groups as vices. This judgment of superiority is an example of ________.
subcultural relativity
cultural objectivity
a double standard
cultural pluralism

Question 23 
Upon graduating from a small midwestern high school, Joe enrolled in a large, west coast university. He observed that his classmates used different slang terms and wore clothing quite different from that worn in his old high school. Joe began to adopt the behavior patterns of the new college peers that now made up his ________.
primary group
reference group
secondary group

Question 24 
Most major companies sponsor "diversity training" lectures and workshops for their employees. What is the ultimate purpose of these efforts?
They stimulate an understanding of cultural differences.
They increase stereotypes and segregation of employees.
They increase company profits.
They emphasize the qualities that will lead to workers' success.

Question 25 
Which is not characteristic of a bureaucracy:
Written rules.
A division of labor.
Individual decision making.

Question 26 
In the United States, the best example of the nonmaterial culture never catching up with the material culture is illustrated by:
the nine-month school year.
the idea of shopping on the Internet.
the replacement of small town shopping by shopping at the mall.
the introduction of multiculturalism and a persistence of prejudice in the South.

Question 27 
The distance zone extending from 18 inches to four feet that is reserved for friends and acquaintances and ordinary conversations is called ________.
intimate distance
personal distance
social distance
public distance

Reference no: EM131098209

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