Develop options for the direction and focus of the policy

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131192957 , Length: 3000

I - BSBSUS501A Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability

Assignment 1 - Develop policy

Performance objective: In this assessment task, you will need to demonstrate the skills required to review and develop policies.

You will need to consult with the business manager to develop a sustainability policy that is consistent with organisational approaches to sustainability and complies with legislative and regulatory requirements.

Assessment description: You have been hired as the new environment officer at Tiny Opera Company. You will need to review the Tiny Opera Company case study including their sustainability policy. You need to determine the shortfalls between the sustainability approach and the practices required of Tiny Opera Company and develop the sustainability policy to reflect those requirements.

You will need to present draft policy documents to the Business Manager (your assessor) to agree on the final policy document.


1. Review the case study information provided and determines all legislative and regulatory documents that describe compliance requirements for this company.

2. Research best practice models used by theatres and performance spaces.

3. Develop three options for the direction and focus of the policy and consider the likely effectiveness, timeframe and cost of implementing the option. Write summaries of each option to present in your consultation with the Business Manager (your assessor).

4. Arrange to meet with the Business Manager (your assessor) to consult on the policy options and decide on the preferred option.

5. Draft a sustainability policy for Tiny Opera Company based on your research, the company information provided and your consultation session. Ensure that you:

a. Specify the scope of the policy (who it applies to, relevant standards and legislation)

b. Outline Tiny Opera Company's  commitment to the policy.

c. Address areas of sustainability that Tiny Opera Company specifically wants to focus on.

6. Consult with Business Manager (your assessor) to discuss the draft policy and gain approval for your draft.

7. Update your draft policy according to agreements you made in consultation with the Business Manager.

8. Collate your research into legislation and best practice models and the sustainability policy you have developed into an interim report that includes:

a. An explanation of how you developed a sustainability policy that reflects Tiny Opera Company's commitment to sustainability.

b. Descriptions of best practice models that were reviewed and how they informed the sustainability policy.

c. Strategies for promoting awareness of the sustainability policy.

d. Strategies for maximising the impact of the policy (training, marketing, stakeholder engagement).

9. Submit the report, and the final version of the sustainability policy, to your assessor. Ensure you keep copies for your records.

Specifications: You must provide:

-three policy option summaries

-draft sustainability policy

-an interim report that includes:

  • an explanation of how you developed a sustainability policy that reflects Tiny Opera Company's commitment to sustainability
  • descriptions of best practice models that were reviewed and how they informed the sustainability policy
  • strategies for promoting awareness of the sustainability policy
  • strategies for maximising the impact of the policy (training, marketing, stakeholder engagement)

-final version of the sustainability policy.

Your assessor will be looking for:

-communication skills to adjust communication to suit different circumstances; to write interim report and to consult and agree on the sustainability policy

-literacy skills to read and evaluate organisational documentation and legislative and regulatory information

-research, analytical and writing skills to research, analyse and present information; to prepare written reports suited to intended audience

-knowledge of:

  • best practice approaches to sustainable policy
  • relevant sustainability regulations and codes of practice
  • health and safety implications of policy being developed
  • policy development processes and practices
  • principles, practices, tools and techniques of sustainability management
  • Tiny Opera Company policies and procedures to complete the task
  • systems and procedures to aid in the achievement of workplace sustainability.

Adjustment for distance-based learners-

  • Consultation with the Business Manager (your assessor) can be completed via videoconferencing technology (such as Skype) or via email as agreed with your assessor.
  • Documentation can be submitted electronically or posted in the mail.
  • A follow-up interview may be required (at the discretion of the assessor).

Assignment 2 - Implementation and presentation

Performance objective: Using the Sydney Opera House corporate documents as well as additional information provided, you will develop an implementation plan and monitoring strategy to achieve targets.

For this assessment you will also communicate sustainability requirements to Sydney Opera House employees (other learners acting as employees) by developing and delivering a presentation or training session.

Assessment description: For this assessment task, you will review corporate information available from the Sydney Opera House and use the targets provided to develop an implementation plan and monitoring strategy to meet those targets.

Then, using your implementation plan, the Sydney Opera House Environmental Sustainability Policy, and other Sydney Opera House documentation, develops a 10-15 minute presentation or training session to deliver to internal employees of the Sydney Opera House. You should outline the Sustainability Policy and what it means to Opera House staff. As part of this presentation, you must describe how the revised processes will be implemented and managed.

You will need to promote the policy and its expected outcomes and explain how the outcomes affect key stakeholders.

You will also need to assign and outline responsibilities for using recording systems to track sustainability improvements.


Part A - You will develop an implementation plan and monitoring strategy to meet Sydney Opera House targets provided.

1. Review the Sydney Opera House vision, mission, goals and policies, especially the Environmental Sustainability Policy. These documents are available from the Corporate Information page at: CorporateInformation_Summary.aspx.

2. Complete a sustainability implementation plan (using the template provided in Appendix 2) to implement the Sydney Opera House sustainability policy and meet the sustainability targets set out in Appendix 1. In the implementation plan, include:

a. two or more actions for each target (listed in Appendix 1)

b. at least one action that involves staff training

c. at least one action that involves communication to staff through a presentation.

3. Develop a monitoring strategy (using the template provided in Appendix 3) for meeting the targets that includes:

a. key outcomes expected for each action and person

b. metrics/key performance indicators for each action

c. a method of gathering and recording data on sustainability performance.

4. Arrange a meeting with your assessor to explain the actions you've chosen and gain approval for actions from your assessor. You and your assessor will also need to discuss and agree upon a method of recording audience feedback to your presentation or training delivered in Part B of this task.

5. Submit the implementation plan and monitoring strategy to your assessor. Ensure you keep copies for your records. You will need to refer to this implementation plan in Part B of this task as well as in Assessment Task 3.

Part B

Using your implementation plan, you will develop a presentation or training session for Sydney Opera House employees. Your aim is to use the presentation or training to improve resource efficiency at the Sydney Opera House.

1. Using your implementation plan, choose to either design and deliver a presentation (according to the action that involves communication to staff through a presentation) or a training session (according to the action that involves staff training) to Sydney Opera House staff.

2. Review the organisational structure (see Appendix 4) to determine the appropriate audience for the presentation or training session.

3. Develop a 10-15 minute presentation or training session in accordance with your implementation plan. Design the presentation or training to improve resource efficiency in some area (e.g. how to use new waste systems in the cafe) and include a short procedure to help achieving targets in the implementation plan.

4. During either your presentation or training you will need to include:

a. a brief description of the Sydney Opera House Environmental Sustainability Policy and its expected outcomes for stakeholder groups (you can access the Environmental Sustainability Policy from -https://www.sydneyoperahouse. com/environment/greening_the_house.aspx)

b. information for staff as to what their responsibilities are, what activities they are to carry out and what outcomes are expected

c. additional time (5-10 minutes) for questions and comments from staff.

5. Distribute feedback questionnaires (if this is your method of measuring your audience's understanding and engagement) and collect these at the completion of your presentation/training. Ensure you keep copies of questionnaires or other form of measuring audience feedback.

Specifications: You must:

  • submit an implementation plan
  • submit a monitoring strategy
  • deliver a presentation/training session to employees (other learners acting as employees)
  • address comments and questions from employees (other learners acting as employees)
  • submit notes, PowerPoint presentation slides, handouts and any other materials used to support the presentation
  • collect feedback from audience members (other learners acting as employees).

Your assessor will be looking for:

  • communication skills to adjust communication to suit different audiences and to respond effectively to diversity
  • literacy skills to read and evaluate Sydney Opera House organisational documents
  • problem-solving skills to effectively manage different employees points of view during question time
  • knowledge of principles, practices, tools and techniques of sustainability management
  • knowledge appropriate to the performing arts industry
  • knowledge of Sydney Opera House policies and procedures to complete the task.

Adjustment for distance-based learners

As per specifications outlined above, except that the presentation may be:

-through a live video medium (such as a social networking site) to a virtual group meeting the criteria outlined above. This would need to be organised in advance with the assessor.

-through a video-recorded presentation to a group of local (to the candidate) business investors:

  • the video recording must include the presentation session and question time
  • the recording should be submitted in agreement with assessor, by DVD or uploaded to a video-sharing site and the link sent to the assessor. It is the responsibility of the learner to ensure that confidentiality agreements are not breeched, and that the file is available online for a period of at least two weeks to allow the assessor adequate time to review the presentation.

Assignment 3 - Implementation review

Performance objective: For this assessment you are required to demonstrate the skills required to review the success or otherwise of the implementation of actions from your plan in Assessment Task 2. You will need to evaluate records to identify trends and determine the efficacy of policy and procedures. You will need to recommend changes to policy where performance improvement is required.

Assessment description

You are required to complete a review of the implementation of resource efficiency activities developed in Assessment Task 2. As part of the review process you are undertaking, you need to ensure that you:

  • monitor and review records of implementation (provided to you by your assessor), and identify trends or apparent areas requiring ongoing action
  • document the outcomes of the implementation strategy and evaluate the success or otherwise of the policy and sustainability management
  • review audience feedback to your presentation/training from Assessment Task 2
  • reccommend modifications to the policy and management of sustainability.


1. Review the reports that document resource use at the Sydney Opera House (provided by your assessor). Note that there are four spreadsheets available in the document provided. You can navigate between the records by selecting the tabs at the bottom of this Excel document.

2. Review the Sydney Opera House Environmental Sustainability Policy, Environmental Sustainability Plan, and other Sydney Opera House corporate information and policy documents at: CorporateInformation_Summary.aspx.

3. Review the audience feedback from Assessment Task 2.

4. Review the resource efficiency targets provided in Assessment Task 2 and the related actions you created for each target in your implementation plan. For the purposes of this assessment, assume that the actions you developed were implemented in FY 06/07 at the Sydney Opera House.

5. Using the data provided (in the spreadsheets given to you by your assessor) and the corporate information available to you, develop a written report that includes:

a. graphs or charts that could describe or summarise progress towards established targets

b. an evaluation of the graphs or charts to identify trends in data and analyse data targets identified in Assessment Task 2

c. a description of the success and/or shortfalls of the implementation of sustainability and communication targets based on:

i. trends in resource use

ii. audience feedback from Assessment Task 2

d. a description of trends that may require remedial action; include a plan that describes how these areas can be continuously improved in the future

e. a review of Sydney Opera House policies' coverage of measuring and analysing resource consumption to determine how the recording of resource consumption is currently addressed in policy

f. reccommendations for improvements to policy, communication and management of sustainability based on data taken from analysis of records.

6. Submit your report to your assessor along with a list of the stakeholders who would need to receive your report.

Specifications: You must provide a written report.

Your assessor will be looking for:

  • communication skills to write a formal report targeted to Sydney Opera House management
  • literacy skills to read and evaluate Sydney Opera House reports
  • research, analytical and writing skills to research, analyse and present information; and to prepare written reports
  • knowledge of policy development practices to review policy and recommend changes
  • knowledge of sustainability management to recommend changes
  • knowledge of Sydney Opera House policies and procedures to complete the task
  • knowledge of systems and procedures to improve workplace sustainability.

Adjustments for distance-based learners-

No variation of the task is required.

  • A follow-up interview may be required (at the discretion of the assessor).
  • Documentation can be submitted electronically or posted in the mail.

II - BSBFIM501A Manage Budgets and Financial Plans

Assessment 1 - Plan and Implement Financial management approaches 

Assessment 2 - Monitor control finances and evaluate financial management  processes

Assessment 3 - Knowledge Test

Assessment 1-

Part A - Plan financial management approaches

Instructions to the Student:

You will be required to understand the role of Budgeting and Financial Planning in businesses. You will need to have the skills and knowledge required to undertake financial management within a work team in an organisation. This includes Planning and implementing financial management approaches.

Task 1: Knowledge Questions

1. What is a budget?

2. What is meant by budgetary control?

3. What factors would need to be taken into consideration before developing a sales budget?

4. Name Six (6) internal and external factors should be taken into consideration when planning and preparing a budget?

5. What is cash budget? Why cash budget is very important in a company? What method is used for monitoring the cash budget, please explain. What are the main causes of cash flow problems, please explain.

Task 2: Applied Learning Task

Instructions - This task is to assist you to understand the various and different types of budgets that are common to all successful businesses.

Your task is to Explain and Detail Four (4) different types of Budgets and their purpose or role in your business. The budgets are Revenue, Expense, Production and Purchase budget.

Part B - Implement financial management approaches

In response to the budgeting, you will then support the team member to perform their required role with respect to software resources and systems.

Task 1 - As part of your budget report, research five tools used to manage budgets. List these tools along with the advantages and disadvantages of each tool.

Task 2 - Complete the Contingency Plan below to identify and address 5 Major Business Risks.  Identify each important risk, the probability of it occurring, the impact of the risk, how the risk will be monitored and strategies to prevent the risk if it does occur.

Task 3 - Negotiating budgets and changes to budgets with work teams

Case Study

Read the Case Study "Scenario: Dolly's Delight Manufacturing Company" below and answer the following questions. Each question must be answered with no less than a paragraph at a diploma level quality, skills and knowledge.

You may discuss this activity with others in your group or work independently. However, you will be required to answers each question in your own words. Your work should not be copied or taken from someone else's work.


Dolly's Delight Manufacturing Company

Doll's Delight Manufacturing builds and sells dolls and dollhouses to retail companies. The company employs 70 people in both office and manufacturing business.

The Business is owned and run by Bill Smith who is the chief executive officer (CEO) and works on site in one of the on-site offices. Bill is personally responsible for Sales and Marketing.

He employs a Chief Financial Manager (CFO), Mary Jones, who is responsible for setting financial plans and budgets and reporting back to Bill.

Gary Guest is the Human Resources Manager and supervises the office and administrative team of 15 people. Gary also negotiates Salary and Wages Agreements with employees.

Hank Stevens is the Production Manager, responsible for Planning and Organising the plant and equipment and the manufacturing process.

Reporting to Bill is Kate Fowler, who, as a team leader, is responsible for the 55 employees who work in the manufacturing area.

Issue: It is time to set the wage and expense budgets for the next year.


1. Who is responsible for developing and documenting the budget?

2. Who would the person developing the budgets need to consult and why?

3. Why is it important for a number of people to have an input into the budget process?

4. Who would have the final say over the financial plans?

5. If Hank wanted additional money to replace equipment, who should he approach?

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM131192957

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