Develop operational plans in consultation with stakeholders

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Reference no: EM133187357

BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan - Brighton Institute of Technology

Assessment Task 1 - Role play and case study

Assessment Objective

The student will demonstrate skills and knowledge required to develop operational plans in consultation with key stakeholders.
• Participate in three role-plays:
1. Sales and Marketing Manager
2. Technology consultant
3. present resourcing proposal for approval
Through the course of completing this assessment task, the student is required to participate in three role-plays with the trainer/assessor, the first two as consultation, the third to seek approval from management: Your trainer/assessor will play the role of managers and consultant
1. Sales and Marketing Manager (to discuss human resourcing requirements)
2. Technology consultant (to discuss physical resourcing requirements related to development of e commerce website)
3. Operations General Manager (student to present their proposal for approval).
The student is required to arrange time for the role-plays with the assessor.
Submit a planning portfolio, including:
- action plans
- performance indicators for operational and financial targets (amended operational plan; balanced scorecard for e-commerce customer service representative)
- Proposal for resourcing.
Your assessor will be looking for:
• literacy skills to access and use workplace information and to write a succinct and practical plan
• technology skills to use software to produce plans
• planning and organisational skills
• numeracy skills to allocate and manage financial resources
• knowledge of models and methods for operational plans
• knowledge of budgeting processes
• knowledge of alternative approaches to improving resource usage and eliminating resource inefficiencies and waste

Assessment Requirements
Read the BBQfun simulated business information provided in Appendix 1 of this task, the role play scenarios and in the Appendices of your Student Workbook.

2. Research resource requirements for implementation of e-commerce strategy.
3. Arrange with your assessor to participate in two resourcing consultation role-plays.
4. During role-plays, consult with relevant personnel to determine resourcing needs:
a. Sales and Marketing Manager (prepare to discuss human resourcing requirements)
b. Technology consultant (prepare to discuss physical resourcing requirements related to development of e-commerce website).
Note: During consultation, ask questions and encourage interviewee to provide information. Information MUST only come from the simulated business information or related appendix handouts
5. Using appropriate word processing or project management software, develop an action plan for the implementation of the e-commerce strategy. Include:
c. physical resourcing (all major steps for resourcing, including procurement of different types of resources, but not to the detail of including all procurement steps for each resource type)
d. human resourcing (all major steps, e.g. recruiting, training, communication)
e. timelines and milestones for implementing ecommerce strategy
f. consultation and communication (ensure all affected staff are informed and engagement is encouraged for all stakeholders)
i. an example action plan template is provided
ii. ensure plans adhere to organisational requirements such as policies and procedures
6. Develop performance indicators for operational and financial targets and amend existing operational plans to include KPIs and financial targets related to e-commerce strategy. Develop balanced scorecard for e-commerce sales and customer service representative including three KPIs and associated targets.
Note: The current budget and operational plan for BBQfunis in Appendices 2 to 3of this task.
7. Identify three risks to the implementation and develop a contingency plan for each risk. Two (2) risks must be from the list below
g. Include at least one risk due to inefficiency or wastage.
h. Include at least one risk due to employee underperformance.

Assessment Task 2 Role play and Case Study

Assessment Objective
The candidate will demonstrate skills and knowledge required to plan and manage resource acquisition.

Assessment Requirements

1. Read the BBQfun simulated business information provided in Assessment Task 2 Appendix 1 of this task, information from Assessment Task 1 and in the Appendices of your Student Workbook.
2. Plan and implement physical resourcing:
a. Review physical resource action plan developed in Assessment Task 1.
b. Elaborate on your plan by including all steps and strategies to acquire resources in accordance with organisational requirements.
c. Implement resourcing in accordance with organisational requirements by completing Expenditure Payment Approval Form.
3. Plan and implement human resourcing:
Through the course of completing this assessment task, the candidate is required to participate in two interview role-plays with the trainer/assessor playing the role of job seekers.
The student is required to arrange time for the role-plays with the assessor.
a. Review human resource action plan developed in Assessment Task 1.
b. Elaborate on your plan by including all steps and strategies to recruit people in accordance with organisational requirements.
c. Interview, assess and make recommendations on two potential recruits in accordance with your plan. You may use the templates provided or develop your own.
4. Submit a portfolio of your implementation documents as outlined in the specifications below. Keep copies of your work for your records.

Assessment Task 3 - Role play and report

Assessment Objective
The candidate will demonstrate skills and knowledge required to monitor and review operational performance.
Timeframe for Assessment Tasks
- As specified in your timetable.

In accordance with contingency planning developed in Assessment Task 1, the candidate will take prompt action to address employee underperformance. In a role-play, the candidate will coach the employee in accordance with performance management systems.
The candidate will then prepare and present, in a second role-play, a management report describing the performance system, performance results and recommendations for changes to operational plans. During the role-play, the candidate will negotiate changes to operational plans and gain approval for recommendations from the Operations General Manager (Trainer/assessor). You must;
1. Participate in two role-plays:
? coaching an underperforming employee
? presentation of report to Operations General Manager
2. submit a portfolio that includes:
a. a monitoring plan
b. an operational plan status report
c. a coaching and performance management plan
d. a contingency plan for managing employee underperformance.
e. Submit a management report
Your assessor will be looking for:
2. literacy skills to access and use workplace information and to write a succinct and practical plan
3. technology skills to use software to produce and monitor the plan against performance indicators
4. planning and organisational skills
5. coaching skills to work with people with poor performance
6. numeracy skills to allocate and manage financial resources
7. knowledge of models and methods for operational plans
8. knowledge of budgeting processes
9. Knowledge of alternative approaches to improving resource usage and eliminating resource inefficiencies and waste.
The student is required to arrange time for the role-plays with the assessor.
10. participate in two role-plays:
- coaching an underperforming employee
- presentation of report to Operations General Manager
11. submit a portfolio that includes:
- a monitoring plan
- operational plan status report
- a coaching and performance management plan
- a contingency plan for managing employee underperformance.
- submit a management report.

Assessment Requirements
1. Read the simulated BBQfun scenario information provided in the Appendices of this task.
2. Prepare a plan for monitoring performance from the start of implementation to the end of the financial year. You may use the Action Plan template provided or use other project management software to create a template. Ensure to include:
a. budgetary and financial performance
b. productivity performance
c. employee performance in line with performance management policy
d. milestone achievement and performance against targets
e. dates for monitoring activities in line with scenario
f. resources for monitoring
g. progress reporting at the end of each quarter to OGM
h. Regular performance management of online staff and lodgement of records with HR Manager.
3. Monitor operational performance as elaborated in scenario.
4. Analyse operational performance as described in scenario, and produce an operational plan status report.
5. Identify areas of employee underperformance, determine possible remedial actions and prepare to performance manage underperforming employees. Refer to, follow, or adapt, existing contingency plan for underperforming employees developed in Assessment Task 1.
6. Follow performance management policy to coach and performance manage an underperforming employee. Arrange with your assessor to role-play the coaching session.
7. Prepare a management report including:
a. description of budgetary and financial performance
b. description of productivity performance
c. analysis of milestone achievement and performance against targets
d. Three recommendations for operational improvement.
8. Arrange time to meet with your assessor to role-play the presentation of report and negotiate recommendations involving, for example, changes to plans, changes to implementation of plans, changes to budget, etc. and seek approval for the implementation of your recommendations.
9. Submit a portfolio of your implementation documents as outlined in the specifications below. Keep copies of your work for your records.

Activity Workbook

Activity 1 What is the purpose of an operational plan and should every organisation have one?

Activity 2 Who should you consult with during the formation of an operational plan? Why

Activity 3 State 3 examples of KPI's that could be included in an operational plan.

Activity 4 For a business in which you work, or have access to, who is responsible for approving the organisation's operational plan?

Activity 5 State 3 ways to ensure that physical resource requirements and access to services and be met.

Activity 6 What are 2 examples of intellectual property that an organisation may hold?

Practice task

Question 1: What is an operational plan?

Question 2:What is a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) and how would you develop them?

Question 3:What are intellectual property rights?

Question 4: A budget is a form of operational plan, yes why, no why not?

Question 5:Operational plans often require the purchase of resources or the hiring of new staff. Who is responsible for this and what guidelines should they follow?

Question 6: What is a SWOT analysis?

Question 7: What is a PEST analysis?

Question 8: Your employer wishes to add another restaurant to the hotel you manage, this means building another room, kitchen, bar etc. What laws and regulations would you need to be aware of when planning this?

Question 9: Your employer has noticed that the demographics of the area your restaurant is located in have changed, instead of older married couples it is filling with young singles. He has asked you to renovate the restaurant to attract this demographic. What laws or regulations do you need to be aware off when planning this renovation?

Question 10: What monitoring or reporting processes should you put in place when developing an operational plan?

Question 11: What is a contingency plan?

Question 12: You have been told to organise an outdoor wedding for 150 guests. On the morning of the wedding the weather looks like it might be very stormy, what sort of contingency would you organise?

Question 13: All organisations have policies (rules) as to you purchases goods and services and who can't. If you are in charge of developing an organisation plan who would you see to find out what you can and cannot do?

Question 14: Name five people (positions) that you would need to liaise with in order to develop the following operational plan. Your employer has asked you to develop a plan to allow for the landscaping of your restaurants outdoor eating area and the painting of the restaurant.

Question 15: Often when making changes to a workplace via an operational plan it is necessary to change staff. Sometimes this means new staff other times it means training and mentoring existing staff. What systems could you put in place to let you know which is needed? If training and mentoring is the better option how would you plan for this?

Question 16: What documents and who do you have to liaise with in order to monitor the profitability of a project during and after the implementation of an operational plan?

Question 17: What information should there be in a staff induction?

Reference no: EM133187357

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