Develop new marketing opportunities to expand the brand

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131162164 , Length: word count:2200

Haigh's Chocolates

Marketing Plan

Haigh's Chocolate is a family owned Australia chocolatier based in Adelaide SA. They specialize in handmade and single origin chocolates from Australia and around the world. The business is the oldest family owned chocolate maker in Australia and looking to increase awareness interstate and also around the world. Therefore, you are being called in as a consultant to develop new marketing opportunities to expand the brand.

You are now employed as a team of 2-3 (max.) marketing consultants to help design a Marketing Plan for them.

However you will need to firstly understand the brand by performing a SWOT analysis and then designing the Marketing Mix (4P's). Lastly, it is very important that you are able to foresee or predict potential problems you might have with making or launching the product. As a team, you are required to pitch your marketing plan to your class. Haigh's Chocolate is looking for a creative, practical and fun marketing strategy!

Objectives of the Marketing Plan:

1) To build awareness for Haigh's Chocolate

2) To increase brand recognition for Haigh's Chocolate

The brief

There are many occasions, celebrations and festivals in a year. Some of them are celebrated with chocolates! Your consulting firm is given the task of creating a product, or packaging its current range of products into a product especially for an occasion of your choice. For example, for Valentine's Day you may create a bouquet of Haigh's chocolate roses, or a World Food Day chocolate where proceeds go to a non-profit organization or to theme the chocolates with a local festival!

Your team can decide on the product strategy by looking at the various marketing theories taught this semester. The challenge is to think outside the box and create a product that is feasible for the brand!

Your report MUST also entail a product (chocolate) design and a poster.

You can use external images, or use software (e.g. Photoshop or Illustrator) to design your product. I you should choose to, you can also bring a prototype to your class for presentation.

Word count: 2500 - 3000 (+/- 10%) words

Reference no: EM131162164

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