Develop Network design for SolutionTech

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM132464437

ICTNWK509 - Design and implement a security perimeter for ICT networks - Abbey College Australia

Assessment - Performance Assessment (Skills) Requirements

Read the case study carefully then answer the questions following. You may assume any information that has not been mentioned in the case study, however any assumptions you make must be clearly identified as assumptions.

Case Study: Penetration Testing (attached)

Question 2.1 Identify some threats to SolutionTech perimeter security?

Question 2.2 Develop Network design for SolutionTech considering a secure perimeter and explain your design considerations? (You may use any network design software, A demo design provided here to give you some idea)

Question 2.3 Deploy the network for SolutionTech to meet perimeter security requirements by cisco packet tracer? (Show related device configuration)
• Build Network topology
• Connect all devices using the correct type of cables
• Configure layer 2 switches (Trunk Links, VTP, VLANs, and Sub-interfaces) according to their requirements.
• Show IP address allocation for all departments (Static and DHCP)
• Configure routes (Routing to connect internet and intranet, DHCP pool for departments) and wireless Access point , DNS and Web server
• Annotate the diagram (including IP Addressing)
• Configure username and password and privileges levels in SolutionTech's switches and routers
• Configure password encryption, idle timeout, login blocking and a banner
• Configure telnet remote access
• Configure switchport Port security.

Question 2.4 Configure following additional security feature in SolutionTech's Edge Router
• Configure SSH (Secure Shell) protocol for remote login.
• Configure access control lost to prevent sales Dept. to ping the DNS

Question 2.5 Configure a remote access VPN to access SolutionTech's network from outside world.

Question 2.6 Test and show all your configuration to your Assessor for acceptance (Additionally, attach your test screen shot)

Attachment:- Penetration Testing.rar

Reference no: EM132464437

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