Develop mutually agreed-on intervention goals and objectives

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Reference no: EM133567687

Homework: Theories and Models of Human Development and Behavior- MSW Program

Objective: This Homework assesses competency, established by the Council on Social Work Education, and aims to assess the transactions between individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. In addition, the homework evaluates the integration of the Evidence-Based Practice model.

Competency: Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

Social workers understand that assessment is an ongoing component of the dynamic and interactive process of social work practice with and on behalf of diverse individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. Social workers understand theories of human behavior and the social environment and critically evaluate and apply this knowledge in assessing diverse clients and constituencies, including individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. Social workers understand assessment methods with diverse clients and constituencies to advance practice effectiveness. Social workers recognize the implications of the larger practice context in the assessment process and value the importance of interprofessional collaboration. Social workers understand how their personal experiences and affective reactions may affect their assessment and decision-making.


1. Collect and organize data and apply critical thinking to interpret information from clients and constituencies.

2. Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment, person-in¬environment, and other multidisciplinary theoretical frameworks to analyze assessment data from clients and constituencies.

3. Develop mutually agreed-on intervention goals and objectives based on critically assessing strengths, needs, and challenges within clients and constituencies.

4. Select appropriate intervention strategies based on clients' and constituencies' assessment, research knowledge, and values and preferences.

Instructions: Students will read the case vignette assigned by the professor. After reading and critically analyzing the case vignette assesses the circumstance by applying the ecological-system perspective to analyze the developmental stage and biopsychosocial, spiritual, cultural, and historical factors impacting the client. Students may include any other conceptual framework, model, or theory discussed in class. The analysis should be at least six pages, not counting references and cover pages.

Case Vignette

Rose is a 25-year-old Latin female who was married six months ago. She has a history of generalized anxiety and was recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) last year, both of which have recently worsened. She smokes marijuana most nights to calm her nerves and to sleep. She describes having good communication and mutual respect with her husband, John (30- year-old/African American). She states, "I'm confused and frustrated with myself"; "I feel anxious about my future, marriage, and health." She mentioned her recent physical and mental health struggles because she feels she should be a happy and carefree newlywed. Rose is very artistic and feels dissatisfied with her retail job, which she describes as requiring no creativity. She also hates her job because she feels like people stare at her due to her MS. It makes her feel like she does not fit into "normal" society.

She wants to return to college to finish her degree but cannot afford to do so. Rose and John live in their tiny house with his parents to get by financially. It is an agitated situation in which Rose feels cramped, controlled, and demeaned by her in-laws. Shortly after they moved in, her in-laws started mocking Rose for meditating, so she discontinued these practices. No longer contemplating, she has lost one of her main coping strategies for managing stress and her primary way of connecting to her higher power. Her in-laws also yell at her for smoking marijuana despite its legalization and complain that she wastes John's "hard-earned" money. Rose has one female friend (Sandra) whom she enjoys but does not often see, primarily due to a lack of motivation or money. Her lack of motivation has contributed to her missing doctor appointments and physical therapy and losing her Medical Assistance benefits due to not completing paperwork on time.

Rose is close to her mom, whom she describes as loving, gentle, and supportive. While their relationship brings her comfort, it is also worrisome when her symptoms of schizophrenia become active. At these times, she feels responsible for ensuring her safety because her mom's mental health agency is too short-staffed to provide crisis or after-hours services. Rose stopped all contact with her dad after they got into a physical altercation three years ago. Rose has two half-siblings, ages 35 (Male) and 32 (Female), from her dad's prior marriage, with whom she had no contact growing up.

Rose has never been able to connect with her brother, but she and her sister have started to meet for lunch once per month and get along well. Her sister has a baby whom Rose loves to babysit, and her sister is very grateful for the help. Also, Rose recently started to Zoom with an aunt in Texas whom she sees as a wise and encouraging mentor. She followed her aunt's advice to go to the free clinic to ask about how to get help for her emotional and physical health issues. She is especially interested in gaining assertiveness skills.


I. Introduction

II. Write a description of the client system that incorporates the following:

1. Relevant information (sociodemographic).

2. Strengths and areas of opportunity.

3. The description of the client system must reflect structure, coherence, unity, and meaning.

4. Develop an ecomap based on the nature and quality of Rose's relationships and community resources.

5. Develop a Genogram based on the nature and quality of Rose's relationships.

III. Indicate the social problem or objective of intervention:

1. What is directly impacting the client system?

2. Identify, describe, and evaluate the social problem or objective of intervention using a bio-psycho-social perspective.

a. Consider the following:

i. Member interactions, responses, and challenges.
ii. Demand, resource, and force characteristics
iii. Nested systems: micro, mezzo, macrosystem
iv. Critical factors and Protective factors.
v. Boundaries, open and close system.

3. Analyze the identified area(s) of opportunity by considering aspects related to human diversity.

4. Explain how the area of opportunity is linked to the defense of human rights.

5. Justify if and why the area of opportunity negatively impacting the client system warrants professional intervention.

IV. Describe the theoretical or conceptual framework to be used considering:

1. The main premises of the theoretical or conceptual framework.

2. Strategies that address both human behavior and the social environment.

3. The integration of the theoretical or conceptual framework concepts to the area of opportunity.

4. The application of knowledge about the theories or models to support the case.

a. Remember to take a critical look at the situation and consider proposing various points of view, alternatives, and possible solutions.

V. Determine a service or intervention plan that:

1. Is consistent with the selected theories or models,

2. Establish objectives according to the goals proposed in the intervention plan by the recognized areas of opportunity.

3. Identify resources and services needed to carry out the intervention.

4. Establishes an approximate time to comply with the service or intervention plan.

5. Incorporates appropriate strategies, techniques, and activities.

6. Using an evidence-based practice approach, briefly describe how you would integrate empirical research, client values/preferences, and expertise to guide your work on the identified goal.

VI. Conclusion.

Reference no: EM133567687

Questions Cloud

Examine the role of social support and faith in the case : Examine the role of social support and/or faith in this case. In one more page summarize how these factors (social and/or faith) impacted the case.
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Develop mutually agreed-on intervention goals and objectives : SWGR 606- Develop mutually agreed-on intervention goal and objective base on critically assessing strengths, need and challenge within client and constituencies
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When is self-awareness a pleasant experience : When is self-awareness a pleasant experience? When is it unpleasant? What are two consequences of becoming self-aware? Who seems most focused on themselves
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What have you found so far and what is missing : What have you found so far. What is missing. Take stock of your search results and consider whether you need to adjust your search terms to expand your results


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