Develop menus and meal plans for special diets

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Reference no: EM133044717

SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements

Assessment task 1: Knowledge Test

Question 1. Your hotel is hosting a conference for yogis, the majority of whom are vegans. What foods would you add to your normal breakfast buffet to meet their requirements?
(a) Organic, honey-glazed granola and rice milk.
(b) Plenty of biodynamic yoghurt and muesli.
(c) More free-range eggs and whole grain toast.
(d) Scrambled tofu, fresh fruit and muesli.

Question 2. Contemporary dietary trends include diets with low-fat meals. You prepare meals in a childcare centre for 0 to 5-year-olds. Assess the suitability of a low-fat dietary regime for these children.
(a) Not suitable for any of the children.
(b) Not suitable for the babies, but suitable for the 1 to 5-year olds.
(c) Not suitable for the 0 to 2-year-olds, but suitable for the 3 to 5-year-olds.
(d) Suitable for all the children.

Question 3. You work in a boarding school. Who should you liaise with to clarify the dietary requirements of a child with coeliac disease?
(a) Your colleagues.
(b) The principal of the school and the child's teacher.
(c) The child.
(d) Health and medical personnel.

Question 4. What are the possible consequences of serving a meal which ignores customers' special dietary requirements?
(a) Legal action taken against your organisation for breaching WHS legislation.
(b) Health or medical consequences for the customer and legal consequences for your organisation.
(c) There are no consequences of ignoring customers' special dietary requirements. Their health is their responsibility.
(d) Food poisoning or other illnesses related to cross-contamination.

Question 5. You cook in a hospital. One of the patients has lactose intolerance. What choices can you offer with their muesli at breakfast?
(a) Choice of low-fat or full-cream milk.
(b) Choice of rice or almond milk.
(c) Choice of plain or fruit yoghurt.
(d) You should not be serving muesli at all. They're allergic to it!

Question 6. Which meal has the appropriate combination of food to meet macro- and micronutrient requirements for adults?
(a) Green salad with tomato, avocado and cucumber, with fruit compote for dessert.
(b) Steak covered in grilled onions, side of chips, with cake and mango ice cream for dessert.
(c) Grilled fish, baked potato and mixed steamed vegetables, with fruit compote for dessert.
(d) Pasta marinara and garlic bread, with fruit pie for dessert.

Question 7. What does a well-developed menu or meal plan do?
(a) Promotes good health and reduces the incidence of diet-related health problems.
(c) Reduces the cost of menu items created for special dietary needs.
(c) Minimises the amount of information staff need to know about special dietary needs.
(d) Ensures stock ordering and purchasing is completed accurately.

Question 8. What should you keep in mind when preparing cyclic menus?
(a) You should balance nutritional requirements.
(b) You should vary ingredients and cooking methods.
(c) You should vary quality points such as taste, texture and colour.
(d) You should keep all of these in mind.

Question 9. You're preparing an à la carte menu and wish to include options for vegetarians, vegans, gluten-free and dairy-free diners. How many choices should you provide in each category?
(a) At least one.
(b) At least two.
(c) At least three.
(d) At least four.

Question 10. Which preparation and cooking methods maximise the nutritional value of vegetables?
(a) Washing, roasting and holding in the bain-marie.
(b) Washing and not cooking at all.
(c) Peeling and steaming as needed.
(d) Washing and steaming as needed.

Question 11. Which must you accurately calculate to determine the production costs of your menu items?
(a) All ingredients in the dishes or food production items.
(b) All ingredients that yield less than 100% and the wastage.
(c) Labour and operational costs of the kitchen.
(d) All expenditure items.

Question 12. Which formula would you use to calculate actual food cost from raw ingredients which yield 100%?
(a) Purchase unit cost x usage % = actual food cost.
(b) Purchase weight ÷ purchase unit x 100 = actual food cost.
(c) EP ÷ AP = actual food cost.
(d) Quantity required ÷ yield % = actual food cost.

Question 13. You have assessed your menu items for cost-effectiveness. Which one should you choose to place on the menu?
(a) The menu items that meet all these criteria.
(b) The menu items with the largest usage percentage.
(c) The menu items with high yield.
(d) The menu items with the highest food cost percentage.

Question 14. What kind of terminology should you use in your menus and meal plans?
(a) Terminology that's descriptive yet truthful.
(b) Descriptions that encourage purchase even if they aren't quite accurate.
(c) Terminology that is impressive to other chefs.
(d) Your menus and meal plans should include all these kinds of terminology.

Question 15. Why do you need to seek ongoing feedback from customers and others?
(a) So you have something to contribute at staff meetings.
(b) You don't need to seek ongoing feedback from customers or others.
(c) To change your customer profile if necessary.
(d) To improve your menu's performance.

Question 16. What do you analyse the success of your special menus against?
(a) Profitability, dietary goals and customer satisfaction.
(b) None of these answers are correct.
(c) The number of health-related issues reported by customers who dine at your establishment.
(d) Feedback from staff, customers and suppliers.

Question 17. What information should you base adjustments to your menus on?
(a) Butcher's tests and standard yield tests.
(b) All of these.
(c) Feedback and profitability.
(d) Culinary balance and nutritional balance.


TASK 2A: Identify menu requirements

Q1: List ten things that can influence customers' food and beverage choices.

Q2: Identify five different customer groups you're likely to cater for when developing menus for special dietary requirements.

Q3: List the five Dietary Guidelines for Australians.

Q4: Explain how to take responsibility for determining the dietary requirements of a child, adolescent or adult.

Q5: Which lunch would suit a customer who requires kosher food? State why the other two meals would be unacceptable.
Pea and ham soup with green salad

Cream of chicken soup and a grilled cheese sandwich

Lentil soup with brown rice and a green salad

Q6: Which dinner would suit a customer who requires halal food? State why the other two meals would be unacceptable.
Beer-battered fish and chips with a green salad
Tofu and vegetable stir-fry with rice
Barbecued prawns, rice and steamed vegetables

Q7: Explain the different requirements of vegetarian customers, who may be Buddhist or Hindu.

Lacto-ovo vegetarians

Q8: You're cooking for a customer with coeliac condition. What must you avoid using when preparing your dishes?

Q9: You're cooking for children at a boarding school. Three of them have diabetes. Describe three ways you help them control their blood glucose levels.

Q10: Define the term ‘drug-food interaction'.

Q11: Define the term ‘food allergy'.

Q12: Define the term ‘food intolerance'.

Q13: You're cooking for children on a sports camp. Some of them have allergies. Identify five ingredients which commonly cause allergic reactions.

Q14: Describe seven symptoms a customer with allergies could experience if you completely ignore or fail to adequately address their special dietary requirements.

Q15: State one culinary term or trade name for the following food additives and preservatives.
Flavour enhancers


Q16: Explain the roles of the food additives below.
Artificial colours

Q17: State the legal consequences of failing to address customers' allergies, intolerances or sensitivities.

Q18: Read and interpret the ingredients on the food packaging label. Is this product kosher?
coriander, chillies, cumin, cornstarch, herbs, spices, water
INGREDIENTS: Potatoes (30%), tofu, chickpeas, tomatoes, onions, peanut oil, salt, ginger, garlic,

Q19: Read and interpret the ingredients on the food packaging label. Is this product OK for customers with gluten allergies?

INGREDIENTS: Potatoes (30%), tofu, chickpeas, tomatoes, onions, peanut oil, salt, ginger, garlic, coriander, chillies, cumin, cornstarch, herbs, spices, water

Q20: Read and interpret the ingredients on the food packaging label. Is this product OK for customers with peanut allergies?
INGREDIENTS: Potatoes (30%), tofu, chickpeas, tomatoes, onions, peanut oil, salt, ginger, garlic, coriander, chillies, cumin, cornstarch, herbs, spices, water

Q21: Read and interpret the ingredients on the food packaging label. Is this product OK for customers with soybean allergies?
INGREDIENTS: Potatoes (30%), tofu, chickpeas, tomatoes, onions, peanut oil, salt, ginger, garlic, coriander, chillies, cumin, cornstarch, herbs, spices, water

Q22: Read and interpret the ingredients on the food packaging label. Is this product OK for vegans?
INGREDIENTS: Potatoes (30%), tofu, chickpeas, tomatoes, onions, peanut oil, salt, ginger, garlic, coriander, chillies, cumin, cornstarch, herbs, spices, water

Q23: List five people you can liaise with to identify and clarify customer requirements.

Q24: State four communication skills you would use during the menu-planning process to invite the input of health and other professionals and determine the diet requirements of customers.

Q25: Which contemporary dietary trends and regimes would you say are suitable for these customers?
A customer experiencing symptoms of food allergies or intolerances

A customer being treated for obesity

A customer building muscle and endurance

Q26: What customers should only follow a low-kilojoule diet if under medical supervision?

Q27: It's important to continually seek information on emerging dietary trends. List three ways you could research them.

Task 2B: Develop menus and meal plans for special diets

Q28: You must be able to manage yourself and take responsibility for the design of menus and meal plans. State the steps you would take to develop and write a menu or meal plan.

Q29: Explain four ways to provide variety in cyclic menus.

Q30: When developing meal plans and menus, you must be able to create meals which contain appropriate combinations of foods to meet macro- and micronutrient requirements. Identify the four macronutrients to keep in mind.

Q31: There are three categories of carbohydrates. What are they?

Q32: List five water-soluble vitamins our body requires.

Q33: List two fat-soluble vitamins we require.

Q34: List six minerals and trace elements your body requires.

Q35: Identify the five categories of foods which contain the nutrients we need to promote good health and help us avoid dietary disease.

Q36: You should select meals which meet a wide variety of macro- and micronutrient requirements. What kinds of meals are best suited to this?

Q37: Explain how you would incorporate sufficient choice in a cyclic menu.

Q38: Explain how you would incorporate sufficient choice in an à la carte menu.

Q39: Remember, your customers' health is your responsibility. List seven foods you should limit when developing menus and meal plans to reduce diet-related health problems.

Q40: You sometimes need to select suitable foods to use as substitutes when meeting customers' specific requirements.
Next to these three ingredients, state an equivalent ingredient you'd replace it with to address the needs of a customer on a low-fat diet.

Pouring cream

Sour cream

Coconut cream

Q41: List two suitable substitutions for the following ingredients to meet the requests of a lactose intolerant customer.



Q42: Identify four cooking methods you could employ to maximise nutritional value in food.

Q43: Which preparation method maximises nutritional value in fruits and vegetables, a. or b.?
a. Washing
b. Peeling

Q44: Describe how to safely store food to retain nutrients and avoid contamination.

Task 2C: Cost and document special menus and meal plans

Q45: Identify ten expenditure items you'd need to accurately calculate to determine production costs of menu items.

Q46: List the three standard measures you would use when itemising ingredients and calculating portion yields and/or costs from raw ingredients. Provide an example of each one.

Q47: You buy 10 kg potatoes. After washing, peeling and trimming them you have 9.5 kg left.
Calculate the yield % of the potatoes. State the formula you used. Show how you arrived at this figure.

Q48: Calculate the yield % of the turkey. State the formula you used. Show how you arrived at this figure.
As purchased quantity (APQ) 20 kg
Edible portion quantity (EPQ) 12 kg

Q49: Calculate the usable trim % of the turkey. State the formula you used. Show how you arrived at this figure.
As purchased quantity (APQ) 20 kg
Edible portion quantity (EPQ) 12 kg
Usable trim weight 5 kg

Q50: Calculate the waste % of the turkey. State the formula you used. Show how you arrived at this figure.
As purchased quantity (APQ) 20 kg
Edible portion quantity (EPQ) 12 kg
Usable trim weight 5 kg
Waste trim weight 3 kg

Q51: Use the information to calculate the actual cost of the zucchini.
State the three formulas you used and the steps you took to arrive at this cost.

Q52: List three ways you can get the necessary technological skills to calculate yield and costs from raw ingredients using computers and software programs.

Q53: Calculate the profitable selling price of a dish with a food cost per portion of $8.25 and a standard food cost percentage of 25%.
State the formula you used. Show how you arrived at this price.

Q54: You need to adjust your menu so it includes high-yield desserts. Which dessert would you choose?

Q55: Identify the least profitable menu item, which should definitely be excluded.

Q56: You need to assess cost-effectiveness against budgetary constraints. List four things to keep in mind when setting prices.

Q57: You're documenting a vegetarian menu item: spinach and ricotta lasagne. List seven dish characteristics you could use in the menu description. Provide an example of the terminology you'd use for each one.

Q58: Identify two ways you can use technology to help you write comprehensive meal plans and menus.

Task 2D: Monitor special menu performance

Q59: Identify four ways you can get ongoing feedback from customers and others to improve menu performance.

Q60: List three ways you can analyse customer satisfaction with menu items.

Q61: Explain how to analyse menu success against profitability.

Q62: Describe what you can do to make sure your menu meets customers' dietary goals.

Q63: What should you do if menu items are unprofitable?

Q64: Explain three ways you could adjust menus based on feedback and success.

Assessment Task 3: Projects

Required documents and equipment:
- Computer with internet connection to refer to various resources.
- Student assessment booklet and a pen (organized by the student).
- Angad Institute Learners' resources for the unit SITHKOP004- Develop menus for special dietary requirements. (organised by the trainer)
- Appendix 3 (Menu overview template)
- Appendix 4 (Daily meal plan and checklist)
- Appendix 5 (Menu costing template)
- Background Information
- Learner's notes

Assessment Task 3

Project A

• Go to Appendix 2 (Background information) and read the information provided.
• You are required to develop and cost at least six menus or meal plans that individually or in combination meet at least six different special dietary requirements listed in Appendix 2
• At least one menu must be a cyclic menu.
• Other types of menu formats can be used when preparing all other menus, for example, à la carte, set, daily, seasonal or weekly menu formats.
• Two of the menus or meal plans must address the special dietary requirements of different customer groups listed in Appendix 2
• Two of the menus or meal plans must reflect one or more cultural or religious dietary requirements listed in Appendix 2
• All menus must be evaluated by obtaining at least two of the types of feedback listed in Appendix 2 for each menu.
• Menus or menu plans must:
- be developed within commercial time constraints
- demonstrate methods for responding to feedback and adjusting menus
- incorporate basic principles and practices of nutrition, including macro- and micronutrient requirements.
There are six tasks in this assessment, one for each of the six menus you must develop. You must complete all sub-tasks in each task.

Task 1: Menu 1 - Cyclic menu
Task 1.1: Identify the dietary and cultural requirements of customers
• Select a customer group for your cyclic menu.
• Students will choose any one from the following:
- Children
- Elderly
- International Tourists
• Identify the dietary and cultural requirements of your customer group.
• You must confirm your selected customer group and dietary, cultural or religious requirements with your trainer/assessor prior to undertaking this assessment.
• The size of the group must be discussed and confirmed with your trainer/assessor. Although a specific number is not specified, the group size must be substantial enough to replicate realistic workplace demands of a senior cook, chef, catering supervisor or manager.
• Answer all the questions.

Q1: What customer group is your menu developed for?

Q2: What are their dietary and/or cultural requirements?

Q3: What sources of information did you use to determine these requirements?

Q4: Whom did you liaise with to identify and confirm customer requirements?

Q5: What would the health consequences (if any) be if you ignored the special dietary requirements of this customer group?

Q6: What goals(s) would you set for your menus based on the information you've researched about your customer group. That is, what are you hoping to achieve by planning and documenting a meal plan and menu?

Task 1.2: Document a menu overview
• Go to Appendix 3 (Menu Overview template)
• Discuss and confirm the time period for your cyclic menu prior to commencing this task, for example, two, three or four weeks.
• Brainstorm a range of menu ideas to suit the customer, dietary and cultural or religious requirements identified in Task 1.1 for at least two weeks of your cyclic menu.
• Sort your menu suggestions into a rough draft of your menu using the Appendix 3 (Menu overview template)

Task 1.3: Develop menus and meal plans for special diets
• Go to Appendix 4 (Daily meal plan and checklist)
• Print or cut and paste seven copies of the daily menu plan and checklist (one copy for each day of the week).
• Complete a meal plan for each day of the week for the first week of your cyclic menu as per your menu overview from Task 1.2.
• Complete the table for each menu item (breakfast options, morning tea, lunch options, and afternoon tea and dinner options) for each day of the week.
• Use the checklist for each menu item to ensure your meal plans (and entire menu) is well planned and meets the nutritional, dietary, cultural or religious requirements of your customer group.

Task 1.4: Cost menus
• Go to Appendix 5(Menu Costing)
• Select one day from the menu developed in Task 1.3.
• Calculate the portion yields and costs of all ingredients required to prepare and produce all menu options offered on your selected day.
• Calculate other expenditure items used in the preparation or service of the menu item.
• Calculate the total cost for one serve or portion for each menu option.
• You must complete Appendix 5 one menu costing table for each menu item.

Task 1.5: Monitor menu performance
• Go to Appendix 2 (Background Information)
• Implement the menu in your workplace or training environment.
• Monitor the performance of the menu by obtaining feedback from customers or others by using at least two of the methods listed in Appendix 2
• You can use feedback mechanisms currently used within the organisation, modify existing mechanisms to assist in gathering necessary information, or create your own.
• Document and analyse the results of your feedback to determine the following.
- Success of your menu against dietary goals for the customer group nominated in Task 1.1
• Level of customer satisfaction with the menu
• Save your feedback results and analysis locally as Menu 1_Feedback analysis. You will need to refer to it to respond to questions in Task 1.6.
• Scan or photograph at least one example of each type of feedback method you used to obtain feedback. Save as Menu 1_Feedback example 1 and Menu 1_Feedback example 2.
• Submit the following to your assessor:
- Menu 1_Feedback analysis
- Menu 1_Feedback example 1
- Menu 1_Feedback example 2

Task 1.6: Review performance
Answer the following questions based on your analysis of feedback in Task 1.5.

Q1: What methods/techniques did you use to obtain feedback?

Q2: Who did you seek feedback from?

Q3: Did you achieve the dietary goals you set in Task 1.1?

Q4: Which menu items did not meet dietary goals?

Q5: Briefly explain why you think menu items did or did not meet dietary goals.

Q6: Which menu items rated the highest customer satisfaction score?

Q7: Which menu items rated the lowest customer satisfaction score?

Q8: Briefly explain why you think customers were or were not satisfied with the menu items.

Q9: Describe the changes you would make to your completed menu based on the feedback you received.

Task 2: Menu 2

Task 2.1: Identify the dietary and cultural requirements of customers
Select a customer group for your cyclic menu.
Students will choose any one from the following:
- Children
- Elderly
- International Tourists
Identify the dietary and cultural requirements of your customer group.
You must confirm your selected customer group and dietary, cultural or religious requirements with your trainer/assessor prior to undertaking this assessment.
The size of the group must be discussed and confirmed with your trainer/assessor. Although a specific number is not specified, the group size must be substantial enough to replicate realistic workplace demands of a senior cook, chef, catering supervisor or manager.
Answer all the questions.

Q1: What customer group is your menu developed for?

Q2: What are their dietary and/or cultural requirements?

Q3: What sources of information did you use to determine these requirements?

Q4: Whom did you liaise with to identify and confirm customer requirements?

Q5: What would the health consequences (if any) be if you ignored the special dietary requirements of this customer group?

Q6: What goals(s) would you set for your menus based on the information you've researched about your customer group. That is, what are you hoping to achieve by planning and documenting a meal plan and menu?

Task 2.2: Document a menu overview

Go to Appendix 3 (Menu Overview template)

Discuss and confirm the time period for your cyclic menu prior to commencing this task, for example, two, three or four weeks.
Brainstorm a range of menu ideas to suit the customer, dietary and cultural or religious requirements identified in Task 1.1 for at least two weeks of your cyclic menu.
Sort your menu suggestions into a rough draft of your menu using the Appendix 3 (Menu overview template)

Task 2.3: Develop menus and meal plans for special diets

Go to Appendix 4 (Daily meal plan and checklist)

Print or cut and paste seven copies of the daily menu plan and checklist (one copy for each day of the week).
Complete a meal plan for each day of the week for the first week of your cyclic menu as per your menu overview from Task 1.2.
Complete the table for each menu item (breakfast options, morning tea, lunch options, and afternoon tea and dinner options) for each day of the week.
Use the checklist for each menu item to ensure your meal plans (and entire menu) is well planned and meets the nutritional, dietary, cultural or religious requirements of your customer group.

Task 2.4: Cost menus
Go to Appendix 5(Menu Costing)
Select one day from the menu developed in Task 1.3.
Calculate the portion yields and costs of all ingredients required to prepare and produce all menu options offered on your selected day.
Calculate other expenditure items used in the preparation or service of the menu item.
Calculate the total cost for one serve or portion for each menu option.
You must complete Appendix 5 one menu costing table for each menu item.

Task 2.5: Monitor menu performance
Go to Appendix 2 (Background Information)
Implement the menu in your workplace or training environment.
Monitor the performance of the menu by obtaining feedback from customers or others by using at least two of the methods listed in Appendix 2
You can use feedback mechanisms currently used within the organisation, modify existing mechanisms to assist in gathering necessary information, or create your own.
Document and analyse the results of your feedback to determine the following.
- Success of your menu against dietary goals for the customer group nominated in Task 1.1
- Level of customer satisfaction with the menu
Save your feedback results and analysis locally as Menu 1_Feedback analysis. You will need to refer to it to respond to questions in Task 1.6.
Scan or photograph at least one example of each type of feedback method you used to obtain feedback. Save as Menu 1_Feedback example 1 and Menu 1_Feedback example 2.
Submit the following to your assessor:
- Menu 1_Feedback analysis
- Menu 1_Feedback example 1
- Menu 1_Feedback example 2

Task 2.6: Review performance
Answer the following questions based on your analysis of feedback in Task 1.5.

Q1: What methods/techniques did you use to obtain feedback?

Q2: Who did you seek feedback from?

Q3: Did you achieve the dietary goals you set in Task 1.1?

Q4: Which menu items did not meet dietary goals?

Q5: Briefly explain why you think menu items did or did not meet dietary goals.

Q6: Which menu items rated the highest customer satisfaction score?

Q7: Which menu items rated the lowest customer satisfaction score?

Q8: Briefly explain why you think customers were or were not satisfied with the menu items.

Q9: Describe the changes you would make to your completed menu based on the feedback you received.

Task 3: Menu 3
Task 3.1: Identify the dietary and cultural requirements of customers
Select a customer group for your cyclic menu.
Students will choose any one from the following:
- Children
- Elderly
- International Tourists
Identify the dietary and cultural requirements of your customer group.
You must confirm your selected customer group and dietary, cultural or religious requirements with your trainer/assessor prior to undertaking this assessment.
The size of the group must be discussed and confirmed with your trainer/assessor. Although a specific number is not specified, the group size must be substantial enough to replicate realistic workplace demands of a senior cook, chef, catering supervisor or manager.

Answer all the questions.

Q1: What customer group is your menu developed for?

Q2: What are their dietary and/or cultural requirements?

Q3: What sources of information did you use to determine these requirements?

Q4: Whom did you liaise with to identify and confirm customer requirements?

Q5: What would the health consequences (if any) be if you ignored the special dietary requirements of this customer group?

Q6: What goals(s) would you set for your menus based on the information you've researched about your customer group. That is, what are you hoping to achieve by planning and documenting a meal plan and menu?

Task 3.2: Document a menu overview
Go to Appendix 3 (Menu Overview template)
Discuss and confirm the time period for your cyclic menu prior to commencing this task, for example, two, three or four weeks.
Brainstorm a range of menu ideas to suit the customer, dietary and cultural or religious requirements identified in Task 1.1 for at least two weeks of your cyclic menu.
Sort your menu suggestions into a rough draft of your menu using the Appendix 3 (Menu overview template)

Task 3.3: Develop menus and meal plans for special diets
• Go to Appendix 4 (Daily meal plan and checklist)
• Print or cut and paste seven copies of the daily menu plan and checklist (one copy for each day of the week).
• Complete a meal plan for each day of the week for the first week of your cyclic menu as per your menu overview from Task 1.2.
• Complete the table for each menu item (breakfast options, morning tea, lunch options, afternoon tea and dinner options) for each day of the week.
• Use the checklist for each menu item to ensure your meal plans (and entire menu) are well planned and meet the nutritional, dietary, cultural or religious requirements of your customer group.

Task 3.4: Cost menus
• Go to Appendix 5(Menu Costing)
• Select one day from the menu developed in Task 1.3.
• Calculate the portion yields and costs of all ingredients required to prepare and produce all menu options offered on your selected day.
• Calculate other expenditure items used in the preparation or service of the menu item.
• Calculate the total cost for one serve or portion for each menu option.
• You must complete Appendix 5 one menu costing table for each menu item.

Task 3.5: Monitor menu performance
• Go to Appendix 2 (Background Information)
• Implement the menu in your workplace or training environment.
• Monitor the performance of the menu by obtaining feedback from customers or others by using at least two of the methods listed in Appendix 2
• You can use feedback mechanisms currently used within the organisation, modify existing mechanisms to assist in gathering necessary information, or create your own.
• Document and analyse the results of your feedback to determine the following.
- Success of your menu against dietary goals for the customer group nominated in Task 1.1
- Level of customer satisfaction with the menu
• Save your feedback results and analysis locally as Menu 1_Feedback analysis. You will need to refer to it to respond to questions in Task 1.6.
• Scan or photograph at least one example of each type of feedback method you used to obtain feedback. Save as Menu 1_Feedback example 1 and Menu 1_Feedback example 2.
• Submit the following to your assessor:
- Menu 1_Feedback analysis
- Menu 1_Feedback example 1
- Menu 1_Feedback example 2

Task 3.6: Review performance
Answer the following questions based on your analysis of feedback in Task 1.5.

Q1: What methods/techniques did you use to obtain feedback?

Q2: Who did you seek feedback from?

Q3: Did you achieve the dietary goals you set in Task 1.1?

Q4: Which menu items did not meet dietary goals?

Q5: Briefly explain why you think menu items did or did not meet dietary goals.

Q6: Which menu items rated the highest customer satisfaction score?

Q7: Which menu items rated the lowest customer satisfaction score?

Q8: Briefly explain why you think customers were or were not satisfied with the menu items.

Q9: Describe the changes you would make to your completed menu based on the feedback you received.

Task 4: Menu 4

Task 4.1: Identify the dietary and cultural requirements of customers
Select a customer group for your cyclic menu.
Students will choose any one from the following:
- Children
- Elderly
- International Tourists
Identify the dietary and cultural requirements of your customer group.
You must confirm your selected customer group and dietary, cultural or religious requirements with your trainer/assessor prior to undertaking this assessment.
The size of the group must be discussed and confirmed with your trainer/assessor. Although a specific number is not specified, the group size must be substantial enough to replicate realistic workplace demands of a senior cook, chef, catering supervisor or manager.
Answer all the questions.

Q1: What customer group is your menu developed for?

Q2: What are their dietary and/or cultural requirements?

Q3: What sources of information did you use to determine these requirements?

Q4: Whom did you liaise with to identify and confirm customer requirements?

Q5: What would the health consequences (if any) be if you ignored the special dietary requirements of this customer group?

Q6: What goals(s) would you set for your menus based on the information you've researched about your customer group. That is, what are you hoping to achieve by planning and documenting a meal plan and menu?

Task 4.2: Document a menu overview

• Go to Appendix 3 (Menu Overview template)
• Discuss and confirm the time period for your cyclic menu prior to commencing this task, for example, two, three or four weeks.
• Brainstorm a range of menu ideas to suit the customer, dietary and cultural or religious requirements identified in Task 1.1 for at least two weeks of your cyclic menu.
• Sort your menu suggestions into a rough draft of your menu using the Appendix 3 (Menu overview template)

Task 4.3: Develop menus and meal plans for special diets
• Go to Appendix 4 (Daily meal plan and checklist)
• Print or cut and paste seven copies of the daily menu plan and checklist (one copy for each day of the week).
• Complete a meal plan for each day of the week for the first week of your cyclic menu as per your menu overview from Task 1.2.
• Complete the table for each menu item (breakfast options, morning tea, lunch options, afternoon tea and dinner options) for each day of the week.
• Use the checklist for each menu item to ensure your meal plans (and entire menu) are well planned and meet the nutritional, dietary, cultural or religious requirements of your customer group.

Task 4.4: Cost menus
• Go to Appendix 5(Menu Costing)
• Select one day from the menu developed in Task 1.3.
• Calculate the portion yields and costs of all ingredients required to prepare and produce all menu options offered on your selected day.
• Calculate other expenditure items used in the preparation or service of the menu item.
• Calculate the total cost for one serve or portion for each menu option.
• You must complete Appendix 5 one menu costing table for each menu item.

Task 4.5: Monitor menu performance
• Go to Appendix 2 (Background Information)
• Implement the menu in your workplace or training environment.
• Monitor the performance of the menu by obtaining feedback from customers or others by using at least two of the methods listed in Appendix 2
• You can use feedback mechanisms currently used within the organisation, modify existing mechanisms to assist in gathering necessary information, or create your own.
• Document and analyse the results of your feedback to determine the following.
- Success of your menu against dietary goals for the customer group nominated in Task 1.1
- Level of customer satisfaction with the menu
• Save your feedback results and analysis locally as Menu 1_Feedback analysis. You will need to refer to it to respond to questions in Task 1.6.
• Scan or photograph at least one example of each type of feedback method you used to obtain feedback. Save as Menu 1_Feedback example 1 and Menu 1_Feedback example 2.
• Submit the following to your assessor:
- Menu 1_Feedback analysis
- Menu 1_Feedback example 1
- Menu 1_Feedback example 2

Task 4.6: Review performance
Answer the following questions based on your analysis of feedback in Task 1.5.

Q1: What methods/techniques did you use to obtain feedback?

Q2: Who did you seek feedback from?

Q3: Did you achieve the dietary goals you set in Task 1.1?

Q4: Which menu items did not meet dietary goals?

Q5: Briefly explain why you think menu items did or did not meet dietary goals.

Q6: Which menu items rated the highest customer satisfaction score?

Q7: Which menu items rated the lowest customer satisfaction score?

Q8: Briefly explain why you think customers were or were not satisfied with the menu items.

Q9: Describe the changes you would make to your completed menu based on the feedback you received.

Task 5: Menu 5
Task 5.1: Identify the dietary and cultural requirements of customers
Select a customer group for your cyclic menu.
Students will choose any one from the following:
- Children
- Elderly
- International Tourists
Identify the dietary and cultural requirements of your customer group.
You must confirm your selected customer group and dietary, cultural or religious requirements with your trainer/assessor prior to undertaking this assessment.
The size of the group must be discussed and confirmed with your trainer/assessor. Although a specific number is not specified, the group size must be substantial enough to replicate realistic workplace demands of a senior cook, chef, catering supervisor or manager.
Answer all the questions.

Q1: What customer group is your menu developed for?

Q2: What are their dietary and/or cultural requirements?

Q3: What sources of information did you use to determine these requirements?

Q4: Whom did you liaise with to identify and confirm customer requirements?

Q5: What would the health consequences (if any) be if you ignored the special dietary requirements of this customer group?

Q6: What goals(s) would you set for your menus based on the information you've researched about your customer group. That is, what are you hoping to achieve by planning and documenting a meal plan and menu?

Task 5.2: Document a menu overview
• Go to Appendix 3 (Menu Overview template)
• Discuss and confirm the time period for your cyclic menu prior to commencing this task, for example, two, three or four weeks.
• Brainstorm a range of menu ideas to suit the customer, dietary and cultural or religious requirements identified in Task 1.1 for at least two weeks of your cyclic menu.
• Sort your menu suggestions into a rough draft of your menu using the Appendix 3 (Menu overview template)

Task 5.3: Develop menus and meal plans for special diets
• Go to Appendix 4 (Daily meal plan and checklist)
• Print or cut and paste seven copies of the daily menu plan and checklist (one copy for each day of the week).
• Complete a meal plan for each day of the week for the first week of your cyclic menu as per your menu overview from Task 1.2.
• Complete the table for each menu item (breakfast options, morning tea, lunch options, afternoon tea and dinner options) for each day of the week.
• Use the checklist for each menu item to ensure your meal plans (and entire menu) are well planned and meet the nutritional, dietary, cultural or religious requirements of your customer group.

Task 5.4: Cost menus
• Go to Appendix 5(Menu Costing)
• Select one day from the menu developed in Task 1.3.
• Calculate the portion yields and costs of all ingredients required to prepare and produce all menu options offered on your selected day.
• Calculate other expenditure items used in the preparation or service of the menu item.
• Calculate the total cost for one serve or portion for each menu option.
• You must complete Appendix 5 one menu costing table for each menu item.

Task 5.5: Monitor menu performance
• Go to Appendix 2 (Background Information)
• Implement the menu in your workplace or training environment.
• Monitor the performance of the menu by obtaining feedback from customers or others by using at least two of the methods listed in Appendix 2
• You can use feedback mechanisms currently used within the organisation, modify existing mechanisms to assist in gathering necessary information, or create your own.
• Document and analyse the results of your feedback to determine the following.
- Success of your menu against dietary goals for the customer group nominated in Task 1.1
- Level of customer satisfaction with the menu
• Save your feedback results and analysis locally as Menu 1_Feedback analysis. You will need to refer to it to respond to questions in Task 1.6.
• Scan or photograph at least one example of each type of feedback method you used to obtain feedback. Save as Menu 1_Feedback example 1 and Menu 1_Feedback example 2.
• Submit the following to your assessor:
- Menu 1_Feedback analysis
- Menu 1_Feedback example 1
- Menu 1_Feedback example 2

Task 5.6: Review performance
Answer the following questions based on your analysis of feedback in Task 1.5.

Q1: What methods/techniques did you use to obtain feedback?

Q2: Who did you seek feedback from?

Q3: Did you achieve the dietary goals you set in Task 1.1?

Q4: Which menu items did not meet dietary goals?

Q5: Briefly explain why you think menu items did or did not meet dietary goals.

Q6: Which menu items rated the highest customer satisfaction score?

Q7: Which menu items rated the lowest customer satisfaction score?

Q8: Briefly explain why you think customers were or were not satisfied with the menu items.

Q9: Describe the changes you would make to your completed menu based on the feedback you received.

Task 6: Menu 6

Task 6.1: Identify the dietary and cultural requirements of customers
• Select a customer group for your cyclic menu.
• Students will choose any one from the following:
- Children
- Elderly
- International Tourists
• Identify the dietary and cultural requirements of your customer group.
• You must confirm your selected customer group and dietary, cultural or religious requirements with your trainer/assessor prior to undertaking this assessment.
• The size of the group must be discussed and confirmed with your trainer/assessor. Although a specific number is not specified, the group size must be substantial enough to replicate realistic workplace demands of a senior cook, chef, catering supervisor or manager.
• Answer all the questions.

Q1: What customer group is your menu developed for?

Q2: What are their dietary and/or cultural requirements?

Q3: What sources of information did you use to determine these requirements?

Q4: Whom did you liaise with to identify and confirm customer requirements?

Q5: What would the health consequences (if any) be if you ignored the special dietary requirements of this customer group?

Q6: What goals(s) would you set for your menus based on the information you've researched about your customer group. That is, what are you hoping to achieve by planning and documenting a meal plan and menu?

Task 6.2: Document a menu overview
• Go to Appendix 3 (Menu Overview template)
• Discuss and confirm the time period for your cyclic menu prior to commencing this task, for example, two, three or four weeks.
• Brainstorm a range of menu ideas to suit the customer, dietary and cultural or religious requirements identified in Task 1.1 for at least two weeks of your cyclic menu.
• Sort your menu suggestions into a rough draft of your menu using the Appendix 3 (Menu overview template)
Task 6.3: Develop menus and meal plans for special diets
• Go to Appendix 4 (Daily meal plan and checklist)
• Print or cut and paste seven copies of the daily menu plan and checklist (one copy for each day of the week).
• Complete a meal plan for each day of the week for the first week of your cyclic menu as per your menu overview from Task 1.2.
• Complete the table for each menu item (breakfast options, morning tea, lunch options, afternoon tea and dinner options) for each day of the week.
• Use the checklist for each menu item to ensure your meal plans (and entire menu) are well planned and meet the nutritional, dietary, cultural or religious requirements of your customer group.

Task 6.4: Cost menus
• Go to Appendix 5(Menu Costing)
• Select one day from the menu developed in Task 1.3.
• Calculate the portion yields and costs of all ingredients required to prepare and produce all menu options offered on your selected day.
• Calculate other expenditure items used in the preparation or service of the menu item.
• Calculate the total cost for one serve or portion for each menu option.
• You must complete Appendix 5 one menu costing table for each menu item.

Task 6.5: Monitor menu performance
• Go to Appendix 2 (Background Information)
• Implement the menu in your workplace or training environment.
• Monitor the performance of the menu by obtaining feedback from customers or others by using at least two of the methods listed in Appendix 2
• You can use feedback mechanisms currently used within the organisation, modify existing mechanisms to assist in gathering necessary information, or create your own.
• Document and analyse the results of your feedback to determine the following.
- Success of your menu against dietary goals for the customer group nominated in Task 1.1
- Level of customer satisfaction with the menu
• Save your feedback results and analysis locally as Menu 1_Feedback analysis. You will need to refer to it to respond to questions in Task 1.6.
• Scan or photograph at least one example of each type of feedback method you used to obtain feedback. Save as Menu 1_Feedback example 1 and Menu 1_Feedback example 2.
• Submit the following to your assessor:
- Menu 1_Feedback analysis
- Menu 1_Feedback example 1
- Menu 1_Feedback example 2
Task 6.6: Review performance
Answer the following questions based on your analysis of feedback in Task 1.5.

Q1: What methods/techniques did you use to obtain feedback?

Q2: Who did you seek feedback from?

Q3: Did you achieve the dietary goals you set in Task 1.1?

Q4: Which menu items did not meet dietary goals?

Q5: Briefly explain why you think menu items did or did not meet dietary goals.

Q6: Which menu items rated the highest customer satisfaction score?

Q7: Which menu items rated the lowest customer satisfaction score?

Q8: Briefly explain why you think customers were or were not satisfied with the menu items.

Q9: Describe the changes you would make to your completed menu based on the feedback you received.

Assessment Task 3 Project B

This assessment requires students to research a contemporary/emerging dietary trend or regime.

Students are required to do the following.

- Research a contemporary/emerging dietary trend or regime and answer all the questions.

Task 1: Research and short-answer questions

Q1: What dietary trend or regime did you base your research on?
Examples of dietary trends or regimes the learner might research include the following.

Q2: What are the strengths and weakness of the dietary trend or regime?

Q3: Liaise with other professionals. Would this dietary trend or regime be suitable for a child? Why? Why not?
Response will vary depending on the dietary regime researched by the learner.

Q4: Liaise with other professionals. Would this dietary trend or regime be suitable for a pregnant or lactating woman? Why? Why not?
Response will vary depending on the dietary regime researched by the learner.

Q5: Liaise with other professionals. Would this dietary trend or regime be suitable for an older Australian? Why? Why not?

Q6: Liaise with other professionals. Would this dietary trend or regime be suitable for an athlete?

Q7: Liaise with other professionals. Would this dietary trend or regime be suitable for an obese person? Why? Why not?

Note: Need only task 3

Attachment:- Develop menus for special dietary requirements.rar

Reference no: EM133044717

Questions Cloud

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Determine the present value of net cash flows : The water softener is approaching the end of its useful life and must be either overhauled or replaced. Determine the present value of net cash flows
Develop menus and meal plans for special diets : What are the possible consequences of serving a meal which ignores customers' special dietary requirements - Develop menus and meal plans for special diets
Market with strong emphasis on performance : Singapore's flexible wage system recommendation from the government is 70:10:20. The ratio represents basic wage, monthly variable and annual variable component
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Contrast the us and ksa health care systems : Comparison and Contrast the US and KSA Health Care Systems Definition of each country's healthcare system.
Prepare a Sales Budget Report for the month of March : Prepare a Sales Budget Report for the month of March for Cheater Trading Company which shows whether the company achieved its planned objectives



12/10/2021 1:55:17 AM

I just need menu’s and related answers i have already done question answers that are given 64 questions.. Just assessment task 3 projects Need only task 3

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