Develop mathematical models for marine systems

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM13879041

Develop mathematical models (theoretical modelling) and simulation programs for marine systems using MATLAB and Simulink as a whole.

The main tasks are to:

1. Use the attached sheets for a surface vessel's propulsion system;

2. Make assumptions based on relevant theories related to the marine systems in order to derive equations governing characteristics of the marine systems.

3. Represent the derived equations in appropriate form for programming;

4. Determine which numerical integration methods can be used in order to have acceptable accuracy;

5. Make simulation programs for the system under various working/operational conditions using both MATLAB/GUI and Simulink/GUI;

6. Use the simulation programs to learn the characteristics of the marine systems via various simulated scenarios, and compare simulated results by MATLAB and Simulink; and

7. Write an individual report.

Sufficient to describe the theory related to the marine systems, simulation method, simulation programs, presentation and analysis of computed results. Use the AMC/NCMEH assignment template at If you have good results the outcomes of the simulation programs can be reported in form of a conference or journal paper and you can submit such a paper to a conference or journal.

Brushless dc motor based propulsion system for a container vessel model

Mathematical equations (models) for the BLDC Motor

Simplified BLDC motor circuit with assumptions

Derive the following equations (relevant theory > should use proper referencing):

oEquations for the DC-3 phase voltage inverter
oEquations for the electrical part of motor
oEquations for the mechanical part of motor
oEquation/s for the relationship between the motor speed (or geared speed) and drag

- Express the above equations in appropriate form/s for programming with
oSimulink (GUI)

• Find numerical values and their units from the datasheet.

• Simulate the system with different scenarios: at least open loop system, and closed-loop system with PID controller (you must use the above developed equations for your programs).

Reference no: EM13879041

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