Reference no: EM131312995
1) Analyze the relationship of nonprofits to their target audiences from a marketing management perspective and apply marketing mix principles including the use of analytic software segmentation and social media to develop and communicate the organization's value proposition, build a brand, and seek multiple funding sources to support sustainability.
2) Develop marketing strategies for nonprofit organizations which incorporate the financial and legal environment opportunities and constraints.
Open source material -
Bloom's for the Grant Proposal:
Analyzing - breaking meaning into parts. These are the connective parts of a grant proposal to its funding source.
Applying - using learned material, executing a proposal, employing knowledge in new situations.
Organizing - organize and outline content, in this instance, the components of a grant proposal.
This project is designed to strengthen your synthesis skills by combining parts of information into a new whole, building on the Case Study assignment, but towards a financial goal of funding. In this proposal, you will design a funding strategy that supports resources necessary for program, operating or capacity-building needs. Start a new program, expand an existing program, integrate new technology, increase staff, open a new location or expand an existing one, or whatever else you determine is a funding priority for your chosen nonprofit.
Your grant proposal should focus on the mission statement of your chosen nonprofit and the relationship with the target audience(s) it serves. You should research a foundation that seeks to fund organizations such as yours that fits with your mission and target audience. Watch out for mission creep; do not seek a grant that is outside your organization's mission and primary objectives.
Your paper should also demonstrate comfort in using marketing terminology and concepts, as discussed in our course Topics. Refer to the vocabulary sections here in each Topic. You may Google "sample nonprofit grant proposals" for examples or ideas, but as this is a basic proposal, the project description below should suffice.
Note that a grant proposal is simply another opportunity for impact (problem solving) marketing. It should begin with the right mindset, followed by a thorough "listening" to the target audience. In this case, research your chosen foundation and read carefully what it has to say. Do not forget to use Guidestar and The Foundation Center among the sources for choosing your foundation.
Multimedia/Social Media: These are sites I think you should be familiar with, and suggest the use of these sites towards the assignment. The purpose here is to introduce you to sites you may not be familiar with and to apply them in the context of a specified learning outcome, in this case, your Grant Proposal.
Blackbaud - - software you might want to acquire through funding, or how you will use to further a marketing strategy.
Snapchat -
Twitter for nonprofits -
Facebook for nonprofits -
Gliffy- create diagrams, flowcharts and org charts. You might use these to emphasize points, or share data in your proposal, such as a budget, or timeline for implementation of a technology, program or capital project.
Diigo - coordinate your group efforts electronically
The components of your ten-page (including cover page and bibliography), double-spaced grant proposal should include:
1. title page, your name, class, semester, chosen nonprofit name and table of contents, this is part of the ten-page count.
2. executive summary (why you are seeking this grant, what you are asking for, and expected outcomes should you receive this grant); think of this paragraph or two in terms of making a first impression and helping the Foundation determine the importance of relevant facts. Also what results the Foundation can expect should they choose to fund your proposal.
3. the core of the grant proposal (narrative):
1. cover letter (in business letter format) describing the history of the situation behind the proposal; who has been contacted, if anyone, in the foundation; and the kinds and levels of support being sought.
2. the statement of need, describing the project or set of activities you would like to be funded by the foundation; the project's uniqueness; and why it is important. Discuss your target audience(s) here and how the marketing mix relates to your needs - remember those four P's (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion).
3. the budget (current and projected financial environment) for the project, this could be very basic, but should include the current financial constraints and how new money would be put to use over the course of a year,(i.e., your monthly costs).you might make a simple chart, but a paragraph or two about quarterly and annual spending on the program and personnel is sufficient.
4. the personnel working on the project, along with very brief resumes-should be a list of no more than three people; if you cannot find bios on your chosen personnel, you may create your own bios (I am interested in you practicing inclusion of this information).
5. close with an overview of your organization, the mission statement and how you perceive that it relates to the Foundation's funding priorities, use facts here to support your case such as your current use of technology, marketing strategies, short and long-term marketing goals.
6. project bibliography, should include information about your chosen nonprofit and the foundation you are seeking a grant from, such as names, addresses, and a brief description of each organization. Use at least five references here - (which include your chosen nonprofit organization and selected foundation).
1. Please provide us with one example of how a nonprofit (your choice) might use Snapchat.
2. Go back to the lecture and visit volunteermatch. Share with us an example of a volunteering opportunity near you that interests you. After all, marketers have to try out their ideas to make sure they work!
3. Is there a technology that works best for you? And why? Is it social media? Is it traditional direct mail? Is it visiting a website? In other words, work it backwards, assume your chosen nonprofit is trying to reach you.
Independent Research
If this topic discussion has motivated you to learn more, visit these sites that you are probably already familiar with, but look at them now through the lens of a nonprofit marketing manager.