Reference no: EM133803208 , Length: word count:600
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in Early Childhood
Assessment 1 Learning Plan
In pairs, you will work together to develop learning plans to introduce children to a topic in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. This assessment will help you to practice collaboration skills in creating lessons.
Important points
Although you will be working in pairs, you will need to submit individual assignments.
Your lesson plans will be similar however they may not be exactly the same, and they need to be written using your own words.
If there are uneven numbers in your tutorial group, one group will have a trio.
Speak to your tutor about how to create your pairing. You can choose your pair, or the tutor will randomly select another person for you.
Digital and multimodal learning needs to be included in the plan. Not all learning plans require digital inclusion, however it must be included in at least ONE lesson plan. There are many creative ways to have digital inclusion in a lesson. Digital inclusion can include things such as children watching a YouTube video, children listening to a story from a website or podcast, children using an iPad, children recording their answers and thoughts on a recording device etc.
Make sure to look at the marking rubric, so you know how the marks are distributed in this assignment.
Learning Plans
You will create a total of 3 learning plans.
The word count for this assignment is 1800 words.
You must ensure that your learning plans integrate a MINIMUM of 2 different subject areas per learning plan. Although not compulsory, try and make sure you use all the different subjects at least once. You will naturally use one subject area a couple of times, or multiple times, in this assignment. For example, if you integrate mathematics and art in one learning plan, try and integrate science and engineering for learning plan two. Lesson plan three may then integrate technology, mathematics and engineering etc.
The integration of the different subject areas should be authentic. Do not force the integration of subjects if there is no natural fit.
You may use this template for your assessment, or you may use your own template provided you touch on all of the following information. If you do use this template, please be sure to delete all of the entered explanations so that only your work is seen within the categories and sections.
Topic and Rationale: Give a title for the activity and a brief rationale of the activity. The rationale should explain why you have chosen the experience for the child(ren)? How does it support children's STEAM literacy? Did you read any article or theory about the benefits of this learning experience? Hire Tutor Now!
Special Considerations: Are there any special needs to be considered in the class? List any particular ability levels or additional needs (gifted? delayed? Hearing impaired? Vision impaired? ADHD?) and offer an alternative option for any portion of the activity that the children with special considerations would need to complete in order to meet the learning outcomes (Choose one special consideration and offer one alternative within your activity description below).
Intended learning outcomes Refer to the EYLF or other curriculum learning outcomes that are appropriate for this age group
Evidence of learning outcomes What will the proof or evidence be to show that the student has reached the learning outcomes? Will they create something? Is there a verbal explanation to you showing their understanding? Is there a writing sheet? Etc...
Risks Does the activity pose any risks to any students? Allergies? Physical activity? Health or emotional risks? Etc... Safety?
Location, resources, and equipment/furniture
Where will the STEAM activity be conducted?
What resources and equipment/furniture do you?
Attach a photo if possible.
Key STEAM concept or Vocabulary Key STEAM concepts questions or vocabulary words you may be focusing on....
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