Develop integrated performance management processes

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Reference no: EM132626455

BSBHRM512 Develop and manage performance management processes

Task 1

Question 1

When developing and managing performance management processes in an organisation, you have to apply HR knowledge. Address the following:
A What are the characteristics of a learning organisation?
List 4.
B Select and briefly outline (30 -50 words each) 2 models for giving feedback.

C Outline 2 options for skills development (30 -50 words each).

D Outline 2 options (30 -50 words each) to design a performance management process.

E What is the role of performance management in relation to a broader human resources and business objectives? (40-80 words)

Question 2

Read the grievance procedures of the Australian Red Cross:

Summarise the procedure. Address the following:
• Scope of the policy
• Who does the policy apply to?
• What can a staff member do if a Red Cross Person is not behaving appropriately?
• What happens if the staff member is genuinely unable to raise the concern within the Red Cross?
• What are the steps involved in resolving a concern raised by a staff member? Outline the formal and informal process.
• How can a concern be escalated?

Question 3

Select and outline two policies and procedures, and two legislative and regulatory requirements relevant to performance management. (30-50 words each).

Task 2 - Develop an integrated performance-management process

You are a newly appointed HR Manager working at Australian Hardware (see the scenario in Appendix 1).

This task comprises of product-based assessment methods and direct observation in a simulated work environment.

You are required to:

• Develop integrated performance management processes
• Undertake consultation with line managers to review theintegrated performance management processes
• Train the line managers in key performance management processes
• Prepare a learning plan
• Select and manage the work relationship with a training provider
• Prepare reporting to management on the effectiveness of the training provided

It has been designed to evaluate your ability to:

• Analyse organisational strategic and operational plans to identify relevant policies and objectives to be addressed in integrated performance-management processes
• Develop objectives for performance-management processes to support organisational strategy and goals and to build organisational capability
• Design methods and processes for line managers to develop key performance indicators for those reporting to them
• Develop organisational timeframes and processes for formal performance-management sessions
• Ensure performance-management processes are flexible enough to cover the range of the organisation's employment situations
• Consult with key stakeholders about the processes and agree on process features
• Gain support for implementation of the performance-management processes
• Train relevant groups and individuals to monitor performance, identify performance gaps, provide feedback and manage talent
• Work with line managers to ensure that performance is monitored regularly and that intervention occurs as required and complies with organisational policies and legal requirements
• Design and develop learning and development plans and strategies to encourage effective employee performance
• Deliver learning and development plans according to agreed timeframes, ensuring achievement of specified outcomes
• Contract appropriate providers for performance development, as identified by plans and according to organisational policy
• Monitor learning and development activities to ensure compliance with quality assurance standards
• Negotiate remedial action with providers, where necessary
• Generate reports to advise appropriate managers on progress and success rates of activities
• Regularly evaluate and improve all aspects of performance-management processes in keeping with organisational objectives and policies

You are required to address the following:
• Task 2.1 Integrated performance management processes
o Develop integrated performance -management processes for ‘'Australian Hardware.'
o Develop a performance management session policy
• Task 2.2 Consult with and train relevant stakeholders
o Perform a Role-Play to consult line manager about the performance management processes; and
o Train the line managers on key performance management processes
o Develop a lesson plan and a power point presentation as part of the Role-Play requirements
o Research two possible training rpoviders to deliver a formal course in leadership
o Obtain a quote for each provider
o Select one of the providers providing justifications
• Task 2.3 Implement learning and development
o Address feedback with the training provider and plan to negotiate remedial actions
o Write an email report to the CEO about the training activity in Task 2.2

1. Review the assessment scenario, the business documentation, including policies and procedures and the templates provided:
o Appendix 1 - Scenario at the end of this document
o Appendix 2 - Employee training and development policyat the end of this document
o Policies and Procedures - provided via link:
o Templates:
» 1- Integrated performance management processesin Task 2.1
» 2 - Performance management sessions policy in Task 2.1 D
» 3 - Learning Plan in Task 2.2

2. Develop integrated performance -management processes (Template 1) for ‘'Australian Hardware.'
3. Follow these steps:
a. Read and analyse organisational strategic and operational plans to identify relevant policies and objectives to be addressed in the integrated performance-management processes
b. Develop SMARTgoals for the performance-management processes
c. Design methods and processes for line managers to develop key performance indicators for those reporting to them
d. Determine organisational timeframes and processes for formal performance-management sessions. Ensure that these processes cater to different employment situations, for example, casual workers, employees under flexible work arrangements, part-timers and full-timers, or employees who are job sharing. To do so, develop a policy for performance management-sessions. Use the template provided: Performance Management Policy Sessions. Complete the policy and submit it with your assessment (Template 2).
4. Use the template provided and follow the instructions.
5. In week 4 of class, liaise with the trainer and assessor and schedule a time to:
• Present the draft of the performance management process to a group of two classmates who will play the role of line managers in the organisation.
• Train the managers on key performance management processes.

The aims of the Role-Play are to:
o Consult with the managers about the processes developed in Task 2.1 and agree on the process features
o Gain support for the implementation of the process
o Train relevant managers on the key performance management processes
o Establish a positive work relationship with the line managers to ensure they will monitor their teams' performance regularly
o Encourage line managers to apply early intervention as required according to organisational policies and legal requirements
The training session must cover:
o The content of the performance management session policy
o Why regular performance monitoring and early intervention are important
o How to monitor the performance of employees in their teams
o How to identify performance gaps
o How to provide feedback
o How to manage talent

For this Role-Play, you will also have to develop and submit:
o A Learning Plan (use the template 3 provided)
o A PowerPoint Presentation to address:
» The content of the performance management session policy
» Why regular performance monitoring and early intervention are important
» How to monitor the performance of employees in their teams
» How to identify performance gaps
» How to provide feedback
» How to manage talent
If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor to perform the Role-Play.

6. Additionally, you want the line managers to attend a formal course in leadership. Your budget for two managers is $ 4,000, and the training must be completed within three months.
a) Research two possible training organisation providers that can deliver the leadership course within budget and according to timelines.
b) The procurement policy requires to obtain two quotes for any service under $5,000. Obtain a quote from each provider (prices could be found on their websites, or you could enquire directly with the provider).
c) Provide evidence of the quotes. You could attach a screenshot of the price provided for example.
d) Select one provider according to requirements, providing justifications.
7. Consider that the following has happened:
The education provider engaged in delivering the leadership course has not delivered what was promised:
o The facilitator was late
o The quality of the training material provided was of poor (photocopies of photocopies)
o The participants did not feel engaged in the training session, and they believe that the facilitator was not an expert in his field
The contract that you have signed has a ‘non-refund' policy; however, you want to negotiate remedial actions with the provider.
a) Write a dialogue (what you would say) that you would use with the training provider to illustrate the situation and to negotiate remedial actions due to the substandard learning experience that was delivered.


Address the following:
• What are your non-negotiable?
• What negotiation technique would you apply? Why?
• What could be some common ground?
• What would you leverage on?

b) Write an email report to the CEO to advise him of the success rate of the training activity in Task 2.2 A and advise him of what actions will be implemented to improve future sessions based on the feedback received.

Complete the following activities:

Task 2.1 Integrated performance management processes

Develop integrated performance -management processes for ‘'Australian Hardware.'
Use the templates provided below and follow the instructions.

Task 2.2Consult with and train relevant stakeholders

A) In week 4 of class, liaise with the trainer and assessor and schedule a time (30 minutes) to:
• Present the draft of the performance management process to a group of two classmates who will play the role of line managers in the organisation.
• Train the managers on key performance management processes.
The aims of the Role-Play are to:
o Consult with the managers about the processes developed in Task 2.1 and agree on the process features
o Gain support for the implementation of the process
o Train relevant managers on the key performance management processes
o Establish a positive work relationship with the line managers to ensure they will monitor their teams' performance regularly
o Encourage line managers to apply early intervention as required according to organisational policies and legal requirements
The training session must cover:
o The content of the performance management session policy
o Why regular performance monitoring and earlyintervention are important
o How to monitor the performance of employees in their teams
o How to identify performance gaps
o How to provide feedback
o How to manage talent

o A Learning Plan (use the template 3 provided)
o A PowerPoint Presentation to address:
» The content of the performance management session policy
» Why regular performance monitoring and early intervention are important
» How to monitor the performance of employees in their teams
» How to identify performance gaps
» How to provide feedback
» How to manage talent
If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor to perform the Role-Play.
Before the Role-Play:
• Make sure that the draft of the integrated performance management process is ready
• Prepare the Powerpoint
• Prepare the Lesson Plan
• Think about how to run the session
During the Role-Play:
Deliver the Role-Play (consultation and training) as required.
After the Role-Play:
Apply any adjustment/refinement agreed on during the consultation to the integrated performance management processes.

B) Additionally, you want the line managers to attend a formal course in leadership. Your budget for two managers is $ 4,000, and the training must be completed within three months.
i. Research two possible training organisation providers that can deliver the leadership course within budget and according to timelines.
ii. The procurement policy requires you to obtain two quotes for any service under $5,000. Obtain a quote from each provider (prices could be found on their websites, or you could enquire directly with the provider).
iii. Provide evidence of the quotes. You could attach a screenshot of the price provided for example.
iv. Select one provider according to requirements, providing justifications.

Task 2.3Implement learning and development

Consider that the following has happened:
The education provider engaged in deliveringthe leadership course has not delivered what was promised:
o The facilitator was late
o The quality of the training material provided was of poor (photocopies of photocopies)
o The participants did not feel engaged in the training session, and they believe that the facilitator was not an expert in his field
The contract that you have signed has a ‘non-refund' policy; however, you want to negotiate remedial actions with the provider.
A) Write a dialogue (what you would say) that you would use with the training provider to illustrate the situation and to negotiate remedial actions due to the substandard learning experience that was delivered.

Address the following:

• What are your non-negotiable?
• What negotiation technique would you apply? Why?
• What could be some common ground?
• What would you leverage on?

B) Write an email report (50-100 words) to the CEO to advise him of the success rate of the training activity in Task 2.2 A and advise him of what actions will be implemented to improve future sessions based on the feedback received.

Task 3

You are a newly appointed HR Manager working at Australian Hardware (see the scenario in Appendix 1).

This task comprises of product-based assessment methods in a simulated work environment.

You are required to:

• Provide support to a line manager who is performance managing an employee
• Provide support to the line manager to terminate the employee
• Review performance management processes

It has been designed to evaluate your ability to:

• Support line managers to counsel and discipline employees who continually perform below standard
• Articulate dispute resolution processes where necessary, mediating between line managers and employees
• Provide support to terminate employees who fail to respond to interventions according to organisational protocols and legislative requirements
• Ensure recorded outcomes of performance-management sessions are accessible and stored securely, according to organisational policy
• Regularly evaluate and improve all aspects of performance-management processes in keeping with organisational objectives and policies

You are required to address the following:
• Task 3.1 Support line managers
o Provide support to a line manager who is performance managing an employee
o Provide support to the line manager to terminate the employee
• Task 3.2 Improvement
You are a newly appointed HR Manager working at Australian Hardware (see the scenario in Appendix 1).

This task comprises of product-based assessment methods in a simulated work environment.

You are required to:

• Provide support to a line manager who is performance managing an employee
• Provide support to the line manager to terminate the employee
• Review performance management processes

It has been designed to evaluate your ability to:

• Support line managers to counsel and discipline employees who continually perform below standard
• Articulate dispute resolution processes where necessary, mediating between line managers and employees
• Provide support to terminate employees who fail to respond to interventions according to organisational protocols and legislative requirements
• Ensure recorded outcomes of performance-management sessions are accessible and stored securely, according to organisational policy
• Regularly evaluate and improve all aspects of performance-management processes in keeping with organisational objectives and policies

You are required to address the following:
• Task 3.1 Support line managers
o Provide support to a line manager who is performance managing an employee
o Provide support to the line manager to terminate the employee
• Task 3.2 Improvement
o Review performance management processes and suggest improvements
• submit the completed assessment tasks, according to instructions,
• complete the tasks with sufficient detail and present them in a professional manner,
• use your own words and reference sources appropriately,
• meet the word count where required,
• use the scenario provided,
• use the templates provided where required
• apply critical thinking,
• for your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task you must satisfactorily address all of the assessment criteria,
• if part of this task is not satisfactorily completed you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate satisfactory performance.

1. Review the assessment scenario, the business documentation, including policies and procedures and the templates provided:
o Appendix 1 - Scenario at the end of this document
o Appendix 2 - Performance management policy and termination
o Appendix 3 - Termination letter
o Appendix 4 - Record keeping policy

2. Read the scenario in Task 3.1 A and review the performance management policy in Appendix 2 and the record management policy in Appendix 4.
3. Write an email to Audrey (line manager) to support her in performance managing an employee. Address the following:
o outline positive approaches to giving feedback and coaching
o outline appropriate intervention options
o coutline a process for dispute resolution
o offer to mediate between the employee and the manager (specify how)
o outline the process for terminating the employee in case intervention is unsuccessful
o outline the process for recordkeeping to ensure adherence to policies and legislative requirements.
4. Review the performance management policy in Appendix 2, the termination letter in Appendix 3 and the record management policy in Appendix 4.
5. Review the notes on the outcome of the performance management process in Task 3.1B
6. Provide guidance to Audrey on how to approach the termination of the employee
Address the following:
o What laws apply to the dismissal?
o Does unfair dismissal law apply to the dismissal?
o Is the dismissal for a valid reason?
o Has the employee been afforded opportunities to respond to allegations?
o Has the employee been offered support and training to improve his performance?
o Has the performance management process be documented?
o Has the union representative been consulted?
o Has legal advice been sought?
7. Provide guidance on how to complete the termination letter (Appendix 3)
Focus on:
Reasons relating to performance or conduct based on the termination policy (Appendix 2)
Notice period based on the termination policy (Appendix 2)
8. Provide guidance on record-keeping. Outline how the termination documents (Appendix 4) should be recorded and kept, and for how long.
9. Based on your learning in this unit, and what you have learned when working on the scenario for assessment, outline suggestions for improvements about the performance management processes at Australian Hardware to keep in line with organisational objectives and policies.

Complete the following activities:

Task 3.1 Support line managers

A) Review the following scenario:
You are working as HR Manager at ‘Australian Hardware' Store. The Housewares Manager contacts you with the following enquiry:
Dear xxxxxxx,
One of my sales staff is consistently late, displays poor attitude and has performed below agreed level on his last two performance appraisals. The employee does not agree with the rating I have given him, however.
I have tried clarifying targets and coaching. Nothing seems to work. Maybe I'm just not delivering feedback in the right way. It's hard not to be frustrated and I do get angry sometimes. Actually, I feel let down and hurt because I have tried to develop the potential I once saw in this employee. This terrible situation is now affecting team morale. What should I do next? I think I might need to let the employee go.

Audrey Wu
Housewares Manager

Review the performance management policy in Appendix 2and the record management policy in Appendix 4.
Write an email to Audrey, to:
a. outline positive approaches to giving feedback and coaching
b. outline appropriate intervention options
c. outline a process for dispute resolution
d. offer to mediate between the employee and the manager (specify how)
e. outline the process for terminating the employee in case intervention is unsuccessful
f. outline the process for recordkeeping to ensure adherence to policies and legislative requirements.
Ensure you refer to any relevant policies and legislation, including specific reference to anti-discrimination, privacy and industrial relations legislation.
(150-200 words)

B) Despite the attempt to re-engage the employee, the employee, has not improved and his behaviour has been the cause of serious misconduct.
The employee has worked with the company for 2.5 years.
The employment of this staff member must be terminated according to the HR Policy and Procedures and legal requirements.

During the performance management process:
o The employee has been provided with support and training from Audrey during the performance management process
o An investigation on the employee's misconduct was carried out, and the employee was offered an opportunity to respond to allegations
o The employee received written warnings
o The performance management process was properly documented
o The union representative has not been consulted yet, must be consulted by the end of the week
o Legal advice has been sought

Review the performance management policy in Appendix 2, the termination letter in Appendix 3 and the record management policy in Appendix 4.
1) Provide guidance to Audrey on how to approach the termination of the employee. Answer the following questions from Audrey.

2) Provide guidance on how to complete the termination letter (Appendix 3)

Focus on:

Reasons relating to performance or conduct based on the termination policy (Appendix 2):

3) Provide guidance on record-keeping

Outline how the termination documents (Appendix 4) should be recorded and kept, and for how long.

Task 3.2 Improvement

Based on your learning in this unit, and what you have learned when working on the scenario for assessment, what improvement would you suggest to the performance management processes at Australian Hardware to keep in line with organisational objectives and policies? Briefly outline 2-3.

BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness

Task 1

Question 1

Provide examples to explain how group dynamics can support (2 examples) and hinder (2 examples) team performance. (30-50 words/example)

Question 2

Select and outline four strategies that can support team cohesion, participation and performance.

Question 3

Select and explain three strategies for gaining consensus within a team.

Question 4

Select and explain three strategies that can be used to resolve issues within the team.
(30 -50 words/strategy)

Task 2 - Manage Team and Develop Performance Plan

You are employed by Bags Galore and have been asked to work with a team of 4 to write an operational plan for the e-commerce website.

This task comprises of product-based assessment methods and direct observation from trainer in a simulated work environment.

You are required to:

o Develop agendas for four weekly team meetings
o Participate in four weekly meetings, one of which will be observed by the assessor
o Develop additional documents related to facilitating team cohesion
o Develop an operational plan

It has been designed to evaluate your ability to:

o Consult team members to establish a common understanding of team purpose, roles, responsibilities and accountabilities in accordance with organisational goals, plans and objectives
o Develop performance plans to establish expected outcomes, outputs, key performance indicators (KPIs) and goals for work team
o Support team members in meeting expected performance outcomes
o Develop strategies to ensure team members have input into planning, decision making and operational aspects of work team
o Develop policies and procedures to ensure team members take responsibility for own work and assist others to undertake required roles and responsibilities
o Provide feedback to team members to encourage, value and reward individual and team efforts and contributions
o Develop processes to ensure that issues, concerns and problems identified by team members are recognised and addressed
o Encourage team members and individuals to participate in and to take responsibility for team activities, including communication processes
o Support the team in identifying and resolving work performance problems
o Ensure own contribution to work team serves as a role model for others and enhances the organisation's image for all stakeholders
o Communicate information from line managersmanagement to team
o Establishe and maintain open communication processes with all stakeholders
o Communicate unresolved issues and problems raised by team members

You are required to address the following:
• Task 2.1 Establish your team:
o Form and build a team that you will work with to complete the remaining assessments
• Task 2.2 Work with your team to develop the operational plan:
o Record meetings
o Develop the operational plan with the team
• Task 2.3 Evaluation of teamwork:
o Evaluation of teamwork requirements
o Development of strategies and processes to support teamwork
o Team building activity

Task 3 - Liaise with stakeholders

This task comprises of product-based assessment methods and direct observation of your work in the team in a simulated work environment.

You are required to:

• Meet with the manager (played by the trainer and assessor in a simulated work environment) to discuss the issues, concerns or problems regarding work performance that arose during
• Report back to the team
• Write a report to the manager about the resolution of the team performance issues

It has been designed to evaluate your ability to:

• Encourage team members and individuals to participate in and to take responsibility for team activities, including communication processes
• Support the team in identifying and resolving work performance problems
• Ensure own contribution to work team serves as a role model for others and enhances the organisation's image for all stakeholders
• Establish and maintain open communication processes with all stakeholders
• Communicate information from line manager/management to the team
• Communicate unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by team members and follow up with line manager/management and other relevant stakeholders
• Evaluate and take necessary corrective action regarding unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by internal or external stakeholders

You are required to address the following:
• Task 3.1Consultation with Manager:
o Meet with the manager (played by the trainer and assessor in a simulated work environment) to discuss the issues, concerns or problems regarding work performance that arose during
• Task 3.2 Meeting and report regarding performance issues
o Report back to the team
o Write a report to the manager about the resolution of the team performance issues


1. Review the assessment scenario, the business documentation, including policies and procedures and the templates provided:
o Policies and Procedures - provided in separate folder
2. Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor in week 5 of term (10-15 minutes)
3. Meet with your manager (played by the trainer and assessor in a simulated work environment) to discuss team performance issues and facilitation of teamwork
4. Summarise the content of the meeting
5. After your consultation with your manager, meet with your team to resolve performance issues as discussed with the manager, and to communicate information from management to your team.
6. Write a report for your manager on resolution of team performance issues:
a) Describe how you maintained an open communication process between stakeholders (manager, team).
b) Explain the solutions that were implemented regarding the issues, concerns or problems discussed with your manager and further discussed in your team meeting.
c) Report back to your manager about any further issues or problems that have arisen or any problems that remain unresolved

Task 3.1 Consultation with manager

This task is a Role-Play that requires you to:
• Meet with your manager (played by the trainer and assessor in a simulated work environment) to discuss team performance issues and facilitation of teamwork
Follow these steps:
• Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor (facilitator) to meet.
• The meeting will be a role-play in which your trainer will play the part of your manager and you will consult with them about team performance issues
• This is an assessable task and the trainer and assessor will observe and evaluate your performance during the meeting.
• Duration of the meeting: 10-15 minutes.
• If you are absent from class, liaise with your trainer to make alternative arrangements.
• Discuss your solutions to improve team performance and achieve team goals. During your consultation:
o Discuss the issues, concerns or problems regarding work performance that arose during your meetings and were documented as part of Task 2, Task 2.2.
o Suggest formal and informal learning opportunities to support the team and individual team members
o Note suggestions from your manager (the assessor) to implement with team/individual team members.
o Note any information provided by your manager to be given to team members.
Summarise below the content of the meeting (50-80 words)

Task 3.2 Meeting and report regarding performance issues

After your consultation with the manager, meet with your team to resolve performance issues as discussed with the manager, and to communicate information from management to your team.
The trainer and assessor will observe the meeting and provide feedback in the marking sheet.
Write a report for your manager on resolution of team performance issues:
• Describe how you maintained an open communication process between stakeholders (manager, team).
• Explain the solutions that were implemented regarding the issues, concerns or problems discussed with your manager and further discussed in your team meeting.
• Report back to your manager about any further issues or problems that have arisen or any problems that remain unresolved.

Attachment:- Develop and manage performance management processes.rar

Reference no: EM132626455

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