Reference no: EM132295343
Individual Capstone Project
As part of your analysis please include the latest research and trends. List the sources used - at least 3 sources must be used.
The Organization: University of Miami
The Industry: The higher education industry
a) Assess Organization's Business Model and Strategies
1.Evaluate whether the University of Miami's business model and strategies fit with the high education industry environment by answering the following:
a. What is the organization's pattern of past strategies (corporate, business, functional, international)
b. What is the organization's business model - the way it creates value for its customers, entices them to pay for it and converts their payments into profits? Is digitization being used in these areas?
c. How successful had the organization been in the past with its chosen strategies and business model and how successful is the organization now?
b) Evaluate Opportunities and Make Recommendation for Strategic Direction
1. If the organization's business and corporate strategies are not successful as they should be -- what adjustments should it make? How should digitization be used?
2. Should the organization consider investing in more technology? If yes which technology and why?
3. List the technology opportunities that would allow the organization to take advantage of its strengths (some examples include new products and services, new markets, new ventures and relationships)
4. Is there opportunities for the organization to overcome its weaknesses in order to survive and thrive in its operating industry (some examples for improvement include: learning from joint venture partners, creating new alliances, fixing internal problems, automating processes etc.,)
5. Is there opportunity for the organization to deal effectively with environmental threats (some examples for improvement include: investing in social and cognitive technologies, higher technological security of internal information and patents, creation of powerful strategic alliances to offset influences of government regulations, unions or special interest groups)?
6. Analyze the costs and benefits of pursuing any of identified opportunities above
7. Based on your above responses evaluate the future strategic position for survival and success of the organization
c) Develop Implementation Plan with Specific Actions and Timeline
1. List the top 5 recommendations that are needed for the organization to be successful in its industry.
2. What would be the responsibilities of the internal and external stakeholders in carrying out these recommendations
3. Does the organization have the resources such as funds, people, skills, organizational structure, technology and processes to carry out these recommendations?
4. Show an implementation timeline which should include action steps to complete the implementation and duration for each action step
5. What steps should be taken to smooth out the transition period and the roadblocks?
6. What are the desired outcomes or changes the organization should expect once the recommendations have been implemented?
7. If the organization successfully implements all the recommendations what will need to change in its external environment
8. In your conclusion, please summarize whether more investments in technologies would be a valuable strategic decision for your organization based on your analysis.
Evaluation Criteria for Individual Project
a) Professionalism, clarity, persuasiveness and effectiveness as well astimely submitted electronic document
b) Depth and breadth of analysis that includes reasoning, research, evidence to support your original assertions that should be descriptive, prescriptive, insightful and forward looking
c) Leveraging business sources and recent trends for your research and analysis - all sources must be cited in your document
d) Clear and comprehensive application of Strategic Management concepts
e) Creativity, innovation and enthusiasm
f) Critical thinking and problem solving
g) Comparison of your deliverables to other executives in your classroom