Develop idea and publish prezi online informational resource

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Reference no: EM13948186 , Length: word count:1000

Assessment overview

Assessment 2B asks you to reflect on your experience of working in a team for Assessment 2A to research a topic, develop ideas and publish a Prezi online informational resource.

Reflecting on the level of success in your team and the role(s) you took within the team assists in enhancing your knowledge and skills for effective teamwork and collaboration.

Assessment details

Think about how your team worked together in preparing the Prezi online informational resource and consider both team process and your completed product.

Specifically, write short answers to each of the following prompts:

1. What rating you would give the team out of 10 (10 being the highest level of success)? What factors do you think contributed to the level of success your team achieved when success is defined as the creation of a resource that has authority and is userfrindly and the degree to which you worked effectively as a team. Provide specific examples from your experience to illustrate these factors (approx. 250-300 words).

2. What role(s) did you take within the team and how did you personally contribute to the level of success your team achieved? Provide some specific examples (approx. 250-300 words).

3. Use the literature (unit readings and learning materials) to discuss and explain your experiences, your own role and the success of your team (approx. 250-300 words).

4. Based on your responses to questions 1, 2 and 3, write about how you will contribute to teams in the future. Describe specific strategies you will implement. (approx. 250-300 words).

Assessment criteria

1. Capacity to reflect on what contributed to the team's level of success and support with relevant examples.

2. Capacity to reflect on your performance as a team member and use of examples.

3. Demonstrated use of the unit readings and learning materials to further explain your experience, your role and the success of your team.

4. Demonstrated capacity to use your experiences from completing 2A to discuss how you will contribute to teams in the future and to describe your strategies.

5. Structure: your ideas are presented in a well-structured and logical order.

6. Appropriate language and expression with attention to correct spelling and grammar.

7. Referencing in Harvard or APA style.

Reference no: EM13948186

Questions Cloud

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Consider an idea that you have had for a new product : Consider an idea that you have had for a new product; a product that falls into that category of "Gee, I wish someone would develop_______." or ".I'll bet ______ would be a great product."
Investigate a transportation management system : Convoy Trucking just won a large bid with a new customer called H2Glow. The new customer is in the contaminated water business. To serve the newly acquired customer, Convoy Trucking is required to invest in new equipment and be compliant because t..
Develop idea and publish prezi online informational resource : What roles did you take within the team and how did you personally contribute to the level of success your team achieved? Provide some specific examples
The ntsb frequently recommends safety improvements : The NTSB frequently recommends safety improvements for the US airline industry. Choose one such recommendation from the NTSB website (Links to an external site.). Discuss the recommendation and the FAA's response.
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What statistical test should be used to analyze these data : What statistical test should be used to analyze these data? Identify H0 and Ha for this study. Conduct the appropriate analysis.
Phenomenon of luminescence : 1. (a) In your own words describe briefly the phenomenon of luminescence. (b) What is the distinction between fluores- cence and phosphorescence?


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