Develop human resources strategies assessment

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133116318

BSBHRM527 Coordinate human resource functions and processes

Assessment Task: Develop Human Resources Strategies

Part A: Determine Human Resources Requirements

Please answer the following in detail


Human Resource Trend Analysis

External Analysis

Legislation and Industrial Considerations

Future Human Resources Needs

Based on the email, review the staff audit results on staff turnover and demographics, the Strategic Plan summary, which contains the organisation's strategic objectives, and the organisation's policies and procedures, including the Business Plan.
Note: you will need to adhere to the CBSA Style Guide and Document-Management-Policy-Procedures when naming and version controlling your documents

Step 1
Using the Report Template provided, you need to develop a report where you:
Detail human resource trend analysis of the organisation. You should provide:
an overview of the departments that CBSA uses
an overview of the current number of employees, including their employment type (full time, part- time, etc.)
the services CBSA currently offers and those that it intends to offer
analysis of the demographics and education level of the employees, including their diversity
analysis of staff turnover from the last year
the number of new human resources required for the coming year.
Detail external analysis by providing PEST analysis for CBSA, including at least one for each of the following:
political factor
economic factor
social factor
technological factor.
Detail the future human resources needs by outlining:
the job role
the number of employees required for the job role
the skills required for the job role
what option(s) should be used to source the job role.
Detail legislation and industrial considerations by outlining the following:
Provide an overview of the major policies and procedures used by CBSA regarding human resources management and the legislation they relate to, including diversity, ethics and confidentiality.
Research and detail any recent or impending legislation or industrial changes that may affect the organisation in some capacity.
Save the report as Human Resources Strategic Analysis Report adhering to Document Management Policy Procedures

Step 2
Send an email to Glenda Williams using the template available via the CBSA website and attach the Report you have developed. The email must detail the following:
Specify who the email is to.
Specify who the email is from.
Specify the date and time you sent the email (this needs to be early in the week, which usually means before Tuesday lunchtime).
Specify the subject.
Specify the attachment as Human Resources Strategic Analysis Report.docx.
Contain a body part of the email detailing why you are sending this email (for example, are you attaching the report/forms for review or information and/or approval?).
Complete the email footer specifying the job position you are role playing.


Step 1
Using the Human Resources Strategic Plan template provided, you need to complete the following:
Identify at least two human resources strategic objectives for the plan, that:
specifies what the objective is
specifies a priority for the objective using a high, medium, or low rating
specifies how the objective will be performance measured
specifies what the performance target for each objective is.
Develop an action plan to implement tasks to ensure human resource strategic objectives are reached, that:
specifies the actions that must occur
specifies the priority for each action using a high, medium, or low rating
specifies who will be responsible for undertaking/managing each action
specifies when each action needs to be completed.
Save the Plan adhering to Document Management Policy Procedures.

Step 2
Send an email to Glenda Williams using the template available via the CBSA website and attach the Human Resources Strategic Plan you have completed. The email must include the following:
Specify who the email is to.
Specify who the email is from.
Specify the date and time you sent the email (by close of business Wednesday).
Specify the subject.
Specify the attachment.
Contain a body part of the email detailing why you are sending this email (for example, are you attaching the report/forms for review or information and/or approval?).
Complete the email footer specifying the job position you are role playing.


How would you run consultation process with stakeholders?

Step 1
Using PowerPoint or a presentation tool of your choice develop the presentation to include the information discussed in the Human Resources Strategic Analysis Report and also the Human Resources Strategic Plan. This will also need to include key points on ethical behaviour, confidentiality and related legislation
identified in the Human Resources Strategic Analysis Report. You will need to include the actions that need to be implemented.
Create an engaging presentation that:
has a logical flow to the presentation: introduction, topic information and conclusion or call to action
contains key information from the Human Resources Strategic Analysis Report (including ethical behaviour, confidentiality and related legislation)
contains key information from the Human Resources Strategic Plan
keep the text on the slides to a minimum
use clear and easy to read font
use relevant images and animation
images, diagrams, graphs, smart art is clear and easy to read from the back of the room
pitched at the right level, not too technical and not too simple, so it doesn't come across as patronising
adheres to the organisational style guide.
Write delivery notes to support your presentation, so you have a structured and professional delivery. Notes need to include an introduction and address key points to be discussed so that information on the slides is minimal, including possible questions and answers, where attendees can go for further information and have a conclusion or call to action.

Step 2
During the consultation session, you are to utilise active listening and questioning techniques to gather feedback from the attendees regarding any possible improvements and negotiate with attendees on any modifications.

During the consultation session, your assessor will be looking to see that you can demonstrate the following:
Speak clearly and concisely.
Use non-verbal communication to assist with understanding.
Ask questions to gather information and listen carefully to evaluate information.
Use appropriate vocabulary and tone in negotiations.
Recognise the importance of taking audience, purpose and contextual factors into account when making decisions about what to communicate to whom, why and how.
Collaborate with others to achieve joint outcomes.
Play an active role in facilitating effective group interaction.
Ensure personal behaviour is consistently ethical and reflects the values of the organisation

Step 3
Update the Human Resources Strategic Plan to reflect the suggested improvements raised in the consultancy session.
Ensure you version control the updated document adhering to Document Management Policy Procedures.

Step 4
Send an email to Glenda Williams using the template available via the CBSA website and attach the updated Human Resources Strategic Plan you have completed. The email must include the following:
Specify who the email is to.
Specify who the email is from.
Specify the date and time you sent the email.
Specify the subject.
Specify the attachment.
Contain a body part of the email detailing why you are sending this email. For example, are you attaching the report/forms for review or information and/or approval?
Complete the email footer specifying the job position you are role playing.

Attachment:- Coordinate human resource functions and processes.rar

Reference no: EM133116318

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