Develop greater skills in economic analysis

Assignment Help Portfolio Management
Reference no: EM13924299

There has been considerable growth in recent years in the use of economic analysis in investment management. Further significant expansion may lie ahead as financial analysts develop greater skills in economic analysis and these analyses are integrated more into the investment decision-making process. The following questions address the use of eco- nomic analysis in the investment decision-making process:

a. (1) Differentiate among leading, lagging, and coincident indicators of economic activity, and give an example of each.

(1) Indicate whether the leading indicators are useful for achieving above-average investment results. Briefly justify your conclusion.

b. Interest rate projections are used in investment management for a variety of purposes. Identify three significant reasons why interest rate forecasts may be important in reach- ing investment conclusions.

c. Assume you are a fundamental research analyst following the automobile industry for a large brokerage firm. Identify and briefly explain the relevance of three major economic time series, economic indicators, or economic data items that would be significant to automotive industry and company research.

Reference no: EM13924299

Questions Cloud

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