Reference no: EM132263326
Assignment Introduction and Overview:
Throughout the SLIS program, you will learn that accessibility and equity of access (to library facilities and spaces, print and electronic materials, the library website, programming, services, and technology) are essential. A concept and design principle that helps ensure equity of access for everyone, whether a person has disabilities (is differently-able), is a member of an underserved or "diverse" population, or is simply a "typically-able" library patron, is Universal Access or Universal Design.
Universal Design is often misunderstood as an accessibility accommodation or a concept intended onlyfor those who are differently-able. This is incorrect. Universal Design and Universal Access can improve access for all of our library patrons. Yes, every single patron who walks through the door. Once again, with appreciation to our 706 colleague Kaitlin Scott for our "slogan," Universal Access and Design are intended for "Everyone, Everywhere, Every time."
The Equity of Access course lectures, materials, and initial exercises give everyone the same "starting point" for understanding the concepts of Universal Design and how it applies to Library and Information Science (LIS) institutions. Now that you have had an introduction to these concepts, as well as to the concepts and strategies for effective searching, we have an assignment that offers direct, hands-on application of the concepts we've been studying. It allows you all to assume the role of librarian/information professional. Through successful completion of this assignment, the following learning outcomes will be achieved:
1. Students will develop both a foundational and working knowledge of Universal Design and Universal Access as principles of equity of access. These are principles LIS professionals are required to put into action on a daily basis.
2. Students will develop and apply technology skills. Specifically, students will develop electronic database searching andevaluationskills.
For the purposes of this assignment, you should:
1. Identify a topic for the patron inquiry that pertains in some way to Universal Design or Universal Access to information. You may elect to focus upon Universal Design as a general concept within LIS organizations, or may elect to focus on one or more specific areas of focus for Universal Design/Universal Access. Just a few of the possible topic areas include the following:
• Universal Access and Universal Design in library facilities and spaces;
• Universal Access and Universal Design of print and electronic materials;
• Website design and accessibility;
• Universal Design/Universal Access in programming;
• Universal Design/Universal Access in library services;
• Universal Design/Universal Access in technology.
• Universal Design and accessible Fitness Centers
2. Write an introduction (a well-developed paragraph or two) that describesthesubjectarea,purpose, intended audience, andscopeofyour directory. Some people choose to edit or rewrite the introduction after the search process is complete, but it is essential for helping to define the parameters of your work.
3. Research the topic that you have identified as the subject of your patron's inquiry. Please selectatopicthathasquality sources. Please do nottellusthatyoucannotfindanyreliablesources.Iftherearenotadequatereliable sources, select another area of focus or expand your area of focus within the concepts of Universal Design and Universal Access.
4. Document and reflect upon your research process and modify your research process as you reflect (this is Part A of the assignment);
4. Produce an end product that addresses that inquiry and provides the patron with a variety of resources pertaining to his/her inquiry (this is Part B of the assignment) and a well-developed description of each of the identified resources.The end product is a subject directory, which offers your patron a minimum(total) of 3 resources(and well-written descriptions of those resources) that address his or her information needs. The resources should be located using only database searches on the hidden web. The end product must include the following:
• A well-developed introduction;
• A minimum of 3 database resources, which must be identified using at least 3 different databases.
o At least the minimum of 3 resources should be distinct and different resources.
5. Again, the assignment should result in the creation of two parts (Parts A and B) combined into a single document.
Part A: A Research Process Document
Think of this as the "behind the scenes" document that you, as the librarian or the researcher create as you go through the process of conducting your search and preparing to compile your subject directory. Your subject directory is Part B of the assignment. It is the document that you would present to your patron or end user in response to his or her inquiry.
Part A's objectives include the following:
1. Document your search process. For each identified resource, provide the following information:
• The APA formatted citation for each identified source.
• What database(s)did you use?
• What are your key words and search strings? Include various word forms, Boolean operators, truncation, etc.
• What are the steps you took in your research to yield your results?
• Did you make revisions to your search?
o What revisions did you make?
o Were they effective? Why? Why not?
o How did you go about evaluating sources?
How you format your search process (bullet points, etc.) is up to you, but we need to be able to see the details. Most importantly, you should create a document that could allow you to reflect upon your search process. It is through reflection that we begin to think about what we did and, given the opportunity to perform a task again in the future, what we would repeat or what we might do differently at the next opportunity.
This is part of teaching you to be a librarian - an information specialist - who is an incredibly effective searcher. You may have false starts, and that is ok. It is absolutely to be expected by even the most experienced searchers. The key is to document your process and apply critical analysis every step of the way. Ask yourself: Where do I start? Where do I need to go next? How can I get there? Documenting your process will help you apply critical analysis and become a more effective, efficient searcher.
Ordinarily, this document would not be shared with the public, as it is documentation for oneself of a cognitive process. However, as you are becoming information specialists and librarians, we need to see your process - and you need to see and reflect upon your process.
Part B: A subject directory related to Universal Access and Universal Design.
This is a document that you would share with a patron or with the public for consumption and use. This is your finished product. It is very similar, in many ways, to the annotated bibliography assignment that you have completed or are completing for 701. The annotations for your subject directory should be formal in tone, combine elements of summary and analysis, and provide a useful document to distribute. They should not contain first or second person pronouns.
Think: What would I want and need to know about this topic if I were the library patron? Provide that information.
Many of you have commented that you wanted to share all that we are learning and resources with your students, students' parents, friends, family members, etc. Here is your opportunity.
Your work here and its impact can extend far beyond being a course assignment. Make it meaningful. Make it a product of which you are very proud, and through which you (and the people you share it with) learn and grow.
Directory Entries should include the following:
o The APA citation for each source and evaluations of each resource. Evaluations can be formatted very similarly to the critical annotations everyone writes for the annotated bibliography assignment in SLIS 701, and should include evaluations that incorporate evaluating resources content covered in SLIS 706.Evaluations should include a brief summary of content of each source or entry, along with any special features and uses. When quoting, use quotation marks and appropriate APA citations. Do not quote everything. The substantial portion should be in your own words. Include the following, among other elements of analysis that you might choose to incorporate:
• Article Authority: credentials of the producer, accurate and current information
• Article Quality: consider accuracy, currency, validity, coverage of the topic, presence of bias, point of view, etc.
Other Notes, To Do's (and Dont's)
1. The directory should be a word-processed document.
2. Please do organize your directory into categories of some sort - by type of resource, specific subject areas, or something else appropriate to your directory.
3. Do not organize by search tools used. Do not even mention the search tools or your search steps within the directory itself. Include this in the research process portion of the document.
4. Remember to use a professional writing style.
5. Do not write in the first person or second person (do not use the word "I" or "you" in the descriptions of your web sites).
6. Do not say things such as:
- I decided to do my directory on this topic because . . .
- I am including this resource because . . .
- I think this is a quality article . . .
- I found this article to be . . .
7. Please do proof your work, and then proof it again. Have someone else proof it for you.
You are producing a professional document.
8. Be sure to follow all guidelines for creating APA formatted citations.
Attachment:- Universal Access Database Search.rar