Reference no: EM131877270
Quetion: This is the final part of your marketing launch plan for the product identified in Week 1. Thus, it incorporates all previous week plan assignments as "summaries" as well as an executive summary and Part 5 of the final plan (new section). This is to be 1800 words (refer to the word assigments per section -please follow). Points are deducted if under or over per section assignment.
Assignment Steps: Refer to the steps below.
Do not include an abstract, introduction or conclusion!
Step 1: Develop a 300 word "executive summary" of the marketing launch plan including the following elements:
• Product Name, description and why unique to market.
• Strategic Objectives of the Marketing Launch Plan
Step 2: Document in 250 words - the ethical, legal, and social issues affecting your product in its' domestic and international launch markets (Identified in Week 1). Apply at least 1 marketing concept with reference from the course readings.
Step 3: Document in 250 words - a "process" to monitor and control the marketing performance of the product through its' PLC. Apply at least 1 marketing concept from the course readings and associated reference.
Step 4: Summarize and integrate from previous marketing launch plans (week 2, 3, 4, 5) in 1,000 words (no more no less). Do Not Cut Paste from previous assignments, rather develop a summary of what you shared. Focus on the product not the brand. Use applicable marketing concepts and references throughout.
Structure and use the follow for your marketing launch plan (word document) section headings in the following order:
• Executive Summary
• Step 2: Social, Ethical, Legal Impacts
• Step 3: Marketing Performance Process
• Step 4: Launch Plan Summaries
o Understanding Target Markets (from Week 2)
o Promotion and the Product Life Cycle Implications (from Week 3)
o Price and Channel Strategy (from Week 4)
o Marketing Communication and Brand Strategy (from Week 5)
Note: Charts/graphs/diagrams do not count as word count.
DO NOT include abstract, introduction or conclusion. Use the word count for the above sections of the assignment.
Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.
References to be Applied: (2) course reading "marketing concepts" with associated references. Also, apply at least (1) external reference.
Run and Apply both WritePoint and plagiarism tools on the paper. Submit both reports with the assignment.