Develop educational programs for employees in privacy

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131296800

Assignment Requirements

Please complete all parts in a Microsoft Word document. The body of your document should be at least 1500 words in length. Quoting should be less than 10% of the entire paper. Paraphrasing is necessary. Students must cite and reference at least 4 credible sources .This Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful. Your sources should be cited according to APA formatting.


As Director of Health Information for a large health system, you have been tasked as a key leader in the selection and implementation of a new electronic health record (EHR) system for the organization. The CEO and Board of Directors has asked that you develop a plan to address key issues related to the process of selecting and adopting an EHR system. Please follow the instructions below in completion of this assignment.

Competency Assessed Instructions

Part 1 Develop educational programs for employees in privacy, security, and confidentiality. Investigate the challenges with educational programs for employees in terms of healthcare privacy, security, and confidentiality.
Develop a plan that will address at least three (3) issues related to privacy and security laws/regulations, adult education strategies, and training methods.

Part2 Create policies and procedures to manage access and disclosure of personal health information.
Investigate the policies and procedures in the management of access and disclosure of PHI. Develop a plan that will address at least three (3) issues related to authorization and the releasing of PHI within the Release of Information (RoI) process.

Part3 Take part in system selection processes. Propose either the RFI and/or RFP for the systems selection process. Distinguish at least five (5) content elements of the RFI and/or RFP that you would need to include in order to address the security and privacy concerns.

Part4 Recommend clinical, administrative, and specialty service applications. Appraise three (3) EHR vendors that could be used at a large health system. Critique each vendor based on at least 5 content elements of an RFP. Select and recommend one EHR noting the strengths and weaknesses related to clinical and administrative functions.

Part 5 Evaluate vendor contracts. Evaluate at least five (5) elements of a vendor contract. Critique the process of contract management and system acquisition/evaluation through at least two (2) challenges and two (2) opportunities.

Part6 Develop negotiation skills in the process of system selection. Conjecture on the best methods for negotiating with vendors in the contract management process. Develop a plan of at least three (3) considerations for strategic leadership.

Reference no: EM131296800

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