Develop database using professional principles and standard

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131651213


The following assignment is based on the database environment designed in the Week Three Individual Assignment.

Your database project must meet the following assessment requirements:

Create a database using professional principles and standards.

Use a relational database software application to develop a database implementing the logical design into a physical design.

Use MySQL database to create the normalized physical database including tables, columns with data types, primary keys, constraints, etc.

Create a minimum of ten rows of test data in each table in an SQL file with the scripts needed to create tables with keys and to insert test rows, etc., into the tables.


Reference no: EM131651213

Questions Cloud

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Define relation to the case under consideration : the relevant rule of law to the facts of the case requires Karen to find previously decided cases that, in relation to the case under consideration
What actions by the employer should have been : What actions by the employer should have been done differently, if at all? What actions by the union should have been done differently? Who, if anyone
Explain the protocol with info : In a 3- to 4 p, select 3 Networking protocols from each layer of the 7 layers of the OSI model, explain the protocol with info, diagrams, and examples of use.
Develop database using professional principles and standard : Your database project must meet the following assessment requirements: develop a database using professional principles and standards.
Give three examples of access networks : 1. Give three examples of access networks. State their typical speeds and whether they provide shared or dedicated access.
Discuss the advantages of conducting a business : Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of conducting a business using the business structures of a partnership and a corporation
What arguments could be made for the opposite side : Distinguish between protected and unprotected conduct under the National Labor Relations Act. Choose the side of the employer or employee
Compare validator and a range validator : What's the difference between a compare validator and a range validator? When would you choose to use one versus the other?


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