Develop database for AITR system

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131378106

Scenario - Background

AIT Research (AITR) is a market research company that allows people from the general public to register their personal details, buying habits etc. with AITR and then sends these respondents to market research jobs, based on the needs of AITR's clients.

Currently, AITR asks respondents to email their details and maintains these manual emails. To find all respondents who match the client's needs, staffs at AITR look through the emails to find respondents who match the criteria - for example, Males between the ages of 24 to 29 who are interested in Horse Racing Sport and Asia travel. Or, Females who use Westpac as one of their banks.

AITR want to move to a web-based system where respondents can register their details online, and staff can then search through these registrations to find respondents who match the requested criteria.

User Requirements
The requirements for the new system are as follows:
- The user interface for respondents and staff should be Web based
- Staff should be authenticated with username and password
- Once logged in, staff can:
o View a list of all respondents
o View a list of respondents that match a certain criteria, including any of the below:-
! First Name
! Last Name
! Age Range
! State/Territory
! Gender
! Home Suburb
! Home Post Code
! Email Address
! Banks Used (e.g. search for all respondents who use Westpac)
! Banks Service (e.g. search for all respondents who has mortgage)
! Newspaper Read (e.g. search for all respondents who read The Daily Telegraph)
! Etc.
o The staff member should be able to enter as many or as few search criteria as they want, and after clicking search should see a grid below their search criteria containing a list of all matching respondents, ordered in ascending order by surname.

- System record when a respondent has attended a market research session with the following details:
o Date
o IP Address
- Respondents can attend by accessing a website, and are not required to authenticate
- The questions they are asked to answer include:
o Gender
o Age range
o State or Territory of Australia
o Home Suburb and Post Code
o Email Address
o Banks Used (maximum of 4)
o Newspaper Read (maximum of 2)
- If respondents would like to register as a member of this program, system should asked for the following information otherwise Name will be recorded as Anonymous
o Given Names + Last Name
o Date of Birth
o Contact Phone Number
- If respondents use Commonwealth or Wespac or ANZ, system should asked for additional service as:
o Internet Banking
o Home Loan
o Credit card
o Share Investment
- Respondents who read a newspaper, system should collect additional interested news section as following:
o Property
o Sport
o Financial
o Entertainment
o Lifestyle
o Travel
o Politics
- Respondents who interested in sports, system should asked for type of sport as following:
o Football
o Cricket
o Racing
o Motorsport
o Basketball
o Tennis
- Respondents who interested in travel, system should asked for a destination as following:
o Australia
o Europe
o Pacific
o North America

o South America
o Asia
o Middle East
o Africa
- Respondents should not need to manually type in the State, all Bank information or all Newspaper information - they should choose them from some logical user interface.

Things you don't have to do
- Provide an interface to create, edit usernames, passwords, etc. Instead, you should manually create a database of users sufficient to demonstrate and test the system.
- Provide a user interface to maintain reference data like Banks, Newspaper etc. Simply create some test data in your database.
- Create an installer program.

Part A - Data Design and Mockup

You are required to develop database for AITR system, and provide system mockup for presentation session with AITR Manager.

Database design should include:
- Data dictionary
- E-R Diagram

Mockup should consists of:
- Two (2) sample pages of survey question
- Register page
- Staff search page
You have to capture all required page and include it in the same document of database design. When is due
Week 6, late penalty would be applied refer to AIT late submission policy.

Submit your document in Jivi using the following STRICT filename convention and in PDF format.

StudentNumber_FirstName_LastName_Assessment1.pdf Example: 1234_John_Doe_Assessment1.pdf

Part B - Prototype

Your prototype submission requirement as following:
- Web project have to be coded in Visual Web Developer 2010 or 2013
- Full functional of respondent question screen
o Question and answer are displayed
o Answer has been record in Database
- Complete mockup of Respondent Register page
- Complete mockup of Staff search page

When is due
Week 9, late penalty would be applied refer to AIT late submission policy.

Submit your web project in Jivi using the following STRICT filename convention and in ZIP format. Example:

Part C - Final Product
This assignment is worth 50% of your total assessment for this subject.

Your final product submission requirement as following:
- Web project have to be coded in Visual Web Developer 2010 or 2013
- Proper UI screen design
- Full functional of respondent question screen
o Question and answer are displayed
o Answer has been record in Database
- Full functional of Respondent Register page
- Full functional of Staff search page Example:

Reference no: EM131378106

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