Develop data models and map database system

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132308934

Data model development and implementation

Purpose of the assessment

The purpose of this assignment is to develop data models and map Database System into a standard development environment to gain understanding of data model development. Then implement the data model using a commercially available database management system development tool.
On completion of this assignment students will be able to:
a. Understand the fundamental principles of the networking and data requirements of a network.
b. Identify organisational information requirements.
c. Model organisational information requirements using conceptual data modelling techniques.
d. Convert the conceptual data models into relational data models and verify their structural characteristics with normalisation techniques.
e. Implement and utilise a relational database using a database system.

Description of this assignment: This assignment is to develop a data models, map and implement a Database System in a standard development environment to gain understanding of data model development and implementation.

Assignment Description


1. Complete the information-level design for a database that satisfies the following constraints and user view requirements. In order to complete this information-level design you are required to answer the questions given below 1(a) - (e).

Mindful Body Fitness Company is planning to design a data model to hold information relating to their programs, coaches, exercise logs and their customers.

As a database designer for Mindful Body Fitness, you needto ensure that each Exercise Log has a unique ID number, Date,Exercise category, Exercise sub category, Time spent, calories burnt.
Each customer has a unique Cust_number and their first name, last name, address, program number, program tile and Payment must be recorded.

Everyprogram has a program number(PNum) that uniquely identifies the program. The program title, StartDate, Finish Date, Price must also be recorded.

Each coach has a unique ID number. Their first name, last name, date of birth, address, contactNo, user name and password must be recorded.

A coach can work on only one program. A program can have one or more coaches associated with it.One customer can enrol for only one program at one time.

Write down any assumptions you make, if they are not explicitly described here.

a. Identify and list entities described in all user requirements given above.

b. Add attributes to these entities and represent them as a collection of tables and attributes (Database schema): e.g. Customer (Customer_Num, Cust_First_Name,. . . . . . )
Note: Select and underline suitable primary key for each table.

c. Outline 3business rules that describe the relationships between entities.

Note: You can make assumptions to create certain relationships, if it is not specifically mentioned in the given business rules.
e.g. A Coach can work on only one program.

d. Determine the functional dependences.

e. Then normalise these tables. Make the normalization to 3NF. State for every step in the normalization, which functional dependency causes it.

2. Represent the structure of your database visually by using anentity-relationship (E-R) diagram. If you make any assumptions about data that are not explicitly given in the problem, these must be described.

Note: You need to use Visio,[1] or Lucid chart [2]or any other software tool, to create the ER diagram.

3. Build this model using MS Access/SQLiteby creating these tables and Relationships. Populate these tables with appropriate data;include at least 2 records in each table. Include the following in your MS Word document.

I. If you are using MS Access include following screen shots

- Relationship diagram created in Access. (Select database tools →Relationships in the Access menu)

- Data sheet view and design view of your tables.

II. If you are using SQLite

• Screen shots of CREATE TABLE command and INSERT INTO commands.

4. Report Generation

a. Write anSQL query to generate one example ofuseful information that can be obtained from this database.

b. For additional 5 marks you will execute more queries(at least 2) on the table join from the database you created in Question 3 andincludethe screen shots of the outputs and all SQL statements.

Attachment:- Data model development and implementation.rar

Reference no: EM132308934

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5/20/2019 5:04:42 AM

pls read requirement and with complete spacing and word file and with references style mentioned in assignmnet and table of content and page no. and all detail folder Weight 20% of total assessment for the unit Total Marks 60 Marks Word limit No specific word limit Due Date Lab class week 11

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