Develop data models and map database system

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131657997

Database Technologies - Data model development and implementation

Purpose of the assessment

The purpose of this assignment is to develop data models and map Database System into a standard development environment to gain understanding of data model development. Then implement the data model using a commercially available database management system development tool.

On completion of this assignment students will be able to:
a. Make an informed and critical assessment of database management systems.
b. Develop data models and implement DB systems.
c. Analyse business decisions related to DB information systems.
d. Demonstrate skills in building a database application using a commercially available database management system development tool.

Assignment Description

1. Knox private Hospital contracted with GreenITservices to develop and design their hospital database, the hospital IT Manager provided the following business rules to the GreenIT services software developer:

User view 1 requirement :Patients are identified by a PatientID, and their names, addresses, and ages must be recorded.

User view 2 requirement : Doctors are identified by a DoctorID. For each doctor, the name, specialty, and years of experience must be recorded.

User view 3 requirement :Every patient has a primary physician/doctor. Every doctor has at least one patient.

User view 4 requirement :Doctors prescribe drugs for patients. A doctor could prescribe one or more drugs for several patients, and a patient could obtain prescriptions from several doctors. Each prescription can have more than one drug.

User view 5 requirement: For each drug, identified by DrugID and the trade name and formula must be recorded.

User view 6 requirement: Each pharmacy sells several drugs and has a price for each. A drug could be sold at several pharmacies, and the price could vary from one pharmacy to another.

User view 7 requirement:Each pharmacy has a unique name, address, and phone number.

Complete the information-level design for the database that satisfies the above constraints and user view requirements. In order to complete this information-level design you are required to answer questions given below 1(a) - (f).

a. Represent the User Views as a collection of Tables. Determine the primary key for each table (underline).
Eg. Patient (PatientID, name,.......)

b. Determine the relationships between entities.

Eg.Every patient has a primary physician/doctor. - One-to-many,

c. Determine the functional dependences.
Eg.PatientID→ name, address, age, ......

d. Then normalise the tables.

e. Represent the structure of your database visually by using the entity-relationship (E-R) diagram.You can use Visio or any other tool to create the ER diagram.

f. Build this model using MS Access by creating these tables and Relationships in Access. Populate these tables with appropriate data, at least 3 records in each table. Include :

I. Relationship diagram created in Access. (Select database tools →Relationships in the Access menu)

II. Data sheet view and design view of your tables.Eg.

Verified Expert

This assignment is about to create a database of Knox Private hospital. I have created database in access by creating six tables - patients, doctor, pharmacy, drugs, pharmacy_drugs, prescription. Each patient is recommended for a doctor. Doctor prescribes him some drugs. All the master information related to drugs are stored in drugs table. Pharmacy is a table which contains all the information related to in which store drugs are available. The entire database is in third normal form in order to reduce redundancy of data. The foreign key relationships are established in master tables and child tables.

Reference no: EM131657997

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12/27/2017 5:08:39 AM

Will the assignment be sent to me by tomorrow midnight if I make the payment now?? Part B only, Not part A My supervisor loved the work done by you guys. thank you very much for your support, i am very happy with the work done. the writer followed the assignment brief accordingly. the work was done perfectly thanks to the writer


9/26/2017 1:05:33 AM

e.ER Diagram 10 Marks Extremely good effort. All elements are present and very well integrated. Outstanding Good effort. Most components are present and well integrated Good effort made but not outstanding Made some effort with inaccuracies Very little attempt. Lazy effort with inaccuracies f. Model building 10 Marks Extremely good effort. All elements are present Good effort. Most components are present Good effort made but some components are missing Made some effort with inaccuracies Very little attempt. Lazy effort with inaccuracies


9/26/2017 1:05:26 AM

c. Normalise 10 marks Logic is very clear and easy to follow Logic is clear and convincing Mostly consistent and logical Adequate cohesion and conviction Arguments are confused and disjointed d. Represent tables in DBDL 10 Marks All elements are present and very well integrated. Components present and well integrated Components present and mostly well integrated Most components present Representation lacks structure.


9/26/2017 1:05:15 AM

Example Marking Rubric for Assignment 2Report:Total Marks 50 for the report Grade Mark HD 100% DISTINCTION 80% CREDIT 60% PASS 40% Fail 0-40% a. User Views as Tables 5 Marks Ability to think critically and analysed clearly Relevant and soundly analysed. Generally relevant and analysed. Some relevance and briefly presented. Not relevant to the assignment question. b. Relationships 5 Marks Demonstrated excellent ability to think critically and identifiedrelationships Demonstrated goodability to think critically and identified relationships. Demonstrated ability to think critically and identify some relationships Demonstrated some ability to think critically. Did not demonstrate ability to think critically


9/26/2017 1:05:08 AM

Marking criteria: Example of marking criteria is shown in following table. Marks are allocated as follows: Section to be included in the report Description of the section Marks a. User Views as Tables Represent the User Views as a collection of Tables 5 b. Relationships Determine the relationships between entities 5 c. Normalise tables Analyse above tables and normalise 10 d. Represent tables in DBDL Represent the tables using Database Design Language (DBDL). 10 e. ER Diagram Evaluate your proposed solutions and write justification of your evaluation 10 f. Model building Model building on Access 10 Totalmarks or the Report 50 Assignment 1 Quiz marks Marks for Assignment 1 Quiz 30 TOTAL 80


9/26/2017 1:04:42 AM

This assignment consists of two parts: Part A: An online quiz Assignment 2, which includes 30 questions. Students may have 3 attempts at this quiz. The system will select the highest grade. Part B: The creation of an ER diagram and implementation • All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date. • Save by your name /student number. Write your answers in this document underneath the question. • The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2.5 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings. • Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.

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