Develop data models and implement db systems

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132366745 , Length: word count:700

Assessment - Data model development and implementation

Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) The purpose of this assignment is to develop data models and map Database System into a standard development environment to gain understanding of data model development. Then implement the data model using a commercially available database management system development tool.

On completion of this assignment students will be able to:
b. Make an informed and critical assessment of database management systems.
c. Develop data models and implement DB systems.
d. Analyse business decisions related to DB information systems.
e. Demonstrate skills in building a database application using a commercially available database management system development tool.

Assignment Description

1. Database Design

The School of Information Technology & Engineering (SITE) would like to help its Master of Networking students with placement in various companies and firms. To facilitate this, they need to design a database with the primary purpose of scheduling interviews and facilitating searches by students and companies that are looking for candidates. MIT IT Manager provided following business rules to the software developer:

User view 1 requirement: The database should have information about students, job openings, companies, interviewers and interviews. Student's first name, last name, student id number, driver's license number and expected graduation date must be recorded.

User view 2 requirements: Companies post job openings that students can apply for. For each job posting, the date, deadline of the posting, title of the position, base salary, minimum requirements, and description are recorded.

User view 3 requirements: One student can apply for many open positions (Job postings) in companies and the date and time of each application is recorded. Students should also be able to see the status of their application (whether there will be a follow-up interview and whether they were turned down for the position).

User view 4 requirements: Interviews can be facilitated by the University and interviews are conducted by the respective companies. It is required to keep track of date and time of the interview, conference room location, which employees interviewed which students, as well as the result of the interview. A company from the Business School reserves MIT conference rooms and the company needs to specify the resources needed (e.g. computer, projector, etc.).

User view 5 requirements: An interviewer is an employee of a company and he/she has an employee id, telephone number and position title.

User view 6 requirements: A company has an identifier, name, main contact number and main fax number.

Complete the information-level design for the new database "MIT training" that satisfies the constraints and user view requirements given below. In order to complete the information-level design you are required to answer questions given below 1(a) - (e)

a. Identify and list entities described in all user requirements given above.
b. Add attributes to these entities and represent them as a collection of tables and attributes as below.
Eg. Student (StudentID, Fname,.......

NB: Select suitable primary key for each table and underline them.

c. Outline at least 2 relationships between those entities.

Eg. : One students can apply for many open positions (Job postings) in companies - One-to-many,

d. Determine the functional dependences.
Eg. StudentID → Fname, address, ......

e. Normalise these tables. Make the normalization to 3NF. State for every step in the process.

2. Represent the structure of your database visually by using the entity-relationship (E-R) diagram. If you make any assumptions about data that are not explicitly given in the problem, these must be described.

NB: You need to use Visio, [1] or Lucidchart [2] or any other software tool, to create the ER diagram.

3. Model Building
Build this model using MS Access/SQLite by creating these tables and Relationships. Populate these tables with appropriate data, at least 2 records in each table. Include following into your MS Word document.

I. If you are using MS Access include following screen shots
· Relationship diagram created in Access. (Select database tools Relationships in the Access menu)
· Data sheet view and design view of your tables. Eg.

II. If you are using SQLite
• Screen shots of CREATE TABLE command and INSERT INTO commands. Eg.

4. Report Generation
a. Write a query to generate one example for useful information that can be obtained from this "MIT training" database.
b. Execute the query on the database and attach the screenshot of your output.

Reference no: EM132366745

Questions Cloud

How each of these heuristics applies to security : Explain in few sentences how each of these heuristics applies to security. Goal orientation (people want to pursue some task which isn't security)
Why strategic planning defined and implemented differently : Why is strategic planning defined and implemented differently within in the public sector? Why does Human Capital need to be seen/viewed as a strategic resource
Discuss how you would provide different leadership : SUCCESSFUL LEADERHIP BAM060-Master of Business Administration, Postgraduate Diploma and Postgraduate-Certificate in Business Administration.
Tell carolyn clark that employee volunteerism : Tell Carolyn Clark that employee volunteerism is important to the company and that while her performance evaluation will not be affected by her decision
Develop data models and implement db systems : BN204 - Database Technologies - Melbourne Institute of Technology - Data model development and implementation - Develop data models and implement DB systems
Define what are some hr responses to the changes : Discuss how globalization has changed jobs in an organization where you have worked. What are some HR responses to those changes?
Descriptive explanation of importance of including metrics : SLAs use service quality metrics to express measurable QoS characteristics. descriptive explanation of the importance of including these metrics in the SLA.
Is it good to allow procedural arguments : In a lawsuit today, would the plaintiff need to demonstrate that the defendant deliberately harmed him?
Explain how to prepare for a specific audience : Explain how to prepare for a specific audience. Include two examples of different audiences and how your approach will be different. (2-3 slides)



9/5/2019 11:52:57 PM

Functional Dependency /10 All elements are present and very well integrated. Components present and well integrated Normalise table /10 Logic is very clear and easy to follow. Logic is clear and convincing. ER Diagram /15 Extremely good effort. All elements are present and very well integrated. Outstanding Good effort. Most components are present and well integrated. Model building /5 Extremely good effort. Good effort. 4. Report Generation a. Write a query/5 All elements are present. Most components are present. 4. Report Generation b. Execute the query /5 All elements are present. Most components are present.


9/5/2019 11:52:49 PM

Grade Mark HD 100% DISTINCTION 80% Identify all Entities /5 Ability to think critically. Relevant and soundly analysed. Represent user Views as Tables /10 Analysed clearly. Soundly analysed. Relationships /5 Demonstrated excellent ability to think critically and identified relationships. Demonstrate d good ability to think critically and identified relationships.


9/5/2019 11:52:44 PM

3. Model building Model building on MS Access or MS SQL Server 5 4. Report Generation Example report a. Write a query 5 b. Execute the query 5 Total marks or the Report 70 TOTAL 100


9/5/2019 11:52:36 PM

Marking criteria: Example of marking criteria is shown in the following table. Marks are allocated as follows: Section to be included in the report Description of the section Marks PART A Assignment 2 Quiz marks Marks for Assignment 2 Quiz 30 PART B 1. Database Design a. Identify all entities Identify entities in all user requirements 5 b. User Views as Tables Represent the User Views as a collection of Tables 10 c. Relationships Determine the relationships between entities 5 d. Functional dependences. Determine Functional dependences. 10 e. Normalise tables Analyse above tables and normalise these 10 2. ER Diagram Represent the structure of your database visually by using the ER diagram. Evaluate your proposed solutions 15


9/5/2019 11:52:17 PM

Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date. Write your answers in this document underneath the question and save as “BN204_T2_2019_Assigment2_your_name.doc”. • The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2.5 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings. • Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style. • Submit both the database that you created and the word document.


9/5/2019 11:52:11 PM

Description of this assignment: This assignment consists of two parts: Part A: An online quiz Assignment 2, which includes 30 questions. Students may have 3 attempts at this quiz. The system will select the highest grade. Part B: The creation of an ER diagram and implementation

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