Develop customer service policies and procedures

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Reference no: EM132958129


Assessment Task: Case study

Part A requires you to do some research and develop customer service policies and procedures for three different areas of business that meets industry standards.

Part B requires you to monitor and adjust policies and procedures to ensure quality customer service delivery.


You are working as the Manager of Champion's Sports Bar which forms part of the Marino Complex and you have noticed that customer service standards have been slipping lately in a number of different areas. After reviewing the current policies and procedures on customer service, you have decided that some additional policies and associated procedures need to be developed. But first, you are going to conduct some research and obtain some information from customers and staff about the levels of service being provided.

1. Develop a customer satisfaction survey for the following areas of customer service at Champion's Sports Bar with at least five questions in total using a four point rating scale of very satisfied, satisfied, dissatisfied and very dissatisfied:
• How staff answer the telephone and provide information to customers.
• How quickly patrons of the bar are served and how long it takes for them to receive their food and drinks.
• The friendliness of the staff and how warmly they are welcomed.
• The variety of food and drinks on offer.
Print a copy of this survey and submit it to your assessor. Submit additional information to your assessor about how you will distribute this survey, to whom, by when and how many you are going to distribute. Think about how you will encourage the customers to fill out the survey.

2. You now need to discuss with your second in charge how they feel the standards of customer service are being met. Your assessor will play the role of your second in charge and provide you with some information. Conduct a brief informal meeting to gather some information.

The customer satisfaction surveys have come back with the following results:
• Overall, customers are all very satisfied with the variety of food and drinks being offered at the bar.
• 70% of customers rated the way the staff answer the telephone only as satisfied and 30% as dissatisfied. Comments revealed from the customers who said they were dissatisfied that staff often seemed in a rush and tried to end the conversation as quickly as possible.
• 65% of customers rated the friendliness and the welcome of the staff as very satisfied, 25% rated it as satisfied and 10% rated it as very dissatisfied. The comments from the customer who was very dissatisfied revealed that some staff provided their customers with a bowl of complimentary nuts when they arrived and the staff member serving them did not.
• Overall, customers were very satisfied with the length of time it took to serve them and the wait time on their food orders.
• Business results indicate that overall the business is performing well but slightly below targets for the last quarter.
Although the bar does not have its own website as it is included on the main one for Marino Enterprises, you have just set up a social media page so you can begin advertising all of the special offers, promotions and trivia nights the bar holds.
The policies and procedures that you and senior management have decided to update/develop are as follows:
• Customer service: Communication policy
• Customer service: Social media policy
• Customer service: Welcome procedure
• Customer service: Telephone procedure
• Customer service: Responding to negative social media comments procedure.

3. Conduct some research into policy development and into current industry trends in customer service and changes that may or has affected service delivery. Focus some of your research on how social media is at the forefront of keeping customers informed about new products and services, and how customers use social media to either provide a positive or negative review of businesses and how this can affect a business's reputation. You will use this research in the following two points.

4. Have a meeting with your team (this will be three of your classmates with your assessor observing) and inform them of the new policies and procedures that you will be developing. Briefly discuss the information you have researched, an analysis of the results of the customer satisfaction surveys, as well as the need for new policies and procedures. Allow opportunity for your team to provide input about customer service practices and ask questions. Take notes to assist you in the development of your policies and procedures.
Your assessor will be looking to see that you:
• Demonstrate open communication
• Use active listening skills
• Serve as a positive role model for your team.

5. Develop the following two policies and three procedures:
• Customer service: Communication policy
• Customer service: Social media policy
• Customer service: Welcome procedure
• Customer service: Telephone procedure
• Customer service: Responding to social media comments procedure.
You may use a suitable template of your choice to develop them but they must be in line with the Marino Style Guide. Policy review should be set at 12 months and procedures set at 6 months.
Each policy must include:
• Purpose
• Scope
• Objectives
• Responsibilities (of Champion's Sports Bar as an employer; and employees)
• Consultation and communication of the policy
• Effective date
• Review date
Each procedure must include:
• Purpose
• Scope
• Activities/responsibilities
• Effective date
• Review date.

6. Communicate the new policies and procedures to all staff by sending a group staff email advising them of the new policies and procedures, the expectations of staff regarding them, and where they will be located. Alert staff that these need to be made available to customers on request. Attach them to the email and send this to your assessor.

Attachment:- Case study.rar

Reference no: EM132958129

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