Develop critical analysis skills in relation

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM131318340 , Length:

Develop critical analysis skills in relation to auditor independence and issues in accepting audit engagements.

Background information

This assignment is based on the Professional Application Question 2.37 in your e-text. Fellowes and Associates Chartered Accountants is a successful mid-tier accounting firm with a large range of clients across Australia. During the 2014 year Fellowes and Associates gained a new client, Health Care Holdings Group (HCHG), which owns 100 per cent of the
following entities:

- Shady Oaks Hospital, a private hospital group
- Gardens Nursing Home Pty Ltd, a private nursing home
- Total Cancer Care Limited (TCCL), a private oncology clinic that specialises in the treatment of cancer.

Year-end for all HCHG entities is 30 June.

TCCL owns two relatively old linear accelerators used in radiation therapy. Recently, radiographers using these linear accelerators have raised concerns that they have adverse radiation impacts on patients.

The CEO of TCCL, Betty Buick, has approached Tania Fellowes, the audit partner responsible for the financial report audit, about undertaking an engagement in respect of the linear accelerators. Betty has requested Tania provide an opinion that the linear accelerators are fit for use. Betty pointed out that the TCCL audit is up for tender the following year and suggested Fellowes and Associates might like to take on the linear accelerators engagement without charging a fee as a gesture of goodwill.

Prior to the appointment of Fellowes and Associates as the auditor for the group which controls TCCL, HCHG, for the 2014 financial year, some preliminary analysis by Tania Fellowes identified the following situations:

1. One of the accountants intended to be part of the 2014 audit team owns shares in HCHG. The accountant's interest is not material to him.

2. Fellowes and Associates was previously engaged by HCHG to value its intellectual property. The consolidated balance sheet (statement of financial position) as at 30 June 2014 includes intangible assets of $30 million, which were valued by Fellowes and Associates on 1 March 2014 following HCHG's acquisition of the subsidiary Shady Oaks Hospital. The intangibles are considered material to HCHG.

Assignment Requirements
The audit partner requires a written short report to be presented in simple language and in an interesting, easy-to-read format. It should:

i. Using your knowledge of APES 110, identify and explain the potential type of threat to Fellowes and Associates' independence in situations (1) and (2) above.

ii. What action should Fellowes and Associates take to eliminate the potential threats to independence in situations (1) and (2) above? What safeguards should be instituted to reduce the risk of similar independence threats occurring in the future?

Formatting Requirements
Please note that penalties will apply for not following the formatting instructions.

The Report will consist of:
- Cover page which shows the title of the report, the author (Student name and ID number) and the word count
- table of contents
- a one-page executive summary
- the report itself
- references

Presentation. The report is required to be prepared in 1.5 line spacing, using a Times New Roman 12 point font, with 2 cm margins on all sides (remember penalties apply for not following instructions). You are required to cite at least four (4) current sources which should include items from the following categories: academic literature, textbooks, media, and websites. It is vital that the sources used are reliable, reputable, and relevant, cited in an accurate manner and properly referenced using the APA method. (Please note: Do not include lecture slides in your list of citations, you are expected to refer to the abovementioned sources)

The report should be presented in simple language and in an interesting, easy-to-read format.

Digital file. The entire document is to be prepared in an electronically-friendly document format as a single file.

Attachment:- Audit book.rar

Verified Expert

The assignment talks about the code of conduct to be followed by auditor, the fundamental principles to be adhered, Independence in conduct of an audit & the related threats to auditor's independence. Each case scenario has been explained in 3 parts : Potential type of threats, Ways to eliminate threats and safeguards for the future.

Reference no: EM131318340

Questions Cloud

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Develop critical analysis skills in relation : ACCT20040 - Auditing and Ethical Practice ACCT20075 - Auditing and Ethics - Develop critical analysis skills in relation to auditor independence and issues in accepting audit engagements.
Elaborate an alternative way to deal with the financial cris : We are going through financial crisis. Seven years have passed and we are still in recovery stage. Based on the analysis in the class, can you suggest and elaborate an alternative way to deal with the financial crisis?
Compute the denominator of the earnings per share : Assume the following facts for the current year:- Compute the denominator of the earnings per share computation for the current year.
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Present earning per share for two year comparative statement : XYZ Corporation reported earnings per share of $2.00 in 2010.- Present the earnings per share for a two-year comparative income statement that includes 2011 and 2010.



12/20/2016 3:48:02 AM

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12/20/2016 3:44:13 AM

Audit assignment question.pdf Audit book.docx LEC 1 2 and 3 20116673_1Week 1 Intro to Audit Student ppt.pptx 20116673_2Student Week 2 Ethics Legal liability Client acceptance2.pptx 20116673_3Student Week 3 Risk Assessment I.pptx lect 1 20116695_1Week 1 Intro to Audit Student ppt.pptx lec 20116611_1Student Week 4 Risk Management II.pptx 20116611_2Student Week 5 Internal controls .pptx 20116611_3Lecturer Wk 6 Audit sampling.pptx


12/19/2016 6:09:22 AM

Please do some research, and please you answer according to the question. I am sending you a copy of E-text book and lecture slides. If you need any more information please let me know. Grade 7 i) Evaluate critically significant APES issues Comprehensive and well-judged evaluation of auditor independence and responsibilities with reference to APES (8.5-10 marks) ii) Evaluate critically potential threats and safeguards relating to auditor independence Comprehensive and well-judged identification of threats and safeguards relating to auditor independence (8.5-10 marks) Preparation of a report for the accounting firm partners as directed by the audit partner Response to task is comprehensive and concise. Report written in a clear, logical and structured manner and communicates points to the audit team in an interesting and easy- to-read format. Correct spelling, punctuation, grammar and referencing. (8.5-10 marks)

Write a Review

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