Develop creative marketing strategies

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM132537072 , Length: word count:1500

HI5004 Marketing Management - Holmes Institute

Learning Outcome 1: Student will be able to, integrate theoretical and practical knowledge of Marketing Management

Learning Outcome 2: Develop creative marketing strategies for new product development including product, price, people and promotion

Purpose: This individual assignment is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding of marketing management.

Problem 1:

Watch the attached video and answer 3 following questions in 300 words total:

1. What is the message that P&G wants to send to its customers?
2. According to your opinion what does the benefit P&G gain when they implemented the Thankyou Mom campaign'?
3. What kind of emotions does this video evoke in you? Explain what you felt and why. (there are no wrong answers here, just you thinking

Problem 2:

Watch the attached video and answer 2 following questions in 200 words:

1. Who do you think is the target customer of this product?
2. Do you think this product will be success, if yes, why and how? If no, why not?

Problem 3:

Agatha's Inc. is about to introduce a new product in the market, but is not sure as to how it should price the product. The company is facing intense competition from five other companies. In such a situation, what should be Agatha's Inc. pricing objective? Provide an explanation for your answer.

Problem 4:

Briefly explain in 300 words the 4 levels of marketing channels with example.

Problem 5: Focus on Technology: Tracking Customers

According to Nielsen, more than 50 percent of mobile phone consumers own smartphones. Many of them use free Wi-Fi when available for faster connections and to reduce data usage charges. But even when they don't log on to Wi-Fi, the device continues to search, giving information on users' locations. By using the signals emitted by shoppers' smartphones, retailers can keep tabs on shoppers, knowing where they are and what they are searching for on their phones' browsers. Retailers can learn on which aisles shoppers are most likely to check online prices at retailers such as and can send an alert to a sales representative. "Heat mapping" identifies traffic patterns and locations attracting the greatest number of shoppers checking the Internet. This gives retailers an idea of the products most vulnerable to "showrooming"-the practice of shoppers visiting stores to learn about and try products and later purchasing them for less online.

1. What is shopper marketing and how might retailers use Wi-Fi technology to implement it?

2. What may be the likely response as more shoppers learn that retailers gather information without their knowledge?

Attachment:- Marketing Management.rar

Reference no: EM132537072

Questions Cloud

Explain connection between ebp and the quadruple aim : Write a brief analysis (no longer than 2 pages) of the connection between EBP and the Quadruple Aim. Your analysis should address how EBP might (or might not).
Personal savings strategies : Identify all the lazy dollars in your financial life. Identify source, amount and what action might be indicated.
Corporate social responsibility and ethics : Consider the potential conflict between corporate social responsibility and ethics while maximizing share holder wealth.
What are individual adrs for both single and double rooms : Based on information, what are the individual ADRs for both single and double rooms for H hotel for the next year (assume that there are 365 days in a year)?
Develop creative marketing strategies : Develop creative marketing strategies for new product development including product, price, people and promotion - knowledge of Marketing Management
Describe benefits of foot and nail care for a patient : Write a paragraph with 8 sentences about the purpose and benefits of foot and nail care for a patient. Also do a PowerPoint with the same topic with 6 slides.
What is the price elasticity of demand : What is the price elasticity of demand? What is effect of the decrease in the #of rooms to the total room revenue for the Sox Shogun Hotel during this month?
Describe the topic the consumer experience : HCAHPS: The Consumer Experience. Introduction (clearly identifies the clinical problem and impact on nursing practice). Identification of problem.
Discuss how to decide of the price elasticity of the demand : Greed to buy each tray with a price of $30.00. By showing your calculations, decide of the price elasticity of this demand (elastic or inelastic).



6/6/2020 12:22:38 AM

Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list, all using Harvard referencing style.

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