Develop continuous improvement policy and forms

Assignment Help Operation Research
Reference no: EM132362347

Assessment Task 2: Project

There are two parts to this task:
• Part A: For this task, you are required to research and identify continuous improvement systems and processes for a business and develop a continuous improvement policy and two continuous improvement tools.
• Part B: For this task, you are required to develop and deliver a continuous improvement presentation.

• Access to textbooks and other learning materials.

• Part A: This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class (where applicable).
• Part B: Your presentation will be delivered in the classroom as part of the simulated work environment
• Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.

• Part A - Continuous improvement policy.
• Part A - Two continuous improvement tools.
• Part B - Updated continuous improvement policy.
• Part B - Power Point presentation.


Background information
E-OfficeWorx is an independently owned and operated company based in Campbelltown, NSW. The company has been in operation for 2 years.

The company supplies a wide range of stationery, office supplies, furniture, business equipment and computer supplies for large and small office environments, including home offices. There are no retail stores and customers order online through the company's website or through a customer service centre that operates 7 days a week from 7 am to 7 pm. Orders are distributed from a warehouse that is also located in Campbelltown.

The company has recently participated in a strategic planning process with its vision identified to be the leading online supplier of office supplies.

The company employs several staff including the General Manager, Sales and Marketing Manager, Finance Manager and Human Resources Manager. There are 20 customer service staff in total, a Warehouse Manager and 10 warehousing staff. All the Managers and Customer Service Staff operate out of head office and all warehousing staff, including the Manager, are located at the Warehouse. Turnover of customer service staff is currently high - at around 30% annually.

You have recently been appointed as the new Operations Manager. The General Manager has advised you that although the company's key values include a strong commitment to quality, customer service, sustainability and a satisfied workforce, there are no formal systems or processes in place for continuous improvement to ensure that the company meets its overall vision and values.

The General Manager advises you that he would like you to research and implement a new continuous system/process to address all aspects of the company's operations from staffing to customer service to health and safety, as well as embedding continuous improvement into the company's culture. He has also indicated that he would like you to consider how the company can introduce more sustainable practices both within the company and in relation to products and would like this integrated into the continuous improvement system.
The General Manager has indicated that he would like a formal continuous improvement system fully implemented within the next three months.

He also advises of the following issues within the company that he is hoping that a continuous improvement system and process will solve:
• An average of two customer complaints are received each month.
• Complaints generally relate to the following themes:
– Customer service staff are unable to provide adequate product advice.
– Customer service staff are not friendly at times.
– Lengthy wait times on the telephone to discuss products or chase up deliveries.
– Differences between delivery time stated and actual delivery time.
• There also appears to be some further issues relating to the time in responding to complaints and identifying and implementing procedures to address issues identified through complaints.
• High staff turnover.
• Lack of supporting documentation to assist with overall quality such as staff training manuals.

1. Research and identify continuous improvement systems and processes for the business.
• You are required to conduct research and take notes to assist you in developing a continuous improvement policy and continuous improvement tools. Throughout your research, you must identify:
– The benefits of implementing a continuous improvement process for the company.
– Continuous improvement models that may be suitable for the company, such as the Plan Do Check Act, Six Sigma or TQM approach to continuous improvement. You must research at least two models and identify the best one to use at E-OfficeWorx.
– Strategies for implementing continuous improvement into business systems and procedures including performance management, sustainability, health and safety and knowledge management and to address existing issues within the company.
– Four continuous improvement tools, including at least two digital tools (for example, continuous improvement register and forms, feedback forms, intranet forms/surveys, online/intranet surveys) that can be used as part of a continuous improvement system.
– Strategies for encouraging staff to participate in continuous improvement decision- making.
– Strategies for ensuring that staff are informed about continuous improvement processes, as well as the outcomes of continuous improvement processes.
– Mechanisms that can be used to obtain feedback from customers, suppliers and staff.
– Ongoing mentoring and coaching processes that can be used to ensure that staff are able to implement and support continuous improvement processes.
– Strategies for ensuring continuous improvement in sustainability.
– At least two knowledge management strategies to ensure that insights and experiences from the business's activities are captured and learnings are accessible to all staff.

2. Develop a continuous improvement policy.
• Review your research notes.
• Develop a continuous improvement policy for E-OffficeWorx. As a minimum, your policy must include:
– Purpose of the policy
– Scope of the policy
– Continuous improvement principles
– Continuous improvement model
– Continuous improvement implementation
– Staff participation and communication
– Tools to support the continuous improvement process
– Responsibilities.
• Ensure that your policy complies with relevant legislative requirements.

3. Develop continuous improvement tools.
• Develop two continuous improvement tools identified through your research (for example, continuous improvement register and forms, feedback forms, intranet forms/surveys) to record work performance.
• Refer to these in the continuous improvement policy and include as attachments.

E-Officeworx - Communication procedure for the delivery of presentations When communicating with others, take into consideration:
• Who you are talking to.
• The type of information to be communicated. All verbal communication must be:
• Clear and concise.
• Friendly and professional.
• Culturally appropriate.
Active listening must be used when responding to questions. Questions should be answered in a friendly and polite manner.

1. Develop a continuous improvement presentation
• Review your research notes from Part A of this assessment task.
• Develop a 15-minute information training session to be presented to the E-Officeworks team (role played by your assessor and classmates).
• Use Microsoft PowerPoint to develop your presentation. Include graphics to support the explanation of the content.
• Ensure that your PowerPoint presentation is clear, concise and error free.
• Your PowerPoint presentation must address:
– The benefits of implementing continuous improvement systems and processes across the company.
– The continuous improvement models that you have identified as most suitable for use in E-OfficeWorx and that is the basis of the policy you have developed.
– An outline of your policy.
– Continuous improvement tools.
– Strategies for encouraging staff to participate in continuous improvement decision- making.
– Strategies for ensuring that staff are informed about continuous improvement processes, as well as the outcomes of continuous improvement processes.
– Mechanisms that can be used to obtain feedback from customers, suppliers and staff.
– Ongoing mentoring and coaching processes that can be used to ensure that staff are able to implement and support continuous improvement processes.
– Strategies for ensuring continuous improvement in sustainability.
– Knowledge management strategies to ensure that insights and experiences from the business's activities are captured and learnings are accessible to all staff.
• Submit your presentation to your assessor. Your assessor will advise you of the date and time you will be required to deliver the presentation.

2. Deliver your presentation.
• Review the E-Officeworks communication procedure for the delivery of presentations.
• Deliver your continuous improvement presentation to the team (role played by your assessor and classmates) in line with workplace procedures.
• Ensure that you address all the required content and encourage audience to ask questions and provide you with feedback.

3. Hand out a copy of your continuous improvement policy to each member of the audience. Ask audience members to read through the policy and provide you with feedback. This feedback can be either verbal or written.
Based on the feedback provided, make necessary changes to your continuous improvement policy, highlighting the changes made. Submit your updated policy to your assessor.

Your assessor will be checking that you demonstrate effective communication skills throughout your presentation, including:
• Speaking clearly and concisely.
• Responding to questions as required.
• Using active listening techniques.

Assessment Task 3: Project


For this task, you are required to analyse customer feedback surveys, convert percentages into bar charts and compare to industry averages. You are also required to develop a report that includes an overall analysis of how a company is performing in terms of customer service and recommendations for future customer surveys.

• Access to textbooks and other learning materials.
• Access to a computer and Microsoft Office.

• This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class (where applicable).
• Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.

• Customer satisfaction report.

Read the background information and complete the tasks that follow.

Background information continued
As part of the implementation of the continuous improvement system, E-Officeworx implemented a formal customer survey with the results shown below.
The survey was sent to 75 customers and 49 were returned.
As this was the first customer survey, customers were asked to respond to four general questions only.
Customer survey findings are as follows: Overall satisfaction with E-Officeworx:
• 26 totally satisfied
• 18 somewhat satisfied
• 4 dissatisfied
• 1 totally dissatisfied.
Industry benchmarks show that the average number of customers who indicate that they are totally satisfied is 42%.
Ease of doing business with E-Officeworx:
• 20 totally satisfied
• 19 somewhat satisfied
• 8 dissatisfied
• 2 totally dissatisfied.
Industry benchmarks show that the average number of customers who indicate that they are totally satisfied with ease of business is 47%.
Customers who said they would purchase products from E-Officeworx again are:
• 42 totally satisfied
• 6 somewhat satisfied
• 1 dissatisfied
• 0 totally dissatisfied.
Industry benchmarks show that the average number of customers who indicate that they would purchase products again is 72%.
Customers who said they would recommend E-Officeworx to others:
• 38 totally satisfied
• 8 somewhat satisfied
• 3 dissatisfied
• 0 totally dissatisfied.
Industry benchmarks show that the average number of customers who indicate that they would recommend the company to others is 63%.

1. Analyse and report on results.
• Review the survey data and develop a report on the result. Your report must include your recommendations for actions based on your analysis.
• Your report must be clear, concise and error free.
• You are required to provide an analysis of the overall results against industry benchmarks for customer satisfaction, ease of doing business and customer loyalty.
• Your report must include:
– Bar charts that clearly show the results of the survey in percentages
– An overall analysis of how the company is performing in terms of customer service.
– At least two recommendations for future customer surveys.

2. You must develop your report using Microsoft Word or a similar program. Submit your report on continuous improvement system & processes to your assessor by the due date.

Verified Expert

The study highlights the importance of continuous improvement in the context of a business organisation. E-OfficeWork is an independent company established in Campbelltown and the organisation to embed continuous improvement culture at the workplace. The study composes continuous improvement tools and policy.

Reference no: EM132362347

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