Develop computerized pot hole tracking and repair system

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1354286

Q1) The department of public works for your city has decided to develop a computerized pot hole tracking and repair system. As pot holes are reported to customer service, they are assigned an identifying number and stored by street address, size (on a scale of 1 to 10), location (middle curb, etc), district (determined from street address), and repair priority (determined by the size of the pot hole). The controller generates work order data which is associated with each pot hole and include pot hole location and size, repair crew identifying number, number of people on the crew, equipment assigned, hours applied to repair, hole status (work in progress, repaired, temporary repair, not repaired), amount of filler material used, and the cost of repair (computed from hours applied, number of people, material and equipment used). Work crew chiefs can access the system each morning to review the day's assignments. Customer Service also manages a damage file which is created to hold information about reported damage due to the pot hole and includes citizen's name, address, phone number, type of damage, and dollar amount of damage. Write a Java program to implement such a system. You can use internal data structures to hold data rather than files. Use the principles of object-oriented programming we have covered so far in class.

Reference no: EM1354286

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