Reference no: EM133134491 , Length: 2500
MITS5501 Software Quality, Change Management and Testing
Case Study Assignment
In this assignment students will work in small groups to develop components of the Quality Assurance documents discussed in lectures.
Student groups should be formed by Session four. Each group needs to complete the group participation form attached to the end of this document.
Carefully read the associated CASE STUDY for this assignment contained in the document MITS5501-CaseStudy.doc
From this Case Study you are to prepare the following documents:
1. Quality Assurance Plan
2. Test Plan
3. Test Cases (9 per group)
4. Project Scope Statement
5. Perform a Test Effort Estimation (include Tables and calculations used)
6. Test Strategy Document
7. Project Completion Checklist
Investment Management System
The Investment Management System (IMS) is intended to help the user keep account of their money invested in institutions such as Banks and Share Market.
This document is meant to delineate the features of IMS, so as to serve as a guide to the developers on one hand and a software validation document for the prospective client on the other.
We describe what features are in the scope of the software and what are not in the scope of the software to be developed.
In Scope:
a. Managing investment of a single user, which would include maintaining bookkeeping information about entities like Portfolio, Security, and Transaction.
b. Computation of Net-Worth and Rate of Investment (ROI) of the Investor.
c. Giving alerts to the user, if he requests for one.
d. Downloading the current prices of shares from the web.
e. User authentication.
Out of Scope:
a. Features for actual purchasing and selling of securities. That is, actually buying and selling of shares/securities is done outside IMS.
b. Tax computations for gains/losses.
c. Any market related prediction.
The rest of this SRS is organized as follows: Section 2 gives an overall description of the software. It gives what level of proficiency is expected of the user, some general constraints while making the software and some assumptions and dependencies that are assumed. Section 3 gives specific requirements which the software is expected to deliver. Functional requirements are given by various use cases. Some performance requirements and design constraints are also given. Section 4 gives some possible future extensions of the system. Finally, the appendices in Section 5 describe respectively the formula for ROI calculation for shares and user screen.
Product Perspective:
IMS is aimed toward a person who has considerable number of investments in stock market and banks, and so needs software assistance for book keeping and computations regarding the investments. IMS should be user-friendly, ‘quick to learn' and reliable software for the above purpose. IMS is intended to be a stand-alone product and should not depend on the availability of other software. It should run on both UNIX and Windows based platform.
Attachment:- Change Management and Testing.rar