Develop community and supportive relationships

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Reference no: EM133480311


Using Tinto's (1975, 1993) concepts of academic integration and social integrationas the organizational and conceptual framework for your discussion, reflect on what you learned in this course and how this course has begun to foster your academic and social integration into the Ph.D. at Liberty University. Articulate your plans for continued academic and social integration as you progress as an autonomous learner through coursework and then transition into a self-directed learner in the dissertation stage. Reflect on what higher education student support services you may choose to utilize in your journey and how you will develop community and supportive relationships with peers along the way. Concludeyour reflection by articulatinghow you will be a steward in the profession through the skills, knowledge, and opportunities associated with the attainment of a doctoral degree.

The reflection must be 500-750 words, align with current APA formatting, and include a minimum of 5peer-reviewed/scholarly sources (you may also cite the textbook for this course).

Reference no: EM133480311

Questions Cloud

How would you apply the ethical decision making tools : How would you apply the ethical decision making tools as guide to assessing the issues and Select ONE of the models taught in the course to analyze Case
Does the writing accomplish each task set forth : Are major points clearly presented? Does the writer present a coherent and succinct argument? Does the writing accomplish each task set forth in the assignment?
What does he conclude from this : One has agreed to obey the government and now he neither obeys nor does he show us where we went wrong. What does he conclude from this? Can you fill it in
What effect do you believe artificial intelligence will have : What effect do you believe artificial intelligence will have on information system infrastructure? Use at least two references to help justify your thinking.
Develop community and supportive relationships : Develop community and supportive relationships with peers along the way. Concludeyour reflection by articulatinghow you will be a steward in the profession
Evaluate three strengths of your leadership : Evaluate three strengths of your leadership, using the chosen scholarly leadership theory, including how each strength relates to the theory.
How to use your data management platform : How to use your data management platform to convert proportions - how-to guides may cover the range, the variance, and the standard deviation
Discuss the major components of the sarbanes-oxley act : Discuss the major components of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and Corporate Governance.
Roster considers employee availability for training : How can a manager ensure that the roster considers employee availability for training, meetings, or other non-shift-related activities?


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