Reference no: EM133430307
The following critical-thinking questions can be used for class discussion and/or as written assignments to develop communication skills. Be sure to give complete explanations for all questions.
1. In your opinion, can a leader maintain a personal friendship with some members of their work group or team without creating the perception of in-groups (those in their social circle) and out-groups (those outside their social circle)?
2. What should a leader do to dispel any notion or misperception that there are in-groups and out-groups in their work unit?
3. High-quality LMX relationships create a circle of reciprocity where followers feel they should go the extra mile for a leader who supports them. The leader feels like he or she should offer the followers more support and benefits to keep their loyalty. Do you believe this is the case in the real world, or is it something different?
4. Movies dealing with the prison or college environment often depict one or two prisoners or students who seem to have more influence over other prisoners or students than the guards or administrators. Can you think of one such case and explain why the individual was influential over other prisoners or students?
5. What do you say to those who argue that tactics used by followers to get noticed by their leader (such as impression management, ingratiation, and self-promotion) are shameful and self-serving and should be avoided?
6. Can someone have a successful career by aspiring to be an effective follower? Explain.
7. As a leader, how will you motivate the alienated follower?