Develop change management strategy

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM133169407

BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organisational change


To achieve competency in this unit students must demonstrate their ability to:
1. Develop change management strategy
2. Implement change management strategy
3. Evaluate change management strategy

Assessment 1-Short Answer Questions

Question 1:
In the table below, identify one event and one trend that may impact on the achievement of the organisational objective.
• Name an event for the objective
• Name a trend for the objective
• Explain how each event and trend affects the achievement of the objective
Objective 1:
Resolve all customer complaints submitted via all channels within 48 hours of filing

Question 2
When analysing and interpreting information about an organisation's internal and external environments, there are two tools that can be used as cost-benefit methods.
Complete each table below by:
• Defining what each letter signifies
• Providing a brief explanation of each signified letter

Question 3
Answer the following questions regarding risks to organisational change.
Briefly explain each of the following requirements to assess risk
Requirements to assess Risk


Risk Rating

Priority Rating

Complete the table below:
• Identify two common barriers to change
• Identify at least one mitigation strategy for each barrier
• Explain how each mitigation strategy addressed barrier to change

Question 4
Read the following scenario about a Flower Delivery business
Rose acquired a Flower Delivery business almost a year ago. When Rose started, she had established a vision for the existing business on expanding it by exceeding customer expectations. It was successful and her business doubled in a short time. Customers were returning to "Blooms" repeatedly and recommending friends and family. In the last three months, she has noticed a decline in orders and regular customers not calling. She did implement a growth strategy for her staff at this time which involved them contacting every customer, 24 hours after for their feedback.
Some of her staff were positive about this but one was very resistant. Rose informed them all they would just have to do it as it was a requirement of the job and as a team. Rose did hear a comment about this staff member being abrupt with a customer. She is now wondering if this could be impacting her decline in business Rose needs to take action to make a change and turn her business around. Rose wants to improve communication and educate her staff about how this benefits them and the customers.
• Answer the following questions based on the Communication Plan
• Complete the Communication Plan, briefly answering the components in relation to the scenario.
a. Identify at least two possible experts Rose can consult to improve her staff training

Communication Plan Components
a. Communication strategy
b. Target Audience
c. Personnel Responsible
d. Key Message
e. Communication method to be used
f. Frequency

Question 5
Complete the table below by explaining each requirement of an education plan.
Training Need Analysis Components
a. Training Strategy

b. Target Audience

c. Facilitator

d. Expected Timeframe

e. Expected Outcome

Question 6
Complete the table below by providing by doing the following:
• Identify the eight steps of Kotter's 8-Step Change Process
• Briefly explain how each step can be implemented in a workplace

Kotter's 8-Step Change Management Process Explanation of How Each Step if Implemented in a Workplace

Question 7
The DREC curve is change cycle that described the four stages individuals go through as they adjust to an organisational change.
Complete the table below. To do this you must:
• Identify the four stages of the DREC curve
• Using your own words, briefly explain what a change leader must do during each stage of the DREC curve

Question 8
Identify two strategies for embedding change within an organisation. Provide an explanation for each of the identified strategies.

Question 9
Read the following scenarios and answer the questions that follow

Scenario 1
Bounce Fitness is attempting to set up feedback sessions to get the insight of employees regarding the organisational change they will be undertaking. This is the first time the employees are being given an opportunity for feedback, since Bounce Fitness usually employs one-way communication between management and employees.
Complete the table by doing the following:
i. Identify the change strategy being implemented
ii. Identify one organisational behaviour that would affect the application of the following change strategy
iii. Briefly explain how the identified organisational behaviour impacts the application of the change strategy

Scenario 2
Bounce Fitness is adapting a new application for its Point of Sales system. It's a new application developed to ensure smoother transaction using a cloud system. However, the new application has also enticed numerous fitness centres. Due to the high demand, the current developers are having a hard time sustaining server for the application.
Complete the table by doing the following:
i. Identify the change strategy being implemented
ii. Identify one external environment factor that would affect the implementation of the identified change strategy
iii. Briefly explain how the external environment factor impacts the application of the change strategy

Question 10
In your own words, describe each of the following components of a change management project plan.

Change Management Project Plan Components
a. Scope
b. Roles and Responsibilities
c. Communication Strategy

Assesment - Practical Assessment

The Practical Assessment is a set of tasks that must be completed in a workplace, or in an environment with conditions similar to that of a real workplace.
To be assessed for this unit of competency, you must demonstrate the ability to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including evidence of the ability to use your skills and knowledge to develop and implement a Change Management Project Plan to lead and manage organisational change.
The Practical Assessments in this workbook include:
1. Workplace Project Assessment
A series of written practical tests assessing the learner's practical knowledge and skills underpinning of the unit of competency. This includes the learner completing workplace documents or similar as evidence of competent performance.
2. Workplace Practical Observation
A set of assessment tasks where the learner must demonstrate practical skills relevant to the unit of competency. These skills are to be demonstrated while being observed by the assessor.

Workplace Project Assessment

Task 1: Conduct Meeting in Relation to Organisational Change
Your assessor will observe you as you conduct a meeting with key stakeholders, experts and specialists to analyse at least one organisational change.

Use your workplace/organisation's template(s) to complete this task, or use the Change Management Project Plan template provided at the Bounce Fitness site. This will be used throughout the Practical Assessment Tasks.
Prior to commencing your meeting, you must Review at least two pieces of workplace documentation relevant to the organisational change you are to undertaking.
This includes:
• Business plans
• Feedback Surveys and Forms
• Business and Communication Plans
• Reports
• Service-level agreements (SLAs

You will be assessed on your practical skills to:
• Analyse and interpret information from the documentation about the organisation's internal, external environment and identify two of each of the following:
o Management decisions in relation to change
o Organisational objectives
o Performance gaps
o Change opportunities
o Business threats
• Discuss and identify requirements for change for change that support organisational objectives from workplace documentation
• Discuss and seek information, clarify, questioning, confirm understanding and active listening.

After consultation, complete the "SWOT Analysis" and "PESTLE Analysis" sections of the Change Management Project Plan.
Review Workplace Project Task 1 - Observation Form before starting this task. This form outlines all the practical skills you need to demonstrate to satisfactorily complete this task. Your assessor will also discuss with you the practical skills outlined in this form prior to the assessment.
Review the template(s) you will use to complete this task. If you are using a template from your workplace/organisation, discuss with your assessor to ensure that the template covers all requirements that apply to this task. Otherwise, use the Change Management Project Plan template provided at the Bounce Fitness site.
Submit the partially completed Change Management Project Plan with the completed "SWOT Analysis" and "PESTLE Analysis" sections to your assessor.
Include any supplementary documents/sources used in the meeting, such as:
• Organisational documents such as business plans, reports or similar, with relevant objectives and practices about the organisation's existing guide to organisational change
• Printed or online sources relevant to issues, practices, or requirements, including government websites in relation to communication

Task 2: Develop Change Management Project Plan
Use your workplace/organisation's template(s) to complete this task or use the Strategic Audit Template as part of and the Change Management Project Plan Template provided at the Bounce Fitness site.
To complete this task, you must:
• Complete a strategic audit of your organisation based on your findings from the information obtained in the SWOT Analysis and PESTLE Analysis Workplace Project Task 1.
You will need to indicate your findings as they shed light on the internal environment of your organisation
• Develop the Change Management Project Plan template from the information and resources
This must include the following:
o Priorities change requirements
For each activity identified, you must identify the following:
• Key personnel responsible for the implementation of this activity
• Resources required to implement the activity
• Target timeframes for implementation
• Target outcome after implementation
o Risk management plan for change to be undertaken

Review Workplace Project Task 2 - Assessor's Checklist before starting this task.
This form outlines the following:
o Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
o All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.
You assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this assessment.
Review the template(s) you will use to complete this task. If you are using template(s) from your workplace/organisation, discuss with your assessor to ensure that the template(s) covers all requirements that apply to this task. Otherwise, complete the Strategic Communication Audit template as part of and the Change Management Project Plan template provided at the Bounce Fitness site.

Task 3: Develop Communication Plan
Your assessor will observe you as you consult with relevant managers to develop the Communication Plan for the organisational change you are to undertake.

Use your workplace/organisation's template to complete this task or use the Communication Plan template as part of the Change Management Project Plan template provided at the Bounce Fitness site.
Note: If you are to use your workplace/organisations template, make sure you show evidence of the following in your plan.
You will be assessed on your practical skills to:
• Develop a Communication Plan to implement the Change Management Project Plan developed in Workplace Project Task 2.
You must obtain approval from all relevant managers before concluding the discussion.
• Discuss and seek information using appropriate structure and language
• Using active questioning and listening to clarify and confirm understanding the Change Management Project Plan with information discussed during consultation.
Leave the ‘Actual date of Implementation' and ‘Actual Outcome' of Communication Plan blank. This will be completed in a future task.
Review Workplace Project Task 3 - Observation Form before starting this task. This form outlines all the practical skills you need to demonstrate to satisfactorily complete this task. Your assessor will also discuss with you the practical skills outlined in this form prior to the assessment.

Task 4: Arrange and Manage Communication Plan

This task will require you to arrange and manage action items of the Communication Plan as part of the Change Management Projection Plan into the organisation.
To complete this task, you must:
• Arrange activities for delivery of each action item listed in the Communication Plan developed in Workplace Project Task 3.
• Manage activities for delivery of each action item listed in the Communication Plan developed in Workplace Project Task3.
• Update the following columns of your Communication Plan following your implementation:
o Actual implementation date
o Actual outcome/ status update
Review Workplace Project Task 4 - Assessor's Checklist before starting this task.
This form outlines all the practical skills you need to demonstrate to satisfactorily complete this task. Your assessor will also discuss with you the practical skills outlined in this form prior to the assessment.
This form outlines the following:
• Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
• All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.
You assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this assessment.

Task 5: Identify Barriers to Change
Your assessor will observe you as you consult at least key personnel regarding the implementation of the Communication Plan from Workplace Project Task 4 to identify barriers to change.
Use your workplace/organisation's template to complete this task or use the Communication Plan as part of the Change Management Project Plan template provided at the Bounce Fitness site.
Note: If you are to use your workplace/organisations template, make sure you show evidence of the following in your plan.
Your assessor will observe you as you demonstrate practical skills to:
• Assess performance of implemented communication plan against objectives of Change Management Project Plan.
• Identify at least two barriers to change that affected the outcome of Communication Plan implemented in Workplace Project Task 4.
• Discuss prescribed mitigation strategy to address barriers based on Mitigation Plan developed in Workplace Project Task 2.
Review Workplace Project Task 5 - Observation Form before starting this task.
This form outlines all the practical skills you need to demonstrate to satisfactorily complete this task. Your assessor will also discuss with you the practical skills outlined in this form prior to the assessment.
This form outlines the following:
• Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
• All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.

Task 6: Implementation of Mitigation Plan
This task will require you to Implement Mitigation Plan as a response to the two identified barriers to change identified in Workplace Project Task 5.
You are to complete the Mitigation Plan which is incorporated in the Change Management Project Plan Template.
To complete this task, you must:
• Implement action items to address barriers to change as outlined in the Mitigation Plan.
• After implementing the actions, update the following sections of the Mitigation Plan:
o Actual Date of implementation
o Revised Risk Rating.
Review Workplace Project Task 6 - Assessors Checklist before starting this task.
This form outlines all the skills you need to demonstrate to satisfactorily complete this task. Your assessor will also discuss with you the practical skills outlined in this form prior to the assessment.
This form outlines the following:
• Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
• All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.
You assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this assessment.

Task 7: Modify Change Management Project Plan

This task requires you to modify the Communication Plan based on the Mitigation Plan from Task 6, as part of your Change Management Project Plan.
Prior to commencing this task, you must:
• Have completed all Workplace Project Tasks 1-6; or
• Have access to your organisation/workplace's change management project plan other than the one developed for this assessment
To complete this task, you must:
• Access and review Communication Plan that you updated in Workplace Project Task 4.
• Identify at least two areas of improvement in the Plan, based on your changes implemented in Workplace Project Task 6.
o If you're referring to the Change Management Project Plan from this project assessment, you can base your areas of improvement on any of the following:
• Areas of improvement identified from Workplace Project Task 5
o If you're referring to the Change Management Project Plan from your own workplace, you can base your areas of improvement on any of the following
• Any other areas you find from the Change Management Project Plan that require modification
• Modify the section in the Change Management Project Plan document based on your findings. Outline the modifications done using the version control section of your Change Management Project Plan document.

Harvard style referencing

Attachment:- manage organisational change.rar

Verified Expert

Each of the tasks performed in the assignment focuses on the development of organisational change management plan along with framing different factors associated with it such as communication, assessing the feasibility of the project through internal audits, evaluating stakeholders and their roles, risk management and more. Additionally, a well-structured communication plan as well as risk assessment and mitigation plan is also formulated through the tasks.

Reference no: EM133169407

Questions Cloud

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Develop change management strategy : Implement change management strategy - Briefly explain how each step can be implemented in a workplace
How much will the average receivable be : The company operates five working days per week or 260 days per year. If receivable turnover is expected to increase by 15%, how much the average receivable
Determine the cost of the building : Last July 1, 2020 Tower company purchased land and building for a blanket price of P4,000,000. Determine the cost of the building
What amount should bull report as royalty revenue : Fantasy reported revenues of P2,250,000 in 2014 from the comic strip. In its 2014 income statement, what amount should Bull report as royalty revenue
Discuss different definitions in explaining risk : Discuss different definitions in explaining risk from uncertainty to probability and from loss to an outcome which may not result in loss


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