Develop at least one wireframe layout design

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Reference no: EM132324056

Assessment Task : Online Web Marketing – Portfolio

Section A – Instructions to students

Task instructions:

This assessment task requires learners to design and develop a website using React JS based on the project brief discussed in the supporting document.

Learner has to incorporate any of the following industry specific technologies in the website.

1. Mailchimp

2. Google Analytics

3. SEO

4. Facebook add – you will need to create a Facebook account and add the website banner into the Facebook page. Also the Facebook page must be embedded into the company website.

This assessment has been divided into 4 key parts:

Part 1 - Plan the UI Design

Part 2 - Implement the front end with React

Part 3 – Implement the industry specific technologies in the Front-end and monitor the marketing strategies

Part 4 - Review, Analyse and evaluate industry specific technology

Section B – Conditions for assessment


Student to complete and attach Assessment Submission Cover Sheet to the completed Assessment Task.

- This assessment is to be completed individually.

- You must meet all criteria listed in the marking guide to be satisfactory in this task.

- You may resubmit this task if not successful within the enrolment period as per Holmesglen conducting assessment procedure.

- The learner may use the internet for research.

- You are expected to dedicate time to developing this assessment task both in and out of the classroom.

- Development tools should include but are not limited to; or Visual Studio Code, Chrome or Fire Fox (You have access to these tools in labs or they can be downloaded).

- You must submit; All required working files, documentation and any other assets that you feel may be required in a zipped file.

- This Assessment task must be uploaded to Brightspace along with a complete and signed coversheet.

- You may resubmit this task if not successful within the enrolment period as per Holmesglen conducting assessment procedure.

- This is an individual task. However, you are required to get information, feedback and ideas from your assessor, peers and industry to help complete the assessment planning guide.

- It is expected all documents will be completed and submitted electronically but if this is not possible, make alternative arrangements for submitting the documents with your assessor.

- You will have the opportunity to resubmit if any part of the assessment is deemed unsatisfactory (one resubmit allowed per task).

- You can appeal an assessment decision according to the Holmesglen Assessment Complaints and Appeals Procedure.

- If you feel you require special allowance or adjustment to this task, please discuss with your assessor within one week of commencing this assessment.

Project requirements/Design and development

Read thought the brief below take note of the needs and requirements outlined in the brief. You don’t need to write anything in this part.

Organisational Marketing Plan

Outline the marketing plan.

The new company “Your company (your choice)” is looking to secure a good position in the market, however this company is not known yet. As part of the Marketing Strategy, “Your company” is looking for a Digital Marketing specialist who creates a whole digital campaign to promote the company around Australia.


• Branding: Positioning the company and letting Australia know it is in Australia as a new product/services company

• Branding: Styling, colours, fonts etc and overall appearance must remain consistent across all strategies

• You must separate “Your company” apart from its competitors – describe this

• To gain followers through social media

• To increase the visits to the corporate website

• To create a direct communication with customers through email or blogs.

Learner has to incorporate any of the following industry specific technologies in the website.

1. Mailchimp

2, Google Analytics

3, SEO

4, Facebook add

Part 1- Plan the UI Design

Based on the information you have gathered from the brief complete the following:

1. Select all required client side technologies and frameworks for creating the UI.

2. Select and list all required development tools.   

3. Develop at least one wireframe layout design for the website UI that meets the client’s requirements outlined in the brief.

Part 2- Implement the front end with React

Working Files

1. Learner created the Bootstrap theme and UI

2. Learner used create react app command to install react

3. Learner created a single page application using React JS

Part 3 -Implement the industry specific technologies in the Front-endand monitor the marketing strategies

Working Files

1. Learner provided the screen shot of the results of using any of the following industry specific technology in the website

a. Mailchimp

b. Google Analytics

c. SEO

d. Facebook add

Part 4–Review, Analyse and evaluate industry specific technology

Assessment Documentation/Working Files

1. The learner has followed the organizational guidelines for developing maintainable code and has also submitted all the working files and demonstrate the working of the entire Application

2. Learner meet all the project requirements identified in the project brief

3. Learner implement the project according to its requirements explained in the project brief.

4. Learner received feedback from the trainer to finalize the project.

Reference no: EM132324056

Questions Cloud

Supply-side economics : Milton Friedman expresses ambivalence toward such supply-side economics. What lessons did you learn?
Cost of producing q units : Suppose a firm produces an output measured in units Q. The cost of producing Q units is given by the cost function C(Q) = aQ2 + bQ + c,
What specific changes did walmart make to its distribution : What specific changes did Walmart make to its distribution and logistics channels and why were these changes made?
Draw a production possibility fronteir : With the aid of a diagram, draw a Production Possibility Fronteir (PPF) for an economy producing televisions and potatoes.
Develop at least one wireframe layout design : ICTICT514 -Identify and manage the implementation of current industry specific technologies-Victoria University-Australia-design and develop a website.
Explain using a production possiblity curve : Explain using a production possiblity curve (PPC) diagram, the economic problem of scarcity, choice and opportunity cost.
Exchange rate effects on your firm : How can you profit from future shifts in the exchange rate? How do you predict future changes in the exchange rate?
Compensating wage differentials : Explain in 4-5 sentences how the "winner's curse" applies to compensating wage differentials.
Inverse demand function : If you set the inverse demand function equal to the inverse supply function you can solve for the equilibrium quantity. (Qd=Qs).



6/17/2019 4:57:12 AM

The learner has selectedall required client side technologies and frameworks for creating the UI. All required development tools have been selected.Implementthe front end with React Working files Learner provided the screen shot of the results of using any of the following industry specific technology in the website a. Mailchimp b, Google Analytics c, SEO d, Facebook add

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