Develop android app which mimics a football fantasy league

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM133340273

Question: Develop an Android app which mimics a Football Fantasy League. Your application should start with a Login Page. You are free to use the Login Page you created in Assignment 1 and extend the functionality for this assignment. Please use images that you have permissions to use. First screenshot below should be the first Activity of your application.

As soon as user clicks the Login button, your app should be able to check whether user has entered the right email and password combination. For now, please check against email [email protected] and password "1234". If user enters the wrong combination, your app should display an error message on a TextView as shown in the second screenshot above. Please note that on the click of the Login button, the keyboard should be dismissed if the combination is not correct. Please use the following code for dismissing the keyboard:

InputMethodManager imm =(InputMethodManager) getSystemService(Activity.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);

If the email and password combination is correct, your app should move to a new Activity which shoulduse a customized Toolbar. Please create a toolbar in a separate XML file using<androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar>.The toolbar should contain at least 3 components, TextView for name, an ImageView in a circular form for an image and a TextView for points. For now, you can hardcode the values and the image on the toolbar. Your customized toolbar should look something like below:

Add the custom toolbar to the Second Activity which will be shown on the successful login from the First Activity.

The Second Activity should also contain a ListView which has each row customized to show a TextView for serial number, an ImageView for a circular image, a TextView for name and a TextView for score. You are required to create a separate XML file for row layout of the ListView. For now, please hardcode 10 items for each serial number, images, names and scores in Java arrays. Create your own Adapter class that extends from the BaseAdapter class that helps in inflating the row layout into the List View. Your final ListView should look something like below:

Please note that the screenshot above shows only 7 rows, however, your ListView should have at least 10 rows. If your ListView is not showing the last row, please use the following code in your ListView in XML file:


Change 100dp to a value that suits your emulator. Below should be the final output of the Second Activity:

Then contain a RecyclerView instead of the ListView. Make sure you fulfill all the requirements of the Recycler View. Below are some of the requirements of this assignment:
• Create a separate MyAdapter class that contains the adapter of RecyclerView.
• Make sure you pass all the arrays containing data for serial, image, name and points from to class (you are free to change the name of the classes and java files if you want).
• Create a Layout using XML file for rows of the RecyclerView (similar to last assignment).
• Override all the required methods for RecyclerView and ViewHolder parent classes.
• Your RecyclerView should contain at least 10 rows and each row should have
o serial (TextView)
o image (ImageView in circular shape)
o name (TextView)
o points (TextView )
• Finally, check for the click events on each of the component of each row of RecyclerView and display an Alert Dialog with corresponding messages. For example, if user clicks on Serial of the player in the Recycler view, an Alert Dialog should appear saying, "You clicked Player Serial". Similarly, if user clicks on the player image in the Recycler view, an Alert Dialog should appear saying, "You clicked Player Image".

Attachment:- Java writeing androd app problem.rar

Reference no: EM133340273

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