Develop and submit a general operating budget

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM131249397


Your assignment is to develop and submit a general operating budget given the following information about your school:

Your school is located in primarily a centrally managed district. In a centrally managed district, the following are generally handled at the District level--transportation, food service, utilities, district wide adoption of textbooks or other instructional materials ( schools are usually allocated funds for more minor purchases of instructional materials )maintenance ( custodians or other school based personnel may do some light maintenance ) and salary & benefits for all employees. Note that districts will vary to some degree in carrying out the above responsibilities. There may be school to school variances to a lesser degree in some districts.

The general operating budget is pretty much explained in it''s title--it is for the day to day operation of the school--predominately in the form of consumable supplies for faculty, staff and plant.

You are Principal of an elementary school of 600 students. Your allocation for general operating is $58.00 per unweighted FTE. You have 28 instructional units, 5 custodial staff and 12 clerical staff. You own 2 copy machines that require annual service. Two grade levels take one field trip annually (one each ) to local venues.

You are to develop your operating budget on the form below and submit.

Verified Expert

Solution an excel and word template for the assignment. I just put the automatic formula in excel but i have explained further in word template.

Reference no: EM131249397

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10/20/2016 3:03:34 AM

You are to develop your operating budget on the form below and submit. **I will appreciate if someone can assist me with this assignment I just moved and I am very much behind in classwork Thank you

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