Develop and showcase your academic development

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM131114910


The purpose of this booklet is to provide essential information about:

1. The SSEES MA/MRes Dissertation Preparation module (SEESGS40), including a timetable of key dates in the annual process AND

2. Guidelines on the choice of topic, format and rules for submission of the dissertation.


The SSEES MA/MRes Dissertation Preparation module (SEESGS40) is compulsory for all students on a one year (or two-year part-time) MA programme at SEEES and must be registered together with other course choices on Portico.

IMESS students and MRes students are also strongly encouraged and expected to attend the 2 library sessions and the 2 discipline specific dissertation meetings outlined below.

Separate introductory information sessions on dissertation preparation will be held for IMESS and MRes students.

Aims and objectives of the dissertation-

The aims of the Dissertation are:

- To provide an opportunity to pursue independent research on a subject of your choice

- To provide experience in identifying a clearly focused research question and developing a thesis around it, over an extended period.

- To enable you to test your skills in producing a substantial piece of written work of potentially publishable quality (high level of analysis, judgment and clarity of expression);

- To develop and showcase your academic development achieved during the MA programme;

- To contribute one third of the assessment for the MA degree (more for the MRes degree);

- To prepare you for MPhil, PhD or any research project you might do in your future career. The objectives of the Dissertation are:

- To choose an original topic for your research and to identify a relevant and appropriate research question within that topic;

- To search for and understand existing literature on the subject (including classic works, up-to-date publications, periodical and internet sources);

- To demonstrate knowledge of secondary sources on the chosen subject as well as your ability to assess critically other authors' views and to structure your own argument;

- To take into account, as appropriate, relevant historical background and theoretical frameworks;

- To develop your organizational, analytical and stylistic skills;

- To work towards making an independent contribution on a particular subject;

Objectives of the Dissertation Preparation Module-

The Dissertation Preparation module is designed to support and help you to fulfil the above aims and objectives to the highest standard. It will review and update your library and information management skills (essential for undertaking good research) and provide you with a detailed, subject specific dissertation briefing, as well as introduce you to ethical considerations within original research. As well as providing general guidance on the dissertation process, it will also clarify what you can expect by way of dissertation supervision.

Summary of the Dissertation Preparation Module

During this module you will receive specialist tuition in obtaining and managing sources and resources for research from a senior SSEES librarian and discipline specific guidance from highly qualified and experienced academic staff appointed as Programme Coordinators. During the course you will also be allocated a Dissertation Supervisor relevant to the area in which you wish to undertake your research. The supervisor will provide you with further qualified advice and guidance during the early stages of planning and designing your work. NB - MRes students should note that supervision for MRes dissertations follows a different format from the supervision of MA dissertations.

The provisional name of the dissertation is The determinants of growth in economics.

Attachment:- Guidelines for Dissertations.rar

Reference no: EM131114910

Questions Cloud

Find the starting current and the starting torque : If a wye-delta starting method is employed, find the starting current and the starting torque.
Explain difference between speech and language impairments : Identify two or more different types of language and speech intervention treatments and describe the impact they may have on children's language development.
Sensitivity analysis-what involvement would non-financial : If you were the CFO of a company that had to decide on hundreds of potential projects every year, would you want to use sensitivity analysis and scenario analysis or would the amount of arithmetic required take too much time and thus not be cost-effe..
Calculate the efficiency of the induction generator : Calculate the efficiency of the induction generator.
Develop and showcase your academic development : To develop and showcase your academic development achieved during the MA programme; To contribute one third of the assessment for the MA degree (more for the MRes degree)
Compute the elasticities for each independent variable : Compute the elasticities for each independent variable. Note: Write down all of your calculations. Determine the implications for each of the computed elasticities for the business in terms of short-term and long-term pricing strategies.
Describe the background of the person you interviewed : Share insights you gained from the interview. In particular, summarize new knowledge, identify any assumptions you held before the interview that were dispelled, and discuss information you learned that surprised you, and explain why. Compare what..
Ethical responsibilities in the accounting profession : Phil Kart works for Carmel Candy Company. He enters customer orders in the company’s accounting system. The orders are written on prepared forms by the company’s sales representatives (reps). What is the ethical issue? What problems do you see in Car..
Functions and importance of project approval committee : What implications do you foresee with this arrangement - what are the functions and importance of a project approval committee?


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