Reference no: EM132820468
Assessment: Develop and present an explanation
Critically evaluate if/ how our schools programme meets the needs of young New Zealanders. Consider:
- What assumptions do our school make about physical activity and if they are valid
- Are we meeting the needs of young New Zealanders?
- What are the pros and cons of extended physical education?
As well as referring to the information you gathered, you could consider some of the following aspects, but you should not feel that you have to restrict your ideas to these aspects.
• Identify what the students in your school believe to be the role and significance of physical activity in the lives of young people in New Zealand and more specifically in their own lives.
• Identify and either confirm or deny the assumptions made about young people and physical activity.
• Discuss how well (or not) the physical activity opportunities in your school meet the needs of the student body.
• Discuss who you believe to be advantaged or disadvantaged in your school by the physical activity opportunities available and why you think this is happening.
• Offer suggestions on what the school needs to consider and how they could make decisions about physical activity in the school in the future.
You will need to ensure that you back up the points in your explanation with supporting evidence, such as reference to research, quotes from other people, etc.
Assessment Format:
You will be assessed for the information you present not for the style of your presentation. Choose ONE way to present your findings, such as:
• a documentary (using a movie making application)
• a seminar-type presentation, using visuals as support, for example, PowerPoint, photo montage to illustrate a point you have made, video clips, podcasts to illustrate and provide evidence for points you have made, etc.
Attachment:- Internal Assessment.rar