Develop and prepare a management plan

Assignment Help Other Subject
Reference no: EM132138976

Unit - Recruit, select and induct staff

You work for BD Corp, a 120 room hotel located in the CBD. BD Corp has its own restaurant located on the second floor which is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The restaurant is a-la-carte with a seating capacity of 85. Whilst it is available for the public as well as guests, typically the clientele are as follows:
- Breakfast (buffet) - 87% hotel guests / 13% public - operating on average at 77% capacity
- Lunch (a-la-carte) - 62% hotel guests / 38% public - operating on average at 48% capacity
- Dinner (a-la-carte) - 46% hotel guests / 54% public - operating on average at 67% capacity

BD Corp also runs a coffee cart at local charity events, community centres and other not-for-profit establishments. All equipment, ingredients and consumables are provided by BD Corp for no charge. Staffing consists of 1 x BD Corp supervisor and volunteer baristas who work on a roster system (normally ½ to 1 day per week)


Your manager has asked you to meet with him / her to discuss current vacancies and how they will be best filled. You are to arrange a time and gather all information required from your manager to perform this task.

After your meeting you are to develop and submit the following for approval:
- Detailed job advertisements for at least 2 mediums for each of these positions, along with a report that outlines:
o Which advertisements mediums you chose and why
o Detailed instructions and associated costs on how you would lodge each advertisements
o Who you consulted with when developing each advertisement, including what input they provided to you during this process
o Note: Be sure that each the look and wording of each job advertisement is honest and appealing, and that they take into account all relevant legal and organisational requirement
- A detailed selection criteria that takes into consideration the position description, attitudes, aptitude, experience / qualifications and industry expectations for these positions
- An interview checklist / form you can use within BD Corp for each of the above positions. This checklist should include a list of questions you would ask your candidates during the interview
- A generic unsuccessful letter for each applicant not successful in obtaining an interview
- A generic successful letter for each successful applicant to invite for an interview
- A generic unsuccessful letter for each interviewed applicant who will not be offered a position
- A generic successful letter for each interviewed applicant who will be offered a position
- A detailed induction checklist that will be used when inducting each new employee into the company.


Working with another person, you will be required to prepare for and conduct face to face interviews with a minimum of 2 applicants for each of the positions detailed in Assessment 1 and in accordance with the supplied Employee Recruitment and Selection Manual. You will be provided with 4 job applications per position from other students. This task will be undertaken in a simulated environment, as outlined below. Your partner and you will form the selection panel, and will both lead one interview per position each. Please note that the panel will be interviewing for 3 positions in total.

PART A - Your first step is to prepare for the recruitment process. Following your company policy and procedures, along with the forms and correspondence developed in Assessment 1, you are to
- Review the applications received for each position
- Shortlist the applications to 2 potential candidates (using your selection criteria)
- Document the reasons for your shortlisting decisions
- Contact the shortlisted applicants and arrange for an interview (to be conducted in-front of your assessor)
- Send appropriate written correspondence to each applicant advising of the decision or next step (refer to the letters developed in Assessment 1)

PART A Evidence summary
- You are to submit the following
o An explanation of your shortlisting decisions along with the criteria used to guide your decision making process
o Copies of all correspondence sent to the applicants

PART B - Following Part A, you will have 2 potential applicants per position to interview. You are to now recruit and select a person for each position. This requires you to
- Take the lead role within a selection panel (consisting of your partner and yourself) for one interview per position
- Provide leadership and instruction to your fellow panel member
- Conduct a job interview with 2 fellow students***1
- Select the most suitable candidate for the position (or explain why no candidate is suitable)
- Contact the students referee (to be role played by your assessor)
- Prepare a selection report for management approval
- Negotiate salary and employment conditions with successful candidate (your assessor will provide you with a salary range that is appropriate to your position)
- Advise the successful candidate of the result in writing
- Advise the unsuccessful candidate of the result in writing

Your assessor will allocate other students to play the role of the candidate, whilst you perform the role of the employer. It is important that you take this part seriously, as this is valuable experience in both interviewing candidates AND applying for positions. Your assessor will observe this process closely!

Things to consider whilst role-playing the interviewer:
- Be organised - Prepare a selection criteria to use for each interview
- Know your position - Know your company
- Be prepared to ask questions - Be prepared to be asked questions
- Arrange access to all required documentation for this process

Things to consider whilst role-playing the job seeker:
- Develop your CV - Prepare an application for the job advertised
- Have questions ready - Answer all questions to the best of your ability
- Apply sincerely for the position - use it as practice for real job applicants
- Try to win the job

It is important that you take this role-play seriously. Think of it as an opportunity to practice for a real job interview, and to improve your interview skills.

PART B Evidence summary
- Your assessor will observe you conducting the interview and negotiating with the successful applicant
- You are to submit your selection report, the final letters to applicants, and an email that advises your team of the new employee.


For this task you are to run a training session to the team leaders on how to prepare for and induct the new staff members. This assessment must be undertaken in line with the supplied Employee Recruitment & Selection Manual

This will require you to prepare for and run a training session making sure you:
- Refer to the induction checklist developed in Assessment 1
- Develop a detailed induction book / handouts to be provided to new employees that cover each item outlined in your induction checklist
- Develop a session running sheet (or session plan) that outlines what you will cover in the information session
- Run your session (as outlined below) and discuss your induction process in detail

It is important that you are prepared for this session, ensuring you:
- prepare for the session to ensure everything is covered
- develop and provide relevant documentation / supporting materials to your team

Your assessor will observe you running the meeting.

Session Context
- Each meeting will consist of yourself (running the meeting), and at least 2 other people, who will role-play other team leaders. Other people may include trainers or students from your course

Things to consider whilst performing this task:
- Be organised - prepare and plan for the session thoroughly.
- Know your position, company and induction process
- Arrange access to all required documentation for this process
- Be prepared to ask questions
- Be prepared to be asked questions

Things to consider whilst role-playing a team leader:
- Be prepared
- Act professionally throughout the process
- Be prepared to ask questions when you require more information
- Answer all questions to the best of your ability
- Make sure that by the end of the session, you are fully aware of the policies and procedures, along with the actions you would need to perform to implement them.

Remember, you will be required to both run the meeting, and role-play an employee (during another students assessment), so be sure to perform at your best at all times.


The Facts:

The Hotel AET is a very classy small and trendy boutique hotel situated in one of Melbourne's fashionable suburbs, Camberwell. The Hotel AET will be officially opening its doors to the public for the first time on Monday 1st November 2013.
The hotel is composed of twenty rooms all with art deco furnishings and modern sleek amenities. There is one small swimming pool, a spa and a sauna.

The Hotel AET also has a trendy fast Bistro called The Acorn.

Bistro operational hours are 10 00am to 12 00midnight straight. (Last orders @ 10 30pm)

The Seating capacity is 100 people in one setting. (The operation allows for re-seating customers).

The Project:

Your are required to develop and prepare a management plan to finalise how many people will be required by the hotel to deliver quality fast bistro style service while simultaneously returning a healthy profit to the hotel owners and investors.

As such, you are to calculate the number of staff required for servicing the restaurant on a continuous basis for two weeks. Be sure to defend your staff to customer relations in a short statement (i.e. 200 words).

You should mix full-time and casual staff (it is up to you regarding the mix).

A manager or a supervisor must be present during the busy periods and be present at opening and closing hours.

Full-time staff works 38 hours* per week.

Causal staff works three hours per shift - minimum.

Unpaid breaks 30 minutes after the first five straight hours shift.

- Manager $25/ hour (No overtime is paid to the manager)
- Supervisor $19/ hour
- Barperson(s) $13/ hour
- Waiters $13/ hour
- Casual staff $16/ hour
- Over time is paid at: 1.5 per hourly rate. (As per Award)


In the form of a professional written report, you are to:
1. Prepare a roster for the fortnight.
2. Calculate the total sales for each week.
3. Calculate the projected payroll cost as a percentage of sales for each week.
4. Calculate the projected payroll cost as a percentage of sales adding 17% (Ancillary costs) for each week.
5. Detail how you would monitor the effectiveness of your rosters
6. Outline ways in which you would improve your roster development process

Unit - Monitor staff performance


For this task, you will be observed leading a team of at least 3 people for 2 different tasks.

This is more than just supervising you team. You are required to:
- Explain clearly and accurately all relevant team objectives
- Inspire and motivate your team to achieve any organisational goals and objectives
- Encourage your team to model professionalism
- Perform your role with high level business ethics

For demonstrate this, you are to:

Part 1 - Prepare for and run an information session that:
- explain the objectives of the task
- outlines the team expectations
- clarifies your team and organisations objectives, values and standards
- clearly states the requirements of the team in a motivational and encouraging way
- discusses the expectations of the organisation in terms of:
o Environmental management
o Product safety
o Service
o Values and Ethics

You should encourage participation in this session, inspiring and motivating your team to excel.

Your assessor will observe this session. You are also required to submit your session plan and copies of all visual / learning aids for assessment

Part 2 - Lead your team for each task. During this time, you are to:
- Build trust within your team
- Effectively implement improvements to your organisational culture
- Consult with your team members as suitable
- Make decisions that
o Consider the needs and expectations of your stakeholders
o Comply with risk management plans
- Assign accountabilities / responsibilities to your team
- Empower your teams
- Coach and mentor your team
- Create and maintain a positive work environment
- Encourage diversity and ingenuity from your team

Over the course of each observation, you are to monitor the effectiveness of your staff in relation to:
- adherence to procedures
- customer service standards
- level of accuracy in work
- personal presentation
- productivity
- punctuality
- response times
- team interaction

This is more than just supervising you team. You are required to:
- Explain clearly and accurately all relevant team objectives
- Inspire and motivate your team to achieve any organisational goals and objectives
- Encourage your team to model professionalism
- Perform your role with high level business ethics

For demonstrate this, you are to:

Part 1 - Prepare for and run an information session that:
- explain the objectives of the task
- outlines the team expectations
- clarifies your team and organisations objectives, values and standards
- clearly states the requirements of the team in a motivational and encouraging way
- discusses the expectations of the organisation in terms of:
- Environmental management
- Product safety
- Service
- Values and Ethics

You should encourage participation in this session, inspiring and motivating your team to excel.

Your assessor will observe this session. You are also required to submit your session plan and copies of all visual / learning aids for assessment

Part 2 - Lead your team for each task. During this time, you are to:
- Build trust within your team
- Effectively implement improvements to your organisational culture
- Consult with your team members as suitable
- Make decisions that
- Consider the needs and expectations of your stakeholders
- Comply with risk management plans
- Assign accountabilities / responsibilities to your team
- Empower your teams
- Coach and mentor your team
- Create and maintain a positive work environment
- Encourage diversity and ingenuity from your team

Your assessor will observe you leading your team for each task.

Assessor Notes:
- You are to allocate suitable tasks for each student for this assessment. Sample tasks may include, but are not limited to:
- Installing an IT system into a workplace
- Cleaning and sanitising a premises
- Conducting consumer research for products or services
- Re-furbishing an office or area

- Any group task may be used for this assessment, however the task must require the student to:
- research the task requirements
- explain the task requirements to their group
- supervise the group throughout the process (whilst being involved in the task - leading by example)
- consider alternative methods as suggested by the group (that is, the task must be one that can be undertaken in several different ways but still achieve the same outcome)
- include difficulties that the student will have to problem solve and overcome


Part A
After you have supervised your team, you must undertake a performance management review with at least 2 team members. This will require you to:
- Design the performance management review which includes:
o A basic procedure / structure to follow when conducting your performance reviews
o A performance management template to be used by the reviewer
o A self appraisal form to be used by your team members
- Train your assessor in your performance management system
- Implement your review (assess performance of your team - minimum 2 people)
- Provide formal structured feedback sessions to your team

Your assessor will observe each performance review

Part B
You are to manage follow-up after your performance reviews. This will require you to:
- Develop performance improvement and development plans for your team
- Seek assistance from HR specialists as required (your assessor)
- Reinforce excellence with your team as or if appropriate
- Provide additional coaching / re-training and monitoring for individuals not meeting expectations
- Provide / recommend support services to meet your teams needs

You are to submit a report outlining how each of the above aspects were undertaken, and include the documents developed (such as the Performance Improvements and PD Plans)

Part C
Now that you have implemented your performance management system, you must review / evaluate your system. This will be provided in a written report, which discusses
- What worked, and what didn't
- Recommendations for improvement
- Self reflection of the process
- Opinions from your team of the process



1 Describe the role of feedback and coaching in relation to monitoring staff performance

2 What are the grievance procedures within your workplace (or within your school)

3 What are 3 basic functions of an effective performance appraisal?

4 What actions should the supervisor undertake during a performance appraisal to ensure it remains focused, objective and fair?

5 What are the key principles behind the developmental performance appraisal system?

6 What data should you compile prior to conducting a performance appraisal system, and how would you obtain it?

7 What is the procedure / steps you would follow when conducting a formal counselling session with a staff member?

8 List 5 potential solution to staff performance issues including an example of when they may be appropriate

9 Describe the following types of assessment processes along with 2 pro's and con's each

10 Describe the process you would follow when performing performance appraisal interviews.

11 Describe the process to give and receive feedback during performance appraisals.

12 Why is it important to identify the mean average within a teams performance review? Explain how you would identify this.

13 Why is it important to chart data identified within performance reviews? Explain 2 different ways you could do this.

14 What are Productivity Indicators? What makes an effective Productivity Indicator?

15 List 4 different Productivity Indicators that would apply within the hospitality industry

16 Describe 3 reasons that undertaking performance appraisals with your staff is vital

17 List the 5 key points that should be included on all Training Needs Analysis forms.

18 Describe the following forms of guidance and support you can provide to employees to enhance their performance.
Advice on training and development opportunities
Confirmation of organisational objectives and key performance requirements
Ensuring adequate resources are applied
Opportunity to discuss work challenges
Providing confirmation and corrective feedback
Representing staff interests in other forums
support with difficult interpersonal situations

Unit - Manage physical assets


Each student has been given the following brief
"For this assessment, you are to assume you will be opening a small cafe. In doing so, you are to develop an asset management strategy to ensure streamlined acquisition and management.

The scope and size of your cafe is irrelevant, and your assert acquisition and management strategy should (as a minimum) cover:
- Identification of assets
- Purchasing of assets
- Authorisation limits
- Asset Control including stock-takes, asset registers, etc
- Asset security
- Asset Maintenance
- Financial implications (authorisation limits, disposals, depreciation)
- Personnel Responsibilities
- Environmental Management and WHS considerations
- Templates for any forms that your strategy refers to."

- Each students report must be thorough and detailed, and must cover all items outlined on the checklist overleaf.
- Remember this is an Advanced Diploma Unit, which requires the student to demonstrate specialised knowledge with depth.

In setting up this assessment, please:
1. Set a date for this assessment and advise students of the requirements.
2. Hand out and explain the Student Information Form and allow opportunities for the student to ask questions
3. Assess the candidates' submissions / observations using the following checklist.

This assessment may be undertaken in the following formats:
- On the job. These assessments must:
o using a registered and operating workplace
o ensure access to customers relevant to the work role and unit requirements
o ensure access to staff members / colleagues
o ensure candidate is working in a suitable role to the unit (i.e. - candidates undertaking units requiring customer service, must have customers to serve and authority to do so)
o ensure access to relevant, working and current tools and equipment as appropriate to the unit requirement including a commercial kitchen with real food, equipment and orders

- Classroom / Simulated environment. These assessments must
o Simulation is a form of evidence gathering that involves the candidate in completing or dealing with a task, activity or problem in an off-the-job situation that replicates the workplace context. Documented definitions state "Simulations vary from recreating realistic workplace situations such as in the use of flight simulators, through the creation of role plays based on workplace scenarios to the reconstruction of a business situation on a spreadsheet. In developing simulations, the emphasis is not so much on reproducing the external circumstance but on creating situations in which candidates are able to demonstrate:
? technical skills
? underpinning knowledge
? generic skills such as decision making and problem solving
? workplace practices such as effective communication "

o In conducting training and assessment in a simulated workplace environment, trainers and assessors must make sure that the simulated environment gives the learner the opportunity to meet the following critical criteria:
? Quality - The work is of the standard required for entry into the industry.
? Productivity - The work is performed within a timeframe appropriate for entry to the industry.
? Safety - The work is performed in a manner that meets industry safety standards.

o Each assessment has taken the following aspects into consideration, to ensure any simulations provide for integrated assessment of competence. This includes:
? performing the task (task skills)
? managing a number of tasks (task management skills)
? dealing with workplace irregularities such as unexpected problems, breakdowns and changes in routine (contingency management skills)
? fulfilling the responsibilities and expectations of the job and workplace, including working with others (job/role environment skills)
? transferring competencies to new contexts

o Assessment activities must be realistic and reasonable in terms of scale. Assessment conducted under simulated conditions should reflect those typically found in the workplace. Where appropriate to the UOC, simulated environment should allow the learner to:
? deal with typical customers, including difficult customers and diverse types of customers
? use facilities, equipment and materials that meet current industry standards
? plan and prioritise multiple tasks to meet deadlines
? experience the typical workflow for the industry
? require adherence to service standards, workplace procedures, health and safety requirements
? work with others as part of a team
? consider constraints and pressures met in the workplace, e.g. budget, time, availability of resources

o If a simulated workplace is used, it must allow for distractions such as background noises, ringing telephones, interruptions, etc. As this is a Hospitality Based Finance unit, a simulated environment may also include an office environment with office equipment and computers. Each student must dress appropriately and professionally in line with workplace standards.

o For each assessment, you are not to interfere. In the event that the assessment is activities will impact on the safety of a student or bystander, the assessment must be stopped immediately.


Using the asset register developed in Assessment 1, you are to implement your Asset Identification and Monitoring Strategy an area of your RTO.

Be sure to
- Detail all assets
- Identify assets in need of repair or replacement
- Assess the performance of each asset for safety, operational efficiency and service quality
- Provide a written report to your assessor with details of the review and relevant recommendations


For this task you are required to coordinate the financing and purchasing of 3 different assets as agreed upon with your assessor. The assets may:
- relate to items identified in a business plan,
- include items identified as missing, damaged or unsafe from Assessment 2
- items as directed by your assessor

All assets will relate to a hospitality environment, and will have different values. Your assessor will act as your supervisor for this task, so feel free to contact them in relation to budget and time-lines.

In undertaking this task, you are to:
- Identify and determine the asset specifications
- Identify the relevant maintenance requirements (including legislative base)
- Identify any environmental standards / requirements in relation to your assets
- Gather quotes or estimates from potential suppliers
- Identify different financing options (subject to the value of the asset and available budget). Financing options may include hire purchase, renting, leasing or purchasing.

You are to submit each proposal in terms of a financial report that details:
- Estimate acquisition costs based on evaluation of current, accurate and relevant data, including supplier quotations and estimates.
- Financing options including rates, application process, and value comparisons (cost benefit analysis)
- Includes a risk analysis for each purchase
- The process you would undertake to implement the financing option chosen (in detail)
- Copies of appropriate finance application forms. (You are to complete each application form with the details of your Training Organisation)


1 Describe how the management of assets is relevant to the following business objectives.
Business Profitability
Business Growth
providing quality products and services to customers
Adhering to codes of conduct
Adhering to environmental sustainability practices
Maintaining industry accreditation schemes
2 What is straight-line depreciation? Give an example.
3 What is the diminishing method of depreciation and how does GST affect this process?
4 Describe the features and benefits of the following finance methods
Finance Lease
Novated Lease
Hire Purchase
Operating Lease
5 What steps can you take to improve the environmental impact in procurement within your organisation?

5 List 4 reasons why it is important to have internal checks and controls when dealing with the acquisition of assets?
6 Consider the following information:

John looks at a proposal to purchase a $900,000 stamping machine to increase output. He determines the following information:
- The new machine can do 100 more units per hour
- The 4 workers currently doing the stamping can be replaced
- The units will be higher quality because they are more uniform

John calculates the selling price of the 100 units per hour multiplied by the number of production hours per month, plus adding the 3% that aren't rejected due to the increased quality of the machine output vs. manual stamping. He adds the monthly wages of the workers that are no longer required and in the end you have a healthy benefit calculated.

John then calculates the monthly cost of the machine by dividing the purchase price by 12 months per year and divides that by 10 years the machine should last. The manufacturer's specs state the power consumption of the machine and John calculates the cost of that as well. He subtracts the total cost figure from the total benefit figure and this shows a healthy benefit calculated.

Consider the above example of cost benefit analysis. Do you think John has done a good job in calculating the benefit of the machine? Has he used the information at his disposal correctly?

7 Explain the following types of business assets

Fixed Asset
Tangible Asset
Intangible Asset
Current Asset

8 Describe the following types of assets required by an operational CBD restaurant that seats 50 patrons;
POS Systems
Fixtures and Large Fittings
Delivery Vehicle

9 Describe a scenario where a vessel would be an appropriate asset in the hospitality, tourism or event organisation - including the basic requirements the vessel would have.

10 Describe a scenario where a garden would be an appropriate asset in the hospitality, tourism or event organisation - including the basic requirements the garden would have.

11 Describe a scenario where a pool would be an appropriate asset in the hospitality, tourism or event organisation - including the basic requirements the pool would have.

12 Describe a scenario where a rides and games would be an appropriate asset in the hospitality, tourism or event organisation - including the basic requirements the rides and games would have.

13 Describe the maintenance requirements for the following physical assets
Cool Room
Cooking Hood Filters
Fire protection equipment

14 Your employer has rented a new premises and is wanting to purchase the following equipment / fixtures / fittings. Describe what you would determine, (including how you would find each piece of information) before you start shopping.

15 Describe the 4 main data sets that you must access when estimating the cost of asset acquisition, where you would access them, and why they are important.

16 List 6 main considerations you must take into account when deciding on long-term physical assets for the business. Explain each one in detail.

Bold sections must be answered. Explanations may vary.

- Ability to meet business objectives

- Cost of maintenance over a period of time

- Customer and staff feedback

- Input from specialists where required

- Operational efficiency

- Safety

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM132138976

Questions Cloud

How many drives should be carried as safety stock : How many drives should be carried as safety stock. What is the appropriate reorder point?
Differences between products and services : Articulate the differences between products and services. What are the advantages of forming a strategic alliance to enter a foreign market?
Department to respond to this driving force : Propose the steps needed for your organization or department to respond to this driving force.
What is the average utilization of the gas pump : What is the average time a customer spends at the gas station, including service? What is the average utilization of the gas pump?
Develop and prepare a management plan : Develop and prepare a management plan to finalise how many people will be required by the hotel to deliver quality fast bistro style service while
Responsible for setting high quality standards for business : Who is ultimately responsible for setting high quality standards for a business?
Determine the health care system of the us : You may be able to quickly identify the similarities and differences between the health care system of the U.S. and those of other countries.
Assess the classification system : Describe the similarities and differences in both the components and the systems that you organized.
Type of policies within organization control communication : What type of policies within the organization control communication? How does the organizational address non-verbal communication?


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