Develop and plan the implementation of a selected strategy

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM132150777 , Length: word count:2500

Assessment Stakeholder Meeting Simulation and White Paper

PART A: Preliminary Outline (Hurdle)

Learning Outcomes b) Critically evaluate different strategy formulation processes utilised by organisations and evaluate their relevance to particular organisational contexts
c) Develop and plan the implementation of a selected strategy for different organisational levels including for change management processes


The assessment of this subject supports students in developing their skills and knowledge in topics that include environmental assessment, problem diagnosis, strategy development, and cultural and ethical contexts. Stakeholder meetings are a critical element in strategic management. This assessment task provides experience and immersive understanding of the complex interactions involved in the development of strategic choices, and the need to take an integrative approach to problem solving.


PLEASE NOTE: Part A is a Hurdle Assessment and must be submitted.

A Stakeholder meeting is to be conducted along with a strategy white paper drafted based on the below scenario. Students will be assigned a role to play in simulated stakeholder meeting. Roles will be assigned to ensure each group has one of each stakeholder.

Stakeholders will be:
a) General Manager
b) General Manager of key supplier
c) Union official
d) Production manager
e) Senior finance manager

The white paper is to be completed individually by each member of the team reflecting the impact of the proposed strategy on their particular part of the business and should be completed to the professional standard that would be required if the scenario were real.

The scenario provides you with a brief overview of a hypothetical project for a real-life organisation. Be aware that the scenario may not cover every detail that you will need to address in the White Paper, in which case, you will need to conduct additional research, including further research into the industry concerned.

Part A: Scenario - Five-year strategy White Paper Overview

Pro-Go Pty Ltd is a privately-owned manufacturer of small, high-quality action cameras based in Geelong, Victoria. Founded in 2004 it has enjoyed continuous year-on-year growth until the last financial year. Pro-Go has a track record of innovation, and technology that provides excellent quality results in a small package able to operate with small batteries for extended periods of time. The video files these cameras produce are known for having superior colour, and operate effectively in lower lighting conditions than competitor's cameras. They are also marketed on the basis of their extreme ruggedness, and reliability. Much of the technology used in its devices has been patented by Pro-Go and is not currently available to other manufacturers.

The Pro-Go management team has recognised that the ability to capture videos is now a feature of most phones. It suggests to them that the future of the stand-alone camera may be limited. Pro-Go's CEO has requested the executive team meet independently to develop a strategy to guide the company over the next five years.

Students are to address the assessment task from the perspective of their own functional area of responsibility. For example, the Senior Finance Officer would be mindful of issues such as risk, capital availability, likely timing and amount of returns, etc.

The deliverables required of each student are:

1. Determine three options that exist in adjacent markets or with related but different products or technologies;

2. Nominate the preferred option and state why you believe it to be so; and

3. Discuss the implications specifically relating to your part of the business, and what challenges these might represent. Separate the discussion into short-term and long-term issues.

Students will be assessed on the overall quality of their White Paper and their ability to comprehensively address all the areas that should be contained in such a document. Please ensure you are familiar with the marking criteria in the attached rubric before you commence planning your submission.

Suggested format
Your 500 word, individual, Preliminary Outline of your White paper should be structured as follows:
- Executive Summary - Summarise the entire report - i.e., don't tell the reader that the report discusses the external environment, summarise the points the report makes about the internal environment.
- Introduction - Provide background and context to the report. Tell the reader what has happened in the past that has led to this report being needed.
- Aim - State in a single sentence what this report is seeking to achieve.
- Discussion - Cover the key themes you wish to address. Generally try to address three (3) key themes (as suggested above), and provide three (3) discussion points for each.

Remember, you are providing an outline only. This can be comprised of dot points if you choose. Adhere to the word limit and be thoughtful in your response. The first attempt at an outline is rarely comprehensive or correct. Please recognise that this will likely need to be revised through a number of iterations to arrive at an outline that is of impact.Assessment Stakeholder Meeting Simulation and White Paper

PART B: Submission

Learning Outcomes b) Critically evaluate different strategy formulation processes utilised by organisations and evaluate their relevance to particular organisational contexts

c) Develop and plan the implementation of a selected strategy for different organisational levels including for change management processes


The assessment of this subject supports students in developing their skills and knowledge in topics that include environmental assessment, problem diagnosis, strategy development, and cultural and ethical contexts. Stakeholder meetings are a critical element in strategic management. This assessment task provides experience and immersive understanding of the complex interactions involved in the development of strategic choices, and the need to take an integrative approach to problem solving. The increasing pace of technological change and the increased impact of social media provides many challenges for businesses attempting to navigate towards growth and increased profitability. Rapid cycle times for new products can lead to decisions being made that are not always in the best interests of the long-term survival of the firm. Disruptions to the everyday course of business come from anywhere and need to be responded to often in short time frames.


Please watch the below video Announcements from the CEO of Pro-Go Pty Ltd.

Disruption 1

Emergency stakeholder meetings are required to address these concerns and a modified strategic plan/white paper developed. Please return to your groups immediately to discuss these events and adjust your strategic approach accordingly.

Please ensure to address
- Privacy legislation
- Technological advances
- Connected devices
- Adjacent products/adjacent markets
Pro-Go Pty Ltd is relying on its management team, of which you are a part, to adjust the strategy developed in previous stakeholder meetings (Assessment 2 Part A) in light of these developments, and for the individual team to finalise their report to the CEO.
Suggested format
Your 2000 word, individual, White paper should be structured as follows:
- Executive Summary - Summarise the entire report - i.e., don't tell the reader that the report discusses the external environment, summarise the points the report makes about the internal environment.
- Table of Contents - Make it look good. Include page numbers and ensure the layout looks balanced on the page.
- Introduction - Provide background and context to the report. Tell the reader what has happened in the past that has led to this report being needed.
- Aim - State in a single sentence what this report is seeking to achieve.
- Discussion - Cover the key themes you wish to address. Generally try to address three (3) key themes, and provide three discussion points for each.
- Conclusion - Restate the aim and sum up the discussion to demonstrate to the reader that the aim has been satisfied. There should be no new content in the conclusion.
- Recommendations - What are the next steps? What is required to progress into the future? How would you evaluate your recommendations and success?
- References - Please ensure you use the correct APA referencing style throughout. Remember EVERY factual statement requires a reference.
- Appendices - Additional material to substantiate or add greater depth to the material presented in the report, and your Teamwork log.
The white paper is to be completed individually by each member of the team reflecting the impact of the proposed strategy on their particular part of the business after the disruption and should be completed to the professional standard that would be required if the below scenario were real.
Below is a recap of the scenario and the requirements of the Five-year strategy white Paper which was outlined in Assessment 2 Part A.

Scenario Recap: Five-year strategy White Paper

The below scenario provides you with a brief overview of a hypothetical project for a real-life organisation. Be aware that the scenario may not cover every detail that you will need to address in

the White Paper, in which case, you will need to conduct additional research, including further research into the industry concerned.

Pro-Go Pty Ltd is a privately-owned manufacturer of small, high-quality action cameras based in Geelong, Victoria. Founded in 2004 it has enjoyed continuous year-on-year growth until the last financial year. Pro-Go has a track record of innovation, and technology that provides excellent quality results in a small package able to operate with small batteries for extended periods of time. The video files these cameras produce are known for having superior colour, and operate effectively in lower lighting conditions than competitor's cameras. They are also marketed on the basis of their extreme ruggedness, and reliability. Much of the technology used in its devices has been patented by Pro-Go and is not currently available to other manufacturers.

The Pro-Go management team has recognised that the ability to capture videos is now a feature of most phones. It suggests to them that the future of the stand-alone camera may be limited. Pro-Go's CEO has requested the executive team meet independently to develop a strategy to guide the company over the next five years.

Students are to address the assessment task from the perspective of their own functional area of responsibility. For example, the Senior Finance Officer would be mindful of issues such as risk, capital availability, likely timing and amount of returns, etc.

The deliverables required of each student are:
1. Determine three options that exist in adjacent markets or with related but different products or technologies;
2. Nominate the preferred option and state why you believe it to be so; and
3. Discuss the implications specifically relating to your part of the business, and what challenges these might represent. Separate the discussion into short-term and long-term issues.

A number of Pro-Go cameras have burst into flames without an explanation being found. In addition, the company's largest customer - a major retail chain throughout China - exercised their right, under our sales agreement, to cancel their contract with us. Sales have halved in the last 24 hours and immediate action must be taken.

Students will be assessed on the overall quality of their White Paper and their ability to comprehensively address all the areas that should be contained in such a document. Please ensure you are familiar with the marking criteria in the attached rubric before you commence planning your submission.

Verified Expert

This paper has focused on the introduction of innovation within the product line offered to improve brands’ capability. Integration of AI module within the cameras offered by Pro-Go is chosen as innovation to implement. The option has been chosen based on its competitive advantages that will boost the performance of the cameras. The report has also focused on the potential risks involved with AI, which the brand will mitigate using the recommendations given. The report has been prepared using standard report format of MS Word.

Reference no: EM132150777

Questions Cloud

Describe the evaluation process for merger-acquisition : How important is technology blending in the evaluation process? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the process?
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What psychological interventions did you learn : What psychological interventions did you learn about in this course that you were unaware of previously? Now that you are aware of these psychological.
Developing a succession planning system : Define what succession planning is and provide at least one reason for developing a succession planning system.
Develop and plan the implementation of a selected strategy : MGT604 Strategic Management - Determine three options that exist in adjacent markets or with related but different products or technologies
Describe the differences between the bond ratings : If you had the money now, you could invest it in an account with a quoted annual interest rate of 9% with monthly compounding of interest.
Australian fair work ombudsman and fair work commission : Identify three (3) functions of the Australian Fair Work Ombudsman and Fair Work Commission.
Evolution of procurement is way to strategic sourcing : Why do you agree that evolution of procurement is a way to strategic sourcing?
Discuss how you would negotiate the conflict : Discuss how you would negotiate the conflict between your values and your ethical obligation to release your client's records.



10/25/2018 10:25:57 PM

This assessment is in two parts. Part A should be 500 words which includes: Executive summary, introduction, aim , discussion. Part B of this assessment should be 2000words and it has to follow a format : Executive summay, table of content, introduction, aim, discussion, conclusion, recommendations, references, appendices.


10/25/2018 10:25:26 PM

Reflection and conclusions: 25% Little reflection evident; unclear conclusions Poor reflections and generic or somewhat irrelevant conclusions Good reflections highlighting key aspects; relevant conclusions which are a mix of generic and specific conclusions Rich reflections drawing from good research, analysis and synthesis. Relevant and specific conclusions Insightful conclusions drawing well from the discussion and evidence; creative and insightful reflection with relevance to the topic


10/25/2018 10:25:17 PM

Writing mechanics: 15% Layout is confusing; logic, flow and use of language difficult to follow; numerous spelling and grammatical errors Layout is adequate with acceptable logic flow and use of language. Some misspellings and grammatical errors Overall presentation is easy to digest; language succinct and well chosen; less than four spelling and grammatical errors Good presentation content and language; easy to read and draw conclusions; no more than two spelling and grammatical errors Overall style, use of language, figures and tables encourages comprehension; creative and engaging report


10/25/2018 10:25:11 PM

Analysis and synthesis: 30% Reader cannot understand the foundations of the topics from the information provided. Poor logic. No evidence provided to support arguments Basic intent covered; analysis and arguments could be more convincing with some evidence provided Reader understands the arguments presented through focused analysis and evidence Reader has a good sense of the analysis and evidence, which is well discussed in argument. Insights are drawn from synthesised information Readers’ understanding of the analysis and arguments is clear; logical and well organised; detailed and insightful analysis; structured arguments; synthesis and understanding of links between issues


10/25/2018 10:25:05 PM

Learning Rubric: MGT604 Assessment 2 Part A Stakeholder Meeting Simulation Preliminary Submission Assessment Attributes Fail (Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass (Functional) 50-64% Credit (Proficient) 65-74% Distinction (Advanced) 75 -84% High Distinction (Exceptional) 85-100% Research and comprehension: 30% Content does not adequately demonstrate a postgraduate standard of detail and thought Content somewhat superficial or with some gaps in understanding Good coverage of the topic with clearly articulated explanation of the topic. Reasonable fit between theory and practice Thorough coverage of the topic. Good application of theory. Good use of credible sources Comprehensive understanding; insightful discussion; excellent and relevant application of theory. Multiple and credible references used


10/25/2018 10:24:41 PM

Reflection and conclusions: 25% Little reflection evident; unclear conclusions. Little consideration of the disruptive event. Poor reflections and generic or somewhat irrelevant conclusions. Some consideration of the disruptive event Good reflections highlighting key aspects; relevant conclusions which are a mix of generic and specific conclusions. Appropriate consideration of the disruptive event Rich reflections drawing from good research, analysis and synthesis. Relevant and specific conclusions. Well detailed consideration of the disruptive event Insightful conclusions drawing well from the discussion and evidence; creative and insightful reflection with relevance to the topic. Excellent, insightful and detailed consideration of the disruptive event


10/25/2018 10:24:34 PM

Writing mechanics: 15% Layout is confusing; logic, flow and use of language difficult to Layout is adequate with acceptable logic flow and use of language. Some Overall presentation is easy to digest; language succinct and well chosen; less than Good presentation content and language; easy to read and draw Overall style, use of language, figures and tables encourages follow; numerous spelling and grammatical errors misspellings and grammatical errors four spelling and grammatical errors conclusions; no more than two spelling and grammatical errors comprehension; creative and engaging report


10/25/2018 10:24:26 PM

Analysis and synthesis: 30% Reader cannot understand the foundations of the topics from the information provided. Poor logic. No evidence provided to support arguments. Disruptive event not adequately considered Basic intent covered; analysis and arguments could be more convincing with some evidence provided. Disruptive event considered but with little insight Reader understands the arguments presented through focused analysis and evidence. Disruptive event considered with appropriate level of detail Reader has a good sense of the analysis and evidence which is well discussed in argument. Insights are drawn from synthesised information. Disruptive event considered in considerable detail consistent with all internal interrelationships Readers’ understanding of the analysis and arguments is clear; logical and well organised; detailed and insightful analysis; structured arguments; synthesis and understanding of links between issues. Disruptive event considered and integrated into revised strategy with elegance and insight


10/25/2018 10:24:18 PM

Learning Rubric: MGT604 Assessment 2 Part B Stakeholder Meeting Simulation Final Submission Assessment Attributes Fail (Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass (Functional) 50-64% Credit (Proficient) 65-74% Distinction (Advanced) 75 -84% High Distinction (Exceptional) 85-100% Research and comprehension: 30% Content does not adequately demonstrate a postgraduate standard of detail and thought Content somewhat superficial or with some gaps in understanding Good coverage of the topic with clearly articulated explanation of the topic. Reasonable fit between theory and practice Thorough coverage of the topic. Good application of theory. Good use of credible sources Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding; insightful discussion; excellent and relevant application of theory. Multiple and credible references used

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