Reference no: EM131221648 , Length: 6
Develop and manage performance management processes
Develop and manage performance management processes. You are required to complete all tasks to demonstrate competency in this unit.
This unit is assessed through the following:
Assessment Task 1: Written questions
Resources required
- Paper and pens
Context and conditions of assessment
The written questions will be completed in the classroom on the date specified by the assessor.
Instructions to student
Complete the questions below. You are required to answer all questions correctly. If incorrect answers are provided, your assessor will identify if there are gaps in your knowledge and understanding and will work with you to make arrangements for reassessment. Your assessor will advise you when and where the written activities are to be completed and the time you will have to answer all of the questions.
You should complete your answers on a separate piece of paper with the questions numbers clearly shown.
1. Briefly define performance management.
2. Briefly describe three reasons why effective performance management is important?
3. List and describe three common problems with performance reviews.
4. Discuss at least three components that should be included in an effective performance management system.
5. Discuss at least four characteristics of a learning organisation.
6. Briefly describe four characteristics of an effective dispute resolution process.
7. Briefly discuss why underperformance is not the same as misconduct?
8. List and describe four common reasons why an employee might underperform?
9. Describe the STAR model for giving feedback.
10. What is upward feedback?
11. Describe the process that can be used to provide balanced feedback?
12. Discuss the concept of 360 degree feedback?
13. Discuss the 70:20:10 model of learning.
14. Describe three ways that on the job learning can occur.
15. Describe three formal learning options
16. What is the purpose of the Racial Discrimination Act?
17. What is the purpose of the Sex Discrimination Act?
18. What is the purpose of the Disability Discrimination Act?
19. Describe two actions that could be taken when an employee and manager have a serious disagreement about the employee's performance review?
20. Define the concept of talent management
Assessment Task 2 - Performance management project
Instructions for students
This assessment task is based on the fictional business City Accountants.
City Accountants, Sydney was established 7 years ago by Mark Woodward. The business started with 2 employees being Mark as the Principal Accountant and an Accounts Administrator. The business has grown significantly over the last 5 years and now employs 20 staff, including 5 Principal Accountants, 5 Accountants (1 of the Accountants is a part-time worker, 3 days a week and one of the accountants has recently joined the organisation on a short-term contract basis for 6 months), 3 Accounts Administrators, a General Manager and a Human Resources Manager and Human Resources Assistant (part-time, 2 days a week).
Mark is now the CEO of the company and manages the 5 Principal Accountants. Barry, one of the Principal Accountants manages the five accountants. The General Manager is the Manager for all of the remaining staff. There are two offices, one in Sydney CBD and the other in Parramatta.
Three years ago as the business started to take on more staff, a performance management system was implemented.
Imagine that you are the newly employed Human Resources Manager and that one of the projects that you have been asked to handle is to review existing performance management processes as reflected in the Performance Management Policy and Procedure provided to you.
The CEO tells you that while regular performance reviews have occurred as per the policy and procedure, he feels that the managers who have conducted these (including himself) are not really clear or skilled in conducting performance reviews, that there has been sporadic rather than systematic development and implementation of employee development plans and the managers are unclear about how to set targets for their staff in terms of key performance indicators. He also says that performance review notes have been included in staff files rather than in a specific format and that he believe there needs to be a more formal process. The CEO also adds that the current performance management system does not focus on talent management or reward and recognition.
The CEO indicates that he would like the new performance management processes to commence as soon as possible and with performance management meetings scheduled for all staff by the end of the year. The CEO also tells you that the last round of performance reviews were held in mid early 2014 and that the only staff who participated in these were the Principal Accountants and the three full-time accountants.
You will also need to review the company's Strategic Operational Plan that includes the company's strategic objectives to ensure that in reviewing existing performance management processes, that any revised processes reflect the company's goals and objectives. Your assessor will provide you with this Plan.
As part of the project you have also been asked to conduct research into the latest thinking on performance management processes and to use your research in reviewing and updating the existing performance management processes used at City Accountants. You should ensure that you consider the employment status of staff members so that performance management processes will be effective for all staff regardless of how they are employed i.e. full-time, part-time or contract arrangements.
You should also research methods and processes to assist managers in developing appropriate key performance indicators for those reporting to them.
The overall outcome of this assessment task is a report to be provided to the CEO (your assessor).
The report should include:
- A brief outline of the project that you have been tasked with, including a summary of the issues existing performance management processes.
- A discussion of the research undertaken on the latest thinking in performance management processes.
- Recommendations for change to processes within City Accountants based on the research you have conducted and your analysis of the existing performance management policy and procedures, including strategies to improve performance and address identified gaps
- An outline of the underlying objectives for the updated performance management processes.
- How your recommendations align with the current Strategic Operational Plan.
- Proposed timelines for developing and implementing the new performance management process, including scheduling of performance management meetings for all staff. You should ensure that you include proposed dates for performance management meetings for all staff.
- A proposed format for recording performance management sessions - include a template with the report.
Your report should be written in clear and concise English and be approximately 1000 words. You should email your report to the CEO (your assessor) seeking feedback and approval. Your CEO (assessor) will email you on review of your report and provide feedback as required, as well as approval to proceed.
Your assessor will advise you of the required date for submission of the report.
Assessment Task 3 - Performance management training session
Instructions for students
This assessment task requires you to develop and conduct a training session for managers about best practice processes for performance management based on the research you conducted and your recommendations for updating the company's current performance management processes.
The training session will be delivered to Managers of City Accountants (this will be your assessor and selected fellow students). Your assessor will advise you of the date for presenting the session.
Your training session should:
- Run for at least one hour.
- Include information to address ALL of the following:
o how to monitor performance, identify performance gaps and provide feedback.
o Intervention measures that can be implemented to address unsatisfactory performance.
o Techniques for counselling employees who underperform on a consistent basis.
o Disciplinary procedures where an employee continues to underperform.
o Termination procedures for employees who fail to respond to performance measures.
o Format for recording performance management sessions.
o Procedures for regularly evaluating the performance management system.
- Be accompanied by power points and/or handouts, as well as at least two short, relevant videos to aid interest. These can be sourced from Youtube or another relevant source.
During the training session you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills, including speaking clearly and maintaining eye contact with the audience. You will also need to ask questions to confirm audience understanding, as well as answer any questions.
Assessment Task 4 - Learning and development plan project
Resources required
- Computer and Microsoft Office
- Access to the internet for research
- Performance review example
Context and conditions of assessment
This assessment should be completed in the classroom as part of the simulated work environment. The assessor will advise dates for submission.
Instructions for students
This assessment task is in two parts.
Part A:
Imagine that following the implementation of the performance management process at City Accountants that you have been asked to research and development a learning and development plan template that could be used to record learning and development needs following a performance review.
Your template should be able to include all the details of a learning and development activity including purpose and outcome of the activity, details of the activity, duration/dates and any costs. You will be assessed as to whether you have developed a suitable template that can include all of the required information.
When you have developed the template your assessor will provide you with a sample performance review which you should review. Based on the results of your review, you should identify the staff member's learning and development needs and populate the learning and development plan template for the staff member referred to in the review.
The learning and development plan should be for 12 months and at least one of the learning and development activities you suggest should be a training program with an external provider. The learning and development plan should include details of the external training program, including the name of the provider, a summary of the intended outcomes of the training program, as well as duration. dates and cost of the program.
Assume that company policy for this organisation is that staff members are each allocated a budget of no more than $1,000 per year for learning and development so you should take this into account in developing your learning and development activities.
Once you have completed the above tasks, you are should send the learning and development plan to your assessor and in the covering email summarise your overall learning and development strategy for Susan and the gaps that will be addressed.
Your assessor will advise you of the date for submission. All of your work must be in clear and concise English.
Part B:
Imagine that it was decided that the best way to develop Susan's skills in managing and prioritising tasks, as well as delegating tasks to others was to establish a mentoring arrangement with another staff member, the Operations Manager of the company.
Imagine that it is 6 months since the mentoring commenced yet Susan's ongoing performance shows that she is not managing to keep up with completing all of her tasks, which seems to be mainly because she is not delegating tasks to other staff members.
Write a short email to your Manager (your assessor) explaining the situation. Research two common problems with mentoring and write your email assuming that these issues are part of the reason why Susan has not been improving her performance as required. Your email should indicate the actions you intend to take to address the situation, as well as specific actions in in relation to the mentoring arrangement.
Your assessor will advise you of the date for submission and your work must be in clear and concise English.