Develop and implement an interactive two-player yahtzee game

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13684908


At the conclusion of this programming assignment, participants should be able to:

Apply repetition structures within algorithms

Construct while (), for (), or do-while () loops in C

Apply pointers, output parameters, and/or arrays in C

Compose C programs consisting of sequential, conditional, and iterative statements

Eliminate redundancy within a program by applying loops and functions

Create structure charts for a given problem

Determine an appropriate functional decomposition or top-down design from a structure chart

Generate random numbers for use within a C program


Before starting this programming assignment, participants should be able to:

* Analyze a basic set of requirements and apply top-down design principles for a problem

* Customize and define C functions

* Apply the 3 file format: 1 header file and 2 source files

* Open and close files

* Read, write to, and update files

* Apply standard library functions: fopen (), fclose (), fscanf (), and fprintf ()

* Compose decision statements ("if" conditional statements)

* Create and utilize compound conditions

* Summarize topics from Hanly & Koffman Chapter 4 & 5 including:

* What are counting, conditional, sentinel-controlled, flag-controlled, and end file-controlled loops

* What are while (), do-while (), and for () loops

* What is a selection or conditional statement

* What is a compound condition

* What is a Boolean expression

* What is a flowchart

Develop and implement an interactive two-player Yahtzee game. Yahtzee is a dice game that was invented by Milton Bradley and Edwin S. Lowe in 1956. The challenge of the game is to outduel the other player by scoring the most points. Points are obtained by rolling five 6-sided die across thirteen rounds.

During each round, each player may roll the dice up to three times to make one of the possible scoring combinations. Once a combination has been achieved by the player, it may not be used again in future rounds, except for the Yahtzee combination may be used as many times as the player makes the combination.

Each scoring combination has different point totals. Some of these totals are achieved through the accumulation of points across rolls and some are obtained as fixed sequences of values.

You may design the Yahtzee game with functions that you see fit. I recommend that you start with a structure chart and determine sub-problems and functions accordingly. You must also take advantage of applying pointers, output parameters, and/or arrays! Your Yahtzee game must also implement the following algorithm:

(1) Print a game menu for Yahtzee with the following options:

1. Print game rules
2. Start a game of Yahtzee
3. Exit

(2) Get a menu option from the user; clear the screen

(3) If option 1 is entered, then print the game rules stated above and repeat step (1) otherwise if option 2 is entered, then continue on to step (4); player 1 starts the game otherwise if option 3 is entered, then print a goodbye message and quit the program otherwise repeat step (1)

(4) Ask the player to hit any key to continue on to roll the five dice

(5) Roll the five dice and display the face values of each die; enumerate each die with a number 1 - 5; add 1 to the total number of rolls for this round

(6) If the total number of rolls for this round is less than three, then ask the player (Y/N) if he/she wants to use the roll for one of the game combinations otherwise a combination must be selected

1. Sum of 1's 7. Three-of-a-kind

2. Sum of 2's 8. Four-of-a-kind

3. Sum of 3's 9. Full house

4. Sum of 4's 10. Small straight

5. Sum of 5's 11. Large straight

6. Sum of 6's 12. Yahtzee

13. Chance

(7) If the number of rolls is three or "yes" is entered, then save the combination and it may not be selected again in the future; continue on to step (8); clear the screen

otherwise if "no" is entered, ask the user which dice to re-roll (1 - 5); re-roll the selected die or dice; clear the screen; repeat step (6)

otherwise repeat step (6)

(8) Alternate players

(9) If each player has rolled for the round, then increment the round number if the round number is equal to 14, then continue on to step (10) otherwise repeat step (4) otherwise repeat step (4)

(10) If the total score in the upper section is greater than or equal to 63 for a player, then add 35 points to the total score

(11) Print the scores for both players and print the winner

(12) Repeat step (1)

Reference no: EM13684908

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