Reference no: EM132996171
BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems
Assessment 3 - Project 2 - Develop and implement a WHS plan
This is a continuation of the scenario in Assessment 2.
With a view to reopening in August 2020, the CEO believes a WHS action plan should be prepared, and has assigned this task to you, the Operations Manager.
You must work with the WHS Committee and develop an action plan in consultation with them.
This action plan will be based on the government agencies' guidelines for a COVID-19 Safety Action Plan and will need to be shared with all employees. This will help slow the spread of COVID-19 and reassure visitors that they can safely visit your business.
Part A: Role play - Participate in a meeting with the CEO
1. Participate in a meeting with the CEO to discuss the WHS plan and the measures to be put in place to:
• identify and control the risks
• maintain compliance
• monitor implementation and performance of the COVID-19 safety action plan in preparation for the reopening of the business in August 2020.
During the meeting, you must:
• discuss the requirements of the WHS plan, and seek inputs on identification and control of risks, compliance, performance monitoring, and implementation of system.
• consult CEO on compliance and standards to adhere to
• consult CEO on WHS targets and performance measures
• make notes of the consultation.
This is a role play. You must play the role of the Operations Manager, and your assessor will play the role of the CEO.
Your assessor will record and assess your performance using the Role Play Observation Checklist for this task.
Prior to the assessment, read the Role Play Observation Checklist to understand the standard of performance expected of you in this task.
Part B: Role play - Conduct a brainstorming session to identify risks
Conduct a brainstorming activity with staff of Endurance Fitness to identify WHS risks faced by Endurance Fitness, so that a risk register can be prepared.
This is a role play activity. You and a group of 4-5 students will play the roles of members of the WHS committee.
Your assessor will organise a time and place for the brainstorming activity and divide the class into groups of 4-5 for the purpose of this assessment activity.
For the brainstorming session:
• Each student in the small group will take turns and get 8-10 minutes to lead the discussion during the activity.
• Your assessor will distribute COVID 19 safety information and templates prepared by several government departments randomly to the students before the activity. These can be used as prompts by group.
• You must select three safety requirements of the business to brainstorm, as suggested in the safety literature you will refer to, and discuss the possible risks with the WHS Committee members.
• Your assessor will assess each individual student's performance in a separate Role Play Observation checklist.
During the brainstorming session, you must encourage the team to:
• participate in the discussion
• articulate and consider risks from various perspectives
• identify possible causes of the risks
• consider most relevant risks, their likelihood, impact and control measures, resources required, timeframes and persons responsible
• consider if the WHS policy and procedure and the WHSMS systems support implementation of the WHS plan
• establish group consensus on the four most relevant risks and mitigation strategies being discussed
• establish support for the COVID 19 Return to Work risk management initiative
You will be provided with the following:
• Observation Checklist for assessor to record your participation.
• Classroom set up as a presentation venue
• Participants (students in the group)
• Computer that has Internet access, data projector, pointers
• Flipcharts, butchers paper, markers, etc. as required for the brainstorming activity.
Part C: Document and implement the action plan
Following the discussion and consultation in the two role-plays, you are to prepare a draft action plan and communicate to individuals and parties the WHS plan implementation requirements.
1. Prepare a draft COVID-19 Safety Action Plan for Endurance Fitness for the four areas suggested by the CEO during the consultation in Part A and the actions and measures you have brainstormed with the WHS committee in Part B.
You must conduct independent research on the Internet and review the various guidelines published by various government agencies.
You must use the template for COVID-19 Safety Action Plan provided in Appendix A.
You must research and record for the identified four (4) requirements:
• at least two actions for each requirement
• at least two resources required for each action
• person responsible for follow-up of each action
• nominated completion date of each action
The actions you propose must be in accordance with the hierarchy of controls, comprising elimination, substitution, isolation, engineering and administration and PPE.
2. Write a covering email to the WHS committee members and the CEO of Endurance Fitness asking them to review the draft COVID-19 Safety Action Plan you have prepared, and request them to respond with their suggestions or comments.
In your email, you must:
• research and identify where WHS committee members can procure the following implementation resources:
o COVID-19 safety posters for display
o COVID-19 safety guidelines for gyms for all staff to follow
• request committee members to procure these resources
• request committee members to read the updated WHS policy, particularly the risk management section, and provide you feedback on the suitability of the policy to support implementation of the COVID-19 Safety Action Plan, and any changes required
3. Attach your draft COVID-19 Safety Action Plan to the email and submit it at an email address specified by your assessor.
Part D - Determine the measurement and evaluation requirements of the WHS plan
The COVID-19 Safety Action Plan has been communicated to everyone and preparations have commenced.
Now you need to communicate the responsibilities of individuals to ensure they fulfil their responsibilities for measuring and evaluating the WHS plan.
1. Prepare a draft Measurement and Evaluation Schedule for COVID-19 Safety Action Plan.
Your schedule must identify at least five actions, and for each action:
• an evaluation indicator
• a monitoring method
• person responsible
• frequency of monitoring/ reporting.
Use the template provided in Appendix B to prepare your schedule. In the template, one example has been provided to you.
2. Write a covering email to all the managers and the CEO of Endurance Fitness to communicate to:
• request the managers and CEO to take a note of their monitoring responsibilities, frequency and tools required, as per the plan
• request their feedback and any suggestions for changes for the following:
o suitability of the WHS targets and performance measures, and the monitoring frequency for actions documented in the action plan
o suitability of the policy's record keeping requirements such as sign-in sheets, data base, report templates, etc., to support implementation of the COVID-19 Safety Action Plan
• specify a short time frame to provide feedback (e.g. one week)
3. Attach your draft Measurement and Evaluation Schedule for COVID-19 Safety Action Plan to the email and submit it at an email address specified by your assessor.
Part E - Revise measurement and evaluation schedule
The following is the feedback from the team, on the monitoring and evaluation schedule:
• The CEO has replied to your email, instructing that Workplace Inspections for compliance with COVID 19 measures must be completed twice a day, and asked you to revise the Measurement and Evaluation Schedule.
• Two centre managers have suggested that there should be brief procedure to guide them on what to do in case a staff member or member/visitor suspected of having COVID 19 is at Endurance Fitness or has recently been at Endurance Fitness.
1. Revise or amend the monitoring and measurement schedule based on the instruction from the CEO.
2. Conduct research on Safe Work Australia and prepare a brief procedure for actions to be taken should a person suspected of having COVID-19 is at Endurance Fitness or has recently been at Endurance Fitness.
3. Prepare a covering email to the WHS committee summarising the changes made to the Measurement and Evaluation Schedule for the COVID-19 Safety Action Plan and requesting the committee to familiarise themselves with the newly developed procedure for what to do in case a staff member is suspected of having COVID-19.
4. Attach the revised Measurement and Evaluation Schedule for the COVID-19 Safety Action Plan to the email and submit it at an email address specified by your assessor.
Attachment:- maintain WHS management systems.rar