Develop and implement a sports therapy

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Reference no: EM133124511

STH001-3 Research Project

Learning outcome 1: Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding: Explain a critical understanding of the research process, the theories and concepts underpinning the area of study

Learning outcome 2: Demonstrate the following skills and abilities: Synthesise, present and defend an original, independent piece of research.

In this assessment, you will need to develop and implement a sports therapy scientific research project. You will need to write up the thesis (applied research project) for the project and hand it in at the times indicated above. When you to write for this assessment will need to show that, you have a critical understanding of the research process, the theories and concepts underpinning the area of study. Therefore, you will produce a written research project that is an original, independent piece of sports therapy and rehabilitation or clinical exercise therapy research.

The Research Project must be a maximum of 7500 words, produced in a format that can be uploaded to BREO (Microsoft word or Pdf). Recommended (approximate) word count for each section is as follows:

1. Literature Review 2000-3000 words
2. Systematic Review
I. Abstract: 250-300 words
II. Introduction 500-1000 words
III. Methods 1000-1200 words
IV. Results 500-800 words
V. Discussion 2000-3000 words
VI. Conclusion 250 words

• Produce a dissertation report detailing the research rationale, process and outcomes presented in a conventional format and structure.
• Present a critical overview of the research undertaken.
• Select and critically appraise current research literature.

Justify a research question and defend your choice of methods and data analysis techniques.

Your writing should provide a clear and concise description of your topic, clearly analyse the value of the research in sports therapy and demonstrate that you have conducted the research rigorously and critically analysed your findings. Remember to appraise the strengths and limitations of your work and use appropriate anatomical and scientific terminology and units. Use the following sections and guides in each section to frame the project. The following sections and recommendations should provide clear guidance that help frame your research project.

Attachment:- Research Project.rar

Reference no: EM133124511

Questions Cloud

Compute the equivalent cost per unit for labor : At the end of the period, 22,000 units were in the ending goods in process inventory. Compute the equivalent cost per unit for labor
Improvement of the health health care systems : Improvement of the health health care systems in EU. Which policy would most likely be adopted in the real world?
How many more employees does the company need : They have decided to change from an 8-hour working day into a 7-hour working day. How many more employees does the company need
How much depreciation should the business record : A truck costs $311,000 and is expected to be driven 109,000 miles during its five - year life. How much depreciation should the business record
Develop and implement a sports therapy : Develop and implement a sports therapy scientific research project. You will need to write up the thesis (applied research project) for the project and hand
What is the equity value of the operating cash flows : The book value of its equity was $80,000 with cash value of $15,000. What is the equity value of the operating cash flows
Compute the company plant wide predetermined overhead rate : At the beginning of the year, it estimated that 40,000 direct labor-hours would be required. Compute the company plant wide predetermined overhead rate
Possible ways of reducing the poverty-stricken : What are the 3 possible ways of reducing the poverty-stricken in the Philippines concerning to economic growth and development? (3-5 sentences)
What is expected within the next two years for real gdp : What is expected within the next two years for real GDP, inflation, and unemployment for the US economy? (Please provide data and sources)


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