Develop and implement a self-development plan

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Reference no: EM133082107

CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice

Assessment task - Professional Practice Assessment

Part A: Develop and Implement A Self-Development Plan (Personal Development)

As part of this project you are required to develop and implement a self-development plan (personal development) in relation to your current work performances. The self-development plan you develop must be based on a self-reflection of your practice against selected standards from NMBA Standards for practice: Enrolled Nurses and various legal requirements, feedback from your colleagues and clients on your performance and structured reflections using models of reflective practice. You must also implement the self-development plan and evaluate it.

You are required to undertake the following activities as part of Part A of this project.

You are required to complete a self-evaluation of your knowledge and skills relevant to the NMBA Standards for practice: Enrolled Nurses. A self-evaluation template is provided at the end of the task for this purpose. You must enter sufficient information, including workplace examples of your practice, for each criterion.

You are also required to use the same template for Activity 1 and gather feedback from your workplace supervisor/clinical facilitator on your performance against NMBA Standards for practice: Enrolled Nurses.
Note: The workplace supervisor/clinical facilitator is the person responsible for your placement and oversees all supervision at the current workplace. The workplace supervisor/clinical facilitator may be an assessor from EQUALS if they supervise you full-time in the workplace or may be a person appointed by the workplace. The workplace supervisor/clinical facilitator is different from the registered nurse (preceptor) who you work with and who directly supervises you during your shift.

Applying any two (2) models of reflective practice, such as Gibbs' reflective cycle, reflect on two (2) different clinical situations in your current workplace.

In your clinical setting, you will be working with a preceptor throughout the duration of your shift. Using the survey questionnaire provided at the end of this task, collect feedback from the Registered Nurses you worked with on your work performance during two (2) different shifts (i.e. you have to complete two different feedback forms from two different preceptors). The feedback process must allow both the person giving feedback and the recipient to experience both roles in a reciprocal fashion. It must be open and evaluative (how well you have performed on a particular task).
The survey questionnaire includes various aspects of skills and knowledge you should demonstrate while working in a clinical setting.

You also need to seek feedback from two (2) different patients you worked with and identify areas of improvement. You must also reflect on the feedback and the effect of your values, beliefs and behaviours in your nursing practice when working with each client.

Based on Activities 1-5 and the analysis of information you gathered, determine improvements needed in your practice and create a self-development plan in consultation with your workplace supervisor and EQUALS assessor. Choose any two (2) key areas of improvement you identified that will maximise the opportunity to improve your nursing practice and include in your plan. Research and identify professional development activities including training required that will allow you to achieve the self-development plan you developed. Use the self-development plan template provided at the end of the task for this activity.

Implement your self-development plan in consultation with your workplace supervisor/clinical facilitator and provide evidence of measuring your progress and performance against the plan. You must participate in at least two (2) de-briefing sessions with your workplace supervisor/clinical facilitator and complete the progress monitoring record and report template provided at the end of this task for Activity 7. The last de- briefing session must evaluate the final outcome of your self-development plan.

You are required to access and review information on current and emerging industry development relevant to your nursing practice. You must use this information to improve your practice. Provide a report on current and emerging industry developments and how you used this.

PART B: Evidence Of Professional Development And Training Attended Throughout Your Clinical Placement For This Study Period (Pd Portfolio).

• You must provide a portfolio of evidence that demonstrates you have undertaken professional development activities throughout the duration of your clinical placement for this study period.
• Evidence must be submitted electronically (e.g. scanned copies of hand written notes and checklists, downloaded copies of certificates etcetera).
• There must be evidence of undertaking a minimum of three (3) PD activities.
• Evidence could include, but is not limited to, the following:
o Certificate of completion - for online courses and PD workshops/courses
o Competency checklists completed by the workplace supervisor and/or assessor
o Evidence of self-directed learning such as:
» Copies of evidence-based guidelines referred to
» A report on information gathered from various scholarly activities
» Other records of reading
o Feedback from assessors or facilitators of the PD session
o Statement of attendance
o Third party reports etcetera

Your Host Facilitator or EQUALS' Clinical Facilitator will also complete an observation checklist for each activity. You are required to familiarise yourself with the observable behaviours prior to assessment.

1. The candidate had a clear understanding of their responsibilities during each shift.
2. The candidate sought regular feedback on their performance during their PEP.
3. The candidate was able to integrate knowledge gained in the theoretical component into practical during their PEP.
4. The candidate demonstrated appropriate verbal and non verbal communication with colleagues, patients and/or families.
5. The candidate was receptive to feedback.
6. The candidate performed nursing interventions under supervision to a level expected of them (i.e. confident, followed steps recommended for each procedure or interventions, sought timely help etcetera).
7. What are the best qualities and behaviours of the candidate in relation to their nursing practice?
8. What are the areas of improvement you could suggest?
9. Does the candidate need to attend any further training to improve their nursing skills and knowledge within their current scope of practice? Specify.
10. What feedback did you receive from the candidate on your practice and support towards them?

Reflect on the feedback you received from the preceptor and determine areas of improvement

Seek feedback from two (2) different clients you worked with. Use the following template to document their feedback. Your preceptor will verify each record as an evidence of your interaction with the client.


Can you please tell me how responsive I was in attending to your needs?

Can you tell me what I did well?

Was I professional in my appearance?

Was I professional in my communications?

Do you have any comments on my skills and knowledge?

Can you tell me what needs to be improved on?

Develop SMART goals relevant to the chosen skills/areas for improvement
1. Chosen skill/area for improvement:
2. Chosen skill/area for improvement:
a. How did you comply with your duty of care when implementing the plan?
b. Reflect and report on your responsibilities and limitations in reviewing and improving your practice.
c. Reflect and report on how you complied with the legal considerations related to reviewing and improving your practice.
d. Reflect and report on how you complied with the ethical considerations related to reviewing and improving your practice.
e. Explore and identify potential support networks (both internal and external to your organisation) available for nurses to enhance their practice
f. Which among these support networks did you use to enhance your practice?
g. Reflect on specialist advice you received when implementing your self-development plan.
h. Reflect on strategies you implemented to address self- care needs when implementing your plan.
i. Reflect on additional support you sought for self-care when implementing the plan.

a. Identify and discuss current industry developments relevant to your nursing practice.
b. Reflect on how you used this information on a current industry development to improve your nursing practice.
c. Provide a list of resources you accessed to gather this information.
d. Identify and discuss emerging industry development relevant to your nursing practice.
e. Reflect on how you used this information on emerging industry development to improve your nursing practice.
f. Provide a list of resources you accessed to gather this information.

Attachment:- Diploma of Nursing.rar

Reference no: EM133082107

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