Develop and implement a portfolio management program

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Reference no: EM131047218

In this assignment you will select a health information system topic from the list below and develop a brief, but clear health information systems plan of implementation

You can select from these areas:

1. You will develop and implement a portfolio management program for a 5 physician clinic.

2. You will develop/implement a business intelligence plan for a hospital

3. You will develop a data analytics/health informatics plan for a hospital

4. Your own topic as it relates to HIS. Must submit topic to instructor. Must be a topic that allows you to plan and implement a health information project.

This case requires you to use strategic planning, project management, implementation, diffusion and assessment.


1. A clearly developed strategic plan-with description of what issue/action goals, objectives, outcomes. Should provide some background on the topic and justification to do the project: Why do we need to do this-what is the business case for this.

2. A detailed project plan that includes a description of the background of the project, plan/steps and a Work breakdown schedule. Should include all facets of a plan and include some mention of the effect on the people/patients.

3. An implementation plan with a diffusion model describing how you'll get the project out there to the organization.

4. Description of an assessment or outcomes tool-how will you assess the success of your program. What will you do to assess,

5. Reflection of where you did well on this and what area that you had trouble with.


A. A clear strategic plan of the project. Background information of the topic/issue. Provide details of the topic. Describe the core aspects of the topic and any applicable points that you need to explain. Provide any pertinent information to explain what you plan to do. Use a strat-plan format for project steps.

B. Description of project: Identify the major problems. Provide some detail of the causes and effects of the problem. Clearly identify the project steps an use project planning and implementation model/format.

C. Implementation plan, with diffusion explained. What and how will you implement and how will you use diffusion in the organization.

D. Formulate an assessment tool and describe how you will use the tool to determine the success.

E. Reflection: Discuss the process for you to make this Health Information plan, what was difficult, what was easy and what did you learn.
Writing Expectations:

Provide at least three external sources (in addition to your textbook) should be referenced to back up your recommendations or to identify issues. This information would be ideally sourced in current journals, magazines and newspapers and should reflect current management thought or practice with respect to the issues identified.

Paper needs to have a clear introduction (purpose and preview, body and conclusion). College level writing expected.

Your paper should include:
- Include/complete the five sections listed above and include an overview paragraph in the beginning providing a quick preview of the paper.
- Clear evidence of the various models: Strat Planning, project, diffusion, WBS, assessment and an understanding of the health information topic area.
Have 1 inch margins - top bottom left and right. Be double spaced and the pages should be numbered
- Use 12 point font size
- Be free of spelling errors
- Use an established referencing system

5-7 pages.
Contact me at any time on this case. If you have any questions about a topic or sub-topic, please let me know.

Reference no: EM131047218

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