Develop and evaluate a basic marketing plan

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131759585


This unit is designed to introduce students to the principles of marketing, enabling them to develop a basic marketing plan and to employ elements of the marketing mix to achieve results.

You are a Marketing Consultant to a Small Business Enterprise that is facing myriads of Marketing Challenges. Your job as a Marketing Consultant is to analyze the problems in the business, research solutions and/or benchmark good practices and make suitable recommendations for improving its marketing mix. Because of your responsibility of directing the diverse marketing demands of the business and its customers, it is integral to your work to to enable the small business to develop, implement and monitor a basic, strategic and effective marketing plan to be more efficient, competitive, profitable, and sustainable.

Unit Description

While you will learn the underpinning theories and frameworks, you should be able to relate these to real-world examples, including products/services that you encounter in your daily lives. Organisations such as Apple, Google, VISA, Burberry, Zara, Cadbury, Nestle, Unilever, Coca- Cola, Unicef, BP and small local businesses all have at least one thing in common: they all use marketing to influence us to engage with their products and/or services. Whether it is becoming a loyal customer buying a product and service or donating to a charity, organisations use a range of marketing techniques and tools to inform and influence us. The knowledge, understanding and skill sets that you will gain on successfully completing this unit will enhance your career opportunities; whether setting up your own business or being employed by an organisation.

Learning outcomes On successful completion of this unit. You will:

1. Explain the role of marketing and how it interrelates with other functional units of an organization.

2. Compare ways in which organisations use elements of the marketing mix (7Ps) to achieve overall business objectives.

3. Develop and evaluate a basic marketing plan.

Explain the role of marketing and how it interrelates with other functional units of an organisation

Compare ways in which organisation s use elements of the marketing mix (7Ps) to achieve overall business objectives

Reference no: EM131759585

Questions Cloud

Discuss the redemption of the bonds at maturity : The redemption of the bonds at maturity, assuming interest for the last interest period
Company y cannot produce its product as cheaply as foreign : Company Y cannot produce its product as cheaply as foreign firms. It has higher costs. As a result, it cannot compete with foreign imports.
What are the fy balances in alpha company account balances : On January 1, 2017, Alpha Company purchased a significant influence shares investment in the Bravo-Zulu Company for $250,000.
Should the families of deceased donors be entitled : What would you do if you knew that a patient suffering from cancer was part of a control group of research patients who were not receiving a drug.
Develop and evaluate a basic marketing plan : Unit: Marketing Essentials - Explain the role of marketing and how it interrelates with other functional units of an organization-Compare ways
Establish your own thesis position for or against the topic : Establish your own thesis position for or against the topic question above: whether television programming is a form of escapism and why it is or is not matter.
Calculate the book value of the machine : On January 1, 2017, Betty DeRose, Inc. purchased a piece of machinery for $170,000. The machine had an estimated useful life of 10 years.
Explain the groups major motivation : Explain the group's major motivation(s) (beliefs or causes), and / or its justification for engaging in terrorism.
Calculate the number of hours that the machine was used : On January 1, 2017, Betty DeRose, Inc. purchased a piece of machinery for $170,000. The machine had an estimated useful life of 10 years and a salvage value.



12/11/2017 1:37:51 AM

8. Citing Six (6) or more reliable sources used in your work whether paraphrased, directly quoted or summarized. 9. Using Harvard Referencing Style properly. 10. Using the Four Paragraph Essay-Writing Structure. 11. Acceptable level of College Writing exhibited: Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar, Usage and Sentence Structure. 12. Meeting the 750-1000 Words Requirements (only 10% more or less can deviate from the instructions). 13. Linking the answers specific to the Business Case.


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5. Carrying Out the command in P1 - to EXPLAIN which means: ““To give account of the purposes or reason.” 6. Carrying Out the command in M1 to: to Analyse which means: “To separate information into components and identify their characteristics. Discuss the pros and cons of a topic or argument and make reasoned comment. ” 7. Including themes and perspectives identified in your research findings and the content areas: Definitions and the marketing concept: • Definitions of marketing and the nature of marketing. • The development of the marketing concept, including current and future trends. • How the external environment influences and impacts upon marketing activity. The role of marketing: • The structure and operations of marketing departments. • Overview of marketing processes that include analysis, strategic planning and the marketing mix. • The different roles of marketing within both a B2C and B2B context. The interrelationships of functional units: Marketing as a business function. • The different roles of business units and the interrelationships between these functional units and marketing.


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The Student should carry out this task as a Marketing Consultant to a Small Business Enterprise 1. Using Paragraph One to review various definitions of: Marketing (Chartered Institute of Marketing; The American Marketing Association; and Phillip Kotler 2. Using Paragraph Two for the research findings on: the key roles and responsibilities of the marketing function. 3. Using Paragraph Three to carry out: P1. Explain the key roles and responsibilities of the marketing function. 4. Using Paragraph Four to analyze and draw conclusions. M1 Analyze the roles and responsibilities of marketing in the context of the marketing environment.


12/11/2017 1:37:25 AM

• You MUST pay your Tuition on-time with ‘0’ balance outstanding to submit work or sit examinations. This rule is not waived under any circumstances. If you fail to submit on the said deadline due to not having financial clearance you may submit no later than the extended deadline with the Resit fee paid. Failure to submit work on the final or extended deadline will result in a Fail Grade for the entire UNIT. If you Fail the unit you will have to pay to retake the class. • Read ALL Instructions on this Page and review the Pass, Distinction, Merit and Referred Criteria attached to meet the criteria and task correctly. Your work should be neatly typed and bonded. Presentation is important and evidence of quality and business ethics. • Remember you MUST participate in the Class Form by answering the Lesson Review Questions posted by the Course/Unit Tutor. You are required to Post twice per week and by the latest on Friday. You get 10% of the course grade from the Forum. You Must Pass the Forum to pass the course/unit.


12/11/2017 1:37:18 AM

• To Pass the unit you MUST Achieve ALL the Pass Criteria outlined on the score sheet. You can earn a Higher Grade such as Distinction or Merit by meeting all Pass Criteria and achieving the criteria given on the Higher Grades Score Sheet. You will be given a Referred Grade if you fail to meet ALL Pass Criteria. Referred Grade means resit. You must resit any AC that you fail to obtain minimum of a pass. The Score Sheet will identify the specific requirement/s and criteria that you did not meet. See iTutor for the resit fees. BACK-UP YOUR WORK ON-GOING – COMPUTER FAILURE IS NOT AN ACCEPTED EXCUSE. • You SHOULD complete and submit a hardcopy and softcopy of your work on the due dates stated on the Academic Calendar. ALL late work attracts a fee. This rule is not waived under any circumstances.


12/11/2017 1:37:06 AM

• For Unit 2 Learning Outcome 1-3 are individual assignments. There are Four tasks for PASS in Unit 2: P1 – P4. There are Five tasks for higher grades: M1, M2, M3, D1 & D2. • These Tasks are Research Assignments. This means that you must use either Secondary and/or Primary research methods to gather evidences to answer each task. You are NOT required to write from prior knowledge. These are Research Tasks. • Plagiarism is totally unacceptable. You must cite all sources and input the information by paraphrasing, summarising or using direct quotes. A Fail Grade is given where Plagiarism is identified in your work. There are no exceptions. • Your evidences/findings must be cited using Harvard Referencing Style. E.g. (Samuels, 2015); (Sommers and Hunter, 2014) etc. • You must use the Four Paragraph Structure in writing: Paragraph 1- Introduction; Paragraph 2- Research Findings; Paragraph 3- Discussion; and Paragraph 4- Recommendations/Conclusion.

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